All Hail

Started by Gorak, September 06, 2008, 02:20:15 AM

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*A large armored rat enters the tent*
"Sir, I bring news from the frontlines in Mossflower!"

"At ease Deathmaster Snikch, now, what of the rebellion?"

"Sir, while you were away, The rebel leader Wolf Snare, and his minion Bob, attacked the fortress of General Volkov and general Holby. General Volkov was caught unprepared and suffered greatly, General Holby lost much lands, but otherwise faired better.
The rebel Bob and his forces also attacked The Emperors fortress, however, the imperial guard has held fast."

"So, trying to where down the Imperial Forces by bringing down the Generals of The High Council, eh? So it has begun."
*mutters under breath - "finally"

"The rebels shall be dealt with. The Imperial Guard will stand fast. Justice will come in due time.
Rally the men. Tell them that I, General Gorak, will personally lead them to battle and fight by their sides!
Death to Cowards!
Dismissed Deathmaster Snikch"

"Death to Cowards indeed sir"

* The large rat salutes, and exits back out the way he came*
Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.


Quote from: Gorak on September 09, 2008, 09:04:12 PM
*A large armored rat enters the tent*
"Sir, I bring news from the frontlines in Mossflower!"

"At ease Deathmaster Snikch, now, what of the rebellion?"

"Sir, while you were away, The rebel leader Wolf Snare, and his minion Bob, attacked the fortress of General Volkov and general Holby. General Volkov was caught unprepared and suffered greatly, General Holby lost much lands, but otherwise faired better.
The rebel Bob and his forces also attacked The Emperors fortress, however, the imperial guard has held fast."

"So, trying to where down the Imperial Forces by bringing down the Generals of The High Council, eh? So it has begun."
*mutters under breath - "finally"

"The rebels shall be dealt with. The Imperial Guard will stand fast. Justice will come in due time.
Rally the men. Tell them that I, General Gorak, will personally lead them to battle and fight by their sides!
Death to Cowards!
Dismissed Deathmaster Snikch"

"Death to Cowards indeed sir"

* The large rat salutes, and exits back out the way he came*
OOC: I should be rebel leader Bob-sama and Wolf Snare my general--they're my plans and Wolf Snare agrees with my strategy. Please adjust for the purpose of this roleplay.

IC: The night was cold but bright. The moon shone in the cloudless sky over the counties. A thick fog would be rolling over the river in the morning.

The hill was covered in a thin sheen of dew, and the soft grass was crushed at the feet of ten approaching souls. Four wolves and three wildcats surrounded a messenger and the primary commanders of the rebellion. General Bob-sama and General Wolf Snare were present this evening, and a messenger a few steps behind Bob-sama.

"My good Cody, tonight we will repeat our efforts."

"Agreed, Robert. Tonight will be particularly bloody for the Guard."

"We shall make sure of that."

"Messenger--prepare to go to my encampment. I need a message sent immediately to my own commanders."

The messenger bowed, saying "yes, my lord!"

"Write to my commanders that they are to temporarily transfer to the complete and total control of my opposite here, General Bob-sama. Effective immediately, I want two thirds of my forces to immediately leave for his encampments." Wolf Snare waited several minutes as the teenage fox inscribed his instructions. "Now off to my camp, messenger. Return immediately when this transcript is delivered."

"Immediately, my lord!" With that, the young fox ran off and to Wolf Snare's camp in Southsward.

"Now then, Cody, over the river is of course our benevolent emperor. Tonight we shall pleasure him again with the presences of my messengers."

"Indeed, Bob. I am anxious of the result."

"Guard--send for another messenger. I have orders effective immediately."

The Wildcat guard replies, "yes, sir!" The wildcat then makes his way towards the small encampment behind the prominent hill. Several minutes pass, and a messenger sprints to the side of Bob-sama and Wolf Snare, bowing to each.

"My Master and Lord; you have requested my presence?"

"Yes, I have," Bob-sama responded. "I have orders for my commander."

"Yes, Master." The tall Painted One messenger removes a large sheet of parchment similar to the parchment carried by the prior Fox messenger. "Your orders, my Master?"

"Prepare my legions of leaders. We strike at the Emperor Ereptor in one hour's time."

"Yes, my Master." The Painted One hurriedly scribbles orders to his parchment.

"Begone!" Wolf Snare says, and the Painted One scurries off, making his way quickly to the main camp of Bob-sama's army.

An hour's time passes without event. By the time the hour is up, legions of Bob-sama's leaders are on the ground behind the hill. General Bob-sama turns to inspect his armies, and then instructs a group of his primary commanders on the plans for the following battle. Within another hour, the dawn is on the sky. After a short address, Bob-sama with Wolf Snare beside him sends the leaders into the territory of the Emperor.

