Just stoppin by...

Started by Alazar is Back, September 29, 2008, 11:53:31 AM

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Alazar is Back

Hey all I am sure that at least a few of you are wondering where I had gotten off to. I had meant to post something before my absense, but did not have the time. For another month or so I will not have time to even really visit here. I have been so busy in regards to all of my responsibilities such as school, work, football, tech club, senoir class stuff, homecoming committee, and all the other school work and chores that need to be done around the house in order to keep a household running. I just wanted to stop and say hello to all of my old friends.  ;)

See Ya around,
Turbo Highest Rank:Co-Emperor with Wolf Snare, Emperor

One of the most underrated players at RWL..

The Obliterator

Hey ally hows it going.
Its been a long time i was even starting to believe snares theory. :D
Anyway if you want to takedown another emp on reg well, theres one sitting there right now.
Seya round Oblit.
Watching people fight is fun...
...but getting involved is so much better

The Lady Shael

Heya Alazar, people have been wondering where you disappeared off to, it's definitely been quieter around here. =p School comes first, but don't forget about us when you find that you have free time!
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


  Hi Alazar, I probably don't calssify as one of your friends but I have to agree with shael, the forums have been quieter since you left, and I find the game a bit quieter too, but as long as you don't leave forever or make a long meaningless leaving topic I'm happy  :)


Tell me about it...school, work, internship, boyfriend, family, friends, etc...other Redwall-esque game I recently got addicted to..o_o


I will not deleted this

Peace Alliance

... what other redwall-esque game?


HOOLLLLLBYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! A familiar face!! ^__^ I'm so glad. :) You too, Peace. :D

The other game is ogame.org ....my friends irl started playing, and they're like, "I'll send you resources if you join," so I couldn't resist. Bad Tania! Bad!

It's waay waay bigger and more complicated than this though. Too many options! And you can actually pay with real money for upgrades, which is slightly disturbing.

Oh man, I just came here because I forgot the name of the clan I made and wanted to find out, and I got lost in a WORLD of reminiscence! I forgot just how much I used to come here.

My new AIM is Tanianol if anyone wants to contact me.

Ashyra Nightwing

Quote from: Menatus on October 23, 2008, 07:29:49 PM
Oh man, I just came here because I forgot the name of the clan I made and wanted to find out, and I got lost in a WORLD of reminiscence! I forgot just how much I used to come here.

My new AIM is Tanianol if anyone wants to contact me.

TANIA O____________o

..was it KOI? Knights of Invicticus?


I know, right? It's me. XD I was last mentioned as a ghost in like, 2005.

Yep, it was definately KOI...were you the founder of that group? I know I wasn't, I just joined it and got a lot of other people to join. Then when I became Hope Eternal I had the "Hope" clan. ^_^


"RWL Accounts:
Old Server: Warlord of Menatus Blackhorde #456
Old Server: Warlord of Hope Eternal #1182
New Server: Warlord of Hope Eternal #7

Clans - New and Old:
New Server
Founder of Hope: Alliance of Eternal Hope.
Old Server
Founder of Meow: I Like Catnip
Diplomat of SMITEYOU: Josh's Band of Smiters
Founder of BHA: Blackhorde Alliance
Member of VU: Vermin United
Founder of KOI: Knights of Invicticus
Member of EVTF: EVTF Alliance
Member of KM: Kilk's Militia
Member of <==}=: Clan of Evil Blade"

I swear, I've found MORE lists written by me...didn't I have anything better to do? Ranging from "Who's the coolest..." to "Who spams the most..." to "List of all the accounts I multi'd with..." to "Lists of people leaving/have left/left and came back."

I guess I was the founder, and Wickedclaw came up with the name? Ah, history is fun. I also found some clan by me called "RL - Reign of Legends" which must not have lasted long.

All I can really figure out from these old posts is that I was obviously and madly in love with Josh! I'm embarassed for 15 year old Tania...



Make more lists, in my opinion.

Peace Alliance


Oh thanks, Peace. :P way to make a girl feel loved.

Peace Alliance

Making a girl feel loved is my greatest challenge in life!