Tom The Unforgiving: Episode One (a story, not open for role playing additions)

Started by thomaskreisman, September 09, 2008, 06:37:08 PM

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Episode 1: The Traitorous Wildcat
                                                By Tom Kreisman

Telly ran, she ran faster than she ever had before, Telly was a chubby round hedgehog that lived with her friends in a cave in the central section of the northern mountains, all of a sudden a giant arrow shot straight in the back of her head and out the front, a very large ferret landed on top of her.
"Hahahaha, nobody escapes Tom The Unforgiving, hahaha!"
"Sire, our scouts have picked up the trail of Firetooth." Said a tall weasel named Pippin.
"Good, maybe we can finally catch that slimy traitorous Wildcat! Scodgar!" 
"Yes sire?" said a small skinny rat.   
"It's cold, go get my coat. Now Pippin, you lead the way and show me where you found Firetooth's trail."
Tom and Pippin where not gone long, they came striding back into camp Tom smiling the whole time. "Get up you lazy fools, we have a traitor to catch!" With that Tom and his army of 57 rats, 44 weasels, 67 stoats, 112 ferrets, 3 foxes, and a Martin set off to catch a former member of Toms army that deserted him taking 50 small nimble and stealthy rats with him, his name was Firetooth.

Firetooth was lost and little did he know that just 2 days march behind him was the Ferret he though he had lost.
"OK listen up you rats! To separate our victory over Tom The Unsmart, we will camp here by this stream for 3 days of fun and recreation, you can do whatever you want!" The real reason he had stoped was so he could send a scout out to find where in The Dark Forest they where.

1 Day later Firetooth still hadn't herd back from his scout when the rat next to him was decapitated by a good spear through.
"Attack!!!!!" ordered Tom.
Stoats, Weasels,  Rats, Ferrets, and a Martin came spilling out through the forest with Tom the Unforgiving out in front.
"Retreat! Get out of here, run for your lives, it's Tom The Unfor-" Firetooth's last order was cut short by a arrow fresh from Tom's bow went directly into his left eye, thus ending the life of Firetooth the wildcat.

The 4 rats that survived the battle where executed by Tom himself.
"Now do you see why I am called Tom The Unforgiving?"
The army just nodded none of them daring to say a word while there Warlord master was in one of his victorious rants.
"Now we brake camp and head south, south to Mossflower Woods and Redwall Abbey!"   

End of episode one


gee, you have to make me some traitor who you kill EVERY TIME :'(
shouldn't this be in rp? :P
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


No because it's not open for additions, it's just a neat little story I made up.


Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Quote from: Firetooth on September 10, 2008, 03:15:41 PM
Well I'd appreciate it if you DIDN'T kill me :P
But that's no fun...... if it makes you feel better I will kill Snarecake in episode 2, BTW get on Roman Empire.


It's bad form to control other people in your RP's unless they don't have a problem with it, Thomas. And this does belong in the RP section.
I will not deleted this


Actually Holby...Thomas was posting  a story that he made in the form of episodes using the members we have here as his characters.

While it is in someways similar to an RP, he stated that it was a story even in the subject line.  I believe that Thomas posted it so that others could read it and enjoy his writing as well as give him some critique.
We have had other members who have posted their stories as well.  While its hard to say exactly where this post belongs, I feel it would be appropriate in either section.
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album


Fair call. I think these kinds of posts are good to have, and I encourage Thomas to continue. While I felt this was an RP, I don't want to discourage stories/posts in GD. No harm intended.
I will not deleted this


Quote from: Holby on September 10, 2008, 10:58:25 PM
Fair call. I think these kinds of posts are good to have, and I encourage Thomas to continue. While I felt this was an RP, I don't want to discourage stories/posts in GD. No harm intended.
I will do a episode every week, also these stories are not open for role playing additions, and I will continue to post them on this board.