The battle raged for several hours. The sun was just over the horizon upon the report of the remaining commanders. They reported and then dissipated back to their huts with the surviving and newly-recruited veterans of this bloody rebellion.

Wolf Snare

Wolf Snare crouched on a slope across the river from Lord Ereptors borders.
Gazing through the hanging foliage of willows that concealed his position, he carefully surveyed the opposite riverbank for signs of movement.

The wolf was clearly waiting for someone, but he refused to wait in luxury while he had troops behind enemy lines.

After all, his spies were late, and that worried him.

Growing restless, Snare took a  better look across the river, and trailed into a daydream as he saw the same scene before him.  He looked to the lazy guards scattered about the lookout posts that lined the border of Ereptors territory.
~~  Routinely, the guards were catching a few hours of sleep in the wee hours of the night.
Occasionally one would stir, but all were content with the fact that the emperors squire was not scheduled to arrive until dawn to check in.

Undoubtedly "The Emperor," as he so enjoyed calling himself, would jump at an opportunity to make an example of these poor beasts, were he to learn that they were sleeping on the job.
The majority of this mighty kingdoms population had been forced to join his ranks, therefore many of them were on the job out of fear, not free will.

Ereptor had built civilizations in the past that were based solely on cruelty and malice, but has since long been thought to have retired from his evil ways.

Known only for his savageness and cunning, Ereptor and his army of followers recently came back into power. fast and strong, they took the entire world by surprise in a mere fortnight.

Like a terrible forest fire, Ereptors reign of cruelty swept viciously over Mossflower in past weeks, and hope of freedom for the woodland creatures was beginning to dwindle.

Most of the lands inhabitants are simple peaceful creatures, but more and more are being captured each passing moon.

Mere farmers and merchants, with families and loved ones, captured and enslaved!

*The idea sent chills down Snares spine* ~~~ As Snare snapped out of his daydream, he glanced around the riverbank. It was nearly twilight, and in his heart he knew that his spies had been murdered behind enemy lines. Perhaps even by Ereptor himself. As he accepted this inevitable fate with great distress, he began his long trek back to camp. In his mind he already had a plan B, but for now, he would sleep.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)

The Obliterator

As The Oblit woke up that morning he looked out over his territory and saw the so called emperor woth half his networth.
Seeing him in such a vunruble position he led his 14 million stoats on a preemptive strike to see if he could break.
As the first attacks broke some troops seeing who i was attacking scattered and fled leaving only 4 million of the troops remaining.
But the damage had been done over half of Ereptors land had been taken and millions of his troops lay dead.
Land had been freed and there was now a hope greater than any before it.

OOC:That was very lucky timing. 10 mins more and that land would have been locked away completely
Watching people fight is fun...
...but getting involved is so much better


OCC:  Caught with my pants down.  I guess luck has something to do with it.  Oh well.  My hats off to ya folks for putting up the fight anyway.
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


OOC: Keep going with your plans and plots. This role-playing brings a new life to Redwall. I will be  disappointed if at any point in the next few weeks, that your plan falls apart. Keep it together--I enjoy it and I know a good number more people enjoy it.

IC: General Bob-sama stands again on the hill that afternoon. He received a messenger from his friend and ally's messenger. General Obliterator had broken through Ereptor's lines and broke the reign of they tyrannical Ereptor. However, he knew that this would not be the end of Ereptor and Ereptor's allies.


*General Gorak and his forces arrived at the rendezvous point on a hill over looking Mossflower, only to see that he had arrived too late. The sky was full of smoke and there was great commotion among the other generals, most of whom had already retired for the night.*

"Apologies for my late arrival, but what has happened in my absence."

General Holby replied, "The Imperial Guard was sent out on leave while The Emperor's labour crews made repairs. The forces of the rebel, Obliterator seized the opportunity and launched a sneak attack with devastating results, as you can see."
*he points out to the former lands of the Ereptor, now dotted with fires and plumes of smoke.*

"What are my orders?"

"Gather territory and raise an army, we shall rebuild this empire."

*Gorak thinks to himself, 'this rebellion is getting out of hand, it needs to be crushed now, but with this victory on their part, the rebellion has built serious momentum already. Civil war is upon us. *

Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.


Firetooths magical fairies apear ad vanquish just about everyone :-X
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Alrighty, I'm coming out of my moderating hiatus just for you, Firetooth.

You are pushing the line with these ridiculous posts of nothing but spam as of lately.  You know the rules, Firetooth.  Yet, you continuously disregard them and for what purpose?  To annoy your fellow forum members?  To receive attention?
I fail to see justification in your posts that contain nothing but spam.  If you wish to spam leave it in the Spa Room.

