It has been done

Started by Checkerpaw, September 07, 2008, 10:34:31 PM

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You'll need atleast a couple leaders.  I forget how low you can go, some indier can correct me, but I think 100 huts.  It might be as low as 1, as long as you have a couple leaders in it...  but you do need a (very) small amount of loyalty
Go to general's hut and cast "Raise Defenses." 
The first cast is 12 hours, each subsequent is +3 hours.  I've got mine raised for somewhere near 300 odd hours, last me till the end of the round and I dont have to worry about anyone stealing my cash.  Sacking is still an issue, but I've begun to deal with that.

Raise Defenses causes each leader mission to do 1% damage instead of the normal 3%. 
Where you were murdered 21 time at 3%, it would have been 21 times at 1%.  Quite a difference.  Same effect with Steal and Poison.
I believe the guide claims it helps with troop losses in defending attacks as well
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


Your sob stories are really tugging at my strings, people.

Get over it.
Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)

Hells Militia

I dont think they where sob stories. Mainly statements of how pathetic you seem when you do this, and how it does not seem to benefit you in any way.


Quote from: Hells Militia on September 08, 2008, 07:46:21 PM
What do you mean by shield up?
In the General's Hut, there's a mission called Raise Defenses. That's raising shields--with it, leader attacks do 1/3 damage (meaning murders kill 1% troops and leaders instead of 3%).

edited for typos


Quote from: windhound on September 08, 2008, 08:37:56 PM
You'll need atleast a couple leaders.  I forget how low you can go, some indier can correct me, but I think 100 huts.  It might be as low as 1, as long as you have a couple leaders in it...  but you do need a (very) small amount of loyalty

1 Hut with at least 150 leaders will enable you to perform any mission, provided you have enough loyalty.

100 leaders will enable you to perform almost all of the missions (maybe even all)

Hells Militia

Thanks wind, bob, and taek. I have them raised now :)


Good luck. I would suggest you heal by raising your shields in Regular and Turbo. Many good players have been taken down because they forget until it's too late.

Hells Militia

Not a bad idea, I will try that next run.


Quote from: CobyCopper on September 08, 2008, 10:32:06 PM
Good luck. I would suggest you heal by raising your shields in Regular and Turbo. Many good players have been taken down because they forget until it's too late.

If they forget something like that, they're not that good.

QuoteMainly statements of how pathetic you seem when you do this, and how it does not seem to benefit you in any way.

It benefits me greatly because of the entertainment I get out of it.  And it's a good thing my self-esteem doesn't depend on what you think of me.
Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)


Quote from: Checkerpaw on September 09, 2008, 09:47:10 AM
Quote from: CobyCopper on September 08, 2008, 10:32:06 PM
Good luck. I would suggest you heal by raising your shields in Regular and Turbo. Many good players have been taken down because they forget until it's too late.

If they forget something like that, they're not that good.

QuoteMainly statements of how pathetic you seem when you do this, and how it does not seem to benefit you in any way.

It benefits me greatly because of the entertainment I get out of it.  And it's a good thing my self-esteem doesn't depend on what you think of me.

It's actually a common error--too common really. I've seen it at least a half a dozen times during takedowns and disruptions of plans. Ereptor forgot them prior to emping last time. Your own Volkov forgot them following that. I have hit Conor and quite a few others without shields as well in the past few months.

Anyways--I've forgot them too--just not at really critical times. For indies--they should always have shields raised. For leaders, it's not THAT necessary if they don't have NW.


Quote from: Shadow on September 07, 2008, 10:38:43 PM
They didnt make you do anything... they just had net. You could have taken land from them easily. That's just a move designed for the sake of grabbing attention.

To anyone who was hit by this fool tonight, message me ingame if you need help getting back on your feet.

I can handle myself against this scum, it's my students that I'm worried about, if you see them get hit hard could you give them a hand plz?


Quote from: thomaskreisman on September 09, 2008, 03:01:47 PM
Quote from: Shadow on September 07, 2008, 10:38:43 PM
They didnt make you do anything... they just had net. You could have taken land from them easily. That's just a move designed for the sake of grabbing attention.

To anyone who was hit by this fool tonight, message me ingame if you need help getting back on your feet.

I can handle myself against this scum, it's my students that I'm worried about, if you see them get hit hard could you give them a hand plz?

Me scum?  Those are brave words coming from someone known for trying to double cross and backstab other players all the time.
Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)


i know i have got in a lot of fights but even i think thats stupid >:( >:(, you dont just waltz up and steal net from newer members after all it is a lot more fun having a battle were youre opponent is an equal in power
My Warrior Cats guild on the website called gaia


Quote from: Checkerpaw on September 09, 2008, 03:59:07 PM
Quote from: thomaskreisman on September 09, 2008, 03:01:47 PM
Quote from: Shadow on September 07, 2008, 10:38:43 PM
They didnt make you do anything... they just had net. You could have taken land from them easily. That's just a move designed for the sake of grabbing attention.

To anyone who was hit by this fool tonight, message me ingame if you need help getting back on your feet.

I can handle myself against this scum, it's my students that I'm worried about, if you see them get hit hard could you give them a hand plz?

Me scum?  Those are brave words coming from someone known for trying to double cross and backstab other players all the time.

I may back stab allot but I'm not without bite, what I would like to know is why you care?


Quote from: thomaskreisman on September 09, 2008, 06:42:16 PM
Quote from: Checkerpaw on September 09, 2008, 03:59:07 PM
Quote from: thomaskreisman on September 09, 2008, 03:01:47 PM
Quote from: Shadow on September 07, 2008, 10:38:43 PM
They didnt make you do anything... they just had net. You could have taken land from them easily. That's just a move designed for the sake of grabbing attention.

To anyone who was hit by this fool tonight, message me ingame if you need help getting back on your feet.

I can handle myself against this scum, it's my students that I'm worried about, if you see them get hit hard could you give them a hand plz?

Me scum?  Those are brave words coming from someone known for trying to double cross and backstab other players all the time.

I may back stab allot but I'm not without bite, what I would like to know is why you care?

I have yet to see any bite from you in your time here.  You've been nothing but bark so far.
Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)