Ereptors Reign

Started by TheSpaceman, October 13, 2008, 08:28:50 PM

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Is ereptors reign

Good for the game, it makes it so much better.
6 (46.2%)
Bad for the gamed, no one can do anything.
2 (15.4%)
I abstain, i dont want to be killed.
1 (7.7%)
I honestly dont care, it doesn't affect me.
4 (30.8%)

Total Members Voted: 12


funily enough i just reached the same conclusion, tho probably for diferenty reasons.

So final post time then ill lock the vote and leave it be.

I am prepared to say that training of noobs is possible under current game conditions.  MOre land helps but its not impossible.  ALso I will fight to the end because its fun and also to free the land which helps everyone.

So thats all she wrote folks.

Look up!


Sure.  But I would like to reply to this -

Quote from: TheSpaceman on October 16, 2008, 10:41:19 PM
And windhound, I can get 80k but ive been trained, a noob hasn't.  And don't take offence about you and snowfish, didn't i say you may be soloing?  And you still didnt explain your reasons. Criticising and not backing it up with reasons is offencive to me, just like absolutes are to you.

Holbs said it best, "the least of a new player's worries is how much land is around for them to take."  They couldn't use 80k very effectively even if they did manage to gather it.  17k average is, again, more than enough for most players to muck around with.

My reason for involvement is much more simple than yours, I honestly didn't think it needed stating, but if you want... 
Shadow asked me to sign up again and join a side, with preference to his.  I did sign up, letting Nova sleep, but I let Snowfish sit near on two weeks before I broke protection (for various reasons).  Sticker then asked me if I would help his side, and as taking someone down is always more fun than propping someone up, I agreed.  Ereptor was already well established.  That's it.  I have absolutely nothing against Ereptor (infact, I'd rather be working with than against him) but I sided with the team that looked like it could better use me. 
I think your reasons are flawed as stated, but eh.  To each 'is own.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


And there you see what I said in action, Spaceman. The news spreads, and people join up to help the fight one way or another (at this point in time, it is almost all people joining to take down the emp). Activity rises, people have fun, and at the end of the takedown there is a huge flood of land that keeps everyone interested for ages. Emping is good for RWL.

I can understand where you are coming from, but I promise you that if you stick around and watch a few more of these things happen, you will realize that you are wrong in your reasons. It seems counterintuitive at first, but it is perfectly true, and you will see that if you stick around, which I hope you do.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..