~Mod Duties
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album


Holby brooded within the ruins of one of his strongholds. The stout, high-backed chair he sat on bore chips and wear, one leg shakily supporting his weight. It was the most complete piece of furniture remaining in the room. These lands had been the first assaulted in the attack ravaging Ereptor's empire.

While there were more comfortable places for Holby to reside in the remaining lands, this battle zone matched his mood. More importantly, it was a reminder of the past, and all that went with it. Now, the majority of The Brotherhood of Vermin's army was stationed with him for protection, closely confined in the lands he kept for the Lord of Mossflower.

The attack had come just when Ereptor had positioned himself as the strongest of all Emperors in the Era, a crippling blow that would have disintegrated a weaker clan, a weaker leader. Instead, it resolved the will of the clan and all swore an oath it would not happen again.

This did little to improve his temperament, for there would always be one hole in every strategy, even in this gifted group of generals- unless they did something different, something that had never been attempted before. Something that would stagger all of Mossflower.

He had asked for quiet and space while he tackled the Brotherhood's problems, and now regretted it. This needed to be shared with the others, consolidation of power was a necessity. He looked through the slit of the wall outside. A storm was approaching, hastening his resolve.

Within minutes, he was being pulled along at breakneck speed by a tall dark horse, his gaudily coloured coach in stark contrast to the dark times to come, and the dark clouds that were already here.
I will not deleted this


 Ereptor stood atop of a hill on his newly retaken land.  All this work to retake these lands which were under my reign not 1 week ago, he thought.  His sword was stuck into the ground at his side and his armies had begun the march towards a new camp towards the new front.  It was a ominous scene, huge lines of armies trudging 10 vermin wide down along paths that were being made only 10 minuets prior, when the first troops had begun the march.  Carts rolled, and banners were waving in the wind.  The banners were red outlined in black with the black silhouette of skull of a rat in the middle.  Smoke pour out of the ground for miles, it almost looked like [haties] was pushing up the ground and spewing its fire and brimstone.  Ah yes, this is what Ereptor lived for.  The smoke filled the sky seem to almost mix with the dark clouds above.  A shadow had crept onto the lands and its intensity was so deep that light was unable to penetrate it.  If one looked up, they may think that one would ever see the light of day again. 

Then as if awoken from a dream Ereptor snapped to.  His eyes had picked out a messenger approaching from the east.  The messenger made his way up the hill and was greeted by two stoats clad in black cloaks with long swords drawn at the ready.  He passed through and bowed.  "My lord, General Holby has retaken the remaining land that was lost. On your orders he has torn threw the land and struck the enemy swiftly.  Enemy losses are in the tens of thousands, while ours remain minimal."  Ereptor nodded.  This campaign was taking longer than he had planned, but the surprise of an enemy that fought back was oddly pleasing; even if it was in vain.

Darkness had begun to cast its shadow across the lands of mossflower and beyond.  Foes lay in the field, fires burning, smoke and ash filled the air, and Ereptor clad in armor stood and starred out into the world he would soon conquere. 
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


"Of course I accept, Emperor," said Shadow, "It is a great honour to become your first regent." Shadow knelt as Ereptor whacked him with the flat of his sword on both shoulders and proclaimed him leader of the imperial guard, in charge of almost a quarter of the vast lands and armies of Ereptor himself.

The recent events had made it clear to the generals that a change was needed in order to keep control of the volatile mix that made up the lands of the Emperor. In light of this, the empire had been split into smaller provinces, each self-sufficient and nearly impregnable to the disorganised rabble that plagued the borders of the vast empire. Shadow was the first of these generals to receive the distinction of command of one of the provinces, to do as he saw fit with. Shadow was now the sword of the emperor. All enemies would soon be crushed. Pulling his mind from these thoughts, Shadow strode down the hill toward the now massive camp of his armies, determined to do his emperor proud in the coming war.

Two enemies in particular were troubling the grizzled veteran - Bob-sama and wolf snare. Both had been instrumental in the recent sacking of the empire, and the victory had gone to their heads. Their attacks were getting bolder and they were ignoring all the accepted practices of warfare. Lessons were needed.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Firetooth's computer buisness failed after bill gates trashed his office, so he re-appeared with a "poof"
"What should I do now?" he said to himself "gather an army?No! I'll need to mass some troops to fuel my land-grabbing..I'll be back"
And with that, he started the beggining of his new book "I gave up series...How to give up role-playing from someone who has"
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Firetooth, please spam elsewhere. There is a spa room for that. Next time will be a warning.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


But just about everything mentioned in the post is true, I did just make a poor indy run, I do plan to revolt, and I am getting bored of rping.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.