All Hail

Started by Gorak, September 06, 2008, 02:20:15 AM

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silence fools!
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


The peasants are attempting a pathetic rebellion, lord. It seems they failed to learn from the fate of their complacent king, idk. An example is needed.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: Shadow on September 07, 2008, 10:50:30 AM
The peasants are attempting a pathetic rebellion, lord. It seems they failed to learn from the fate of their complacent king, idk. An example is needed.

Seriously time for a boring rant:
eggs taste better fried...
wrong one...
less people will play if you emp. Me and others have been researching the facts of why newer people are leaving the site *straightens tie* it's because they feel "other players are to good" and "I can never get land or net" and even "why wont anyone help me?" statistics show a drop of up to 30% and beyond in activity of newer players is expected in this empship epidemic. So now with the statistics, are best reporter, firetooth!*runs to other side of room*
*points to graph declining* you see the problem is the credit crunch...I meanemperorship is casuing large deficies in the natural land of the game. As a consequence, networth of lower people, paticularly the newbies will plumit by a percentage expected to be over 80%...I mean 30% *picture of sheep flashes on screen* wrong one!*picture of guy trashing his keyboard appears*these are the kind of reactions we expect from the gaming world with todays problems, that is all...

If you actually read any of point still stands the 30% ratio of the newb-exp standard player-empship<land is still 3.2, naturally, we expect it to drop to 2.5 within the net week.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


I feel that this may get into an arguement over opinions rather than facts.  And thats the truth, your facts are based on your opinions.  When did you start this "research?"  Who are you and "others?" and where are the "statistics?"  Truely if you are going to make such claims you should be able to back them up.  Are people leaving for any other reasons?  Did school just start?  Homework?  Did they buy a new game for Xbox?  I mean your statics, errr, opinions are largely flawed. 

It is my opinion that you may have to get used to the idea that someone has more control and power than you have.  No one really wants to admit that in a game that focuses on personal gain rather than team play.  Trust me this code is not team play friendly, in fact it is almost the opposit.  And that is fine with me, it just makes team play more valuable to me because of the difficulty.  In saying this I am assuming your position and you are assuming mine.  You are not the emperor right now, you have no idea what it is like.  I have met more new player in the past week, not because of some tyrannical decree of mine on the forums, but just for the fact that I hold Emperorship.  In fact I just met someone that hasnt played in 3 years and wants to get back into the game.

In closing your foolish post, and it was foolish, only says to me that you are being a poor sport.  "Mommy someone beat me in basketball today but they called me a poop head."  And then mom calls their mom so they get in trouble.  Lol sorry thats probably a very degrading responce to your post, but its what it sounds like to me.  Grow up and get used to winners and losers.  There is also a reason my decrees are only impacting the top ten.  ;)  They usually have the most to lose or gain, and tend to have the biggest mouths so it makes enough noise to become interesting.  Keep it up firetooth, it will give my team and I something to look forward to in our comming runs.

Emperor Ereptor
King of Mossflower
Lord of the Top Ten
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


The more attention you give me the more I post.
The fellow researchers inculde a promisance site owner we have been setting up noob-leaving detectors( ::)) I mean ainterviewing former players who we still know.
You only took empship because you had like 5 people minimum helping you, if you're such a "great Plazer lulz" why couldn't you do it yourself? You seem to me just an average player with alot of gullibale friends who enjoy boosting you, not some "emperor founder of some AMAZING clan" what a let down :(
And xbox260 sponsors me!
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


and the bitter tears of defeat continue

seriously, this isn't a politically correct french game show, where, everyone's a winner
it's called competition, which means people strive to be the best.
If everyone was like, I better not try for the top, because those who can't get there might quit, this would be the most boring, laughing stock of all Prom sites.

think about it, Reg had turned into a boring, friendly, land passing, netfest. We have given the player base some action and controversy
some reason to actually continue playing what would otherwise be an extremely boring game.

Whether we stay on top or eventually fall, at least we brought a little excitement to the game.
Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.


Firetooth, there isn't a player in existence who could take and hold emp solo on RWL. As far as I know, me and Peace doing it is the minimum possible, and even that wasn't a huge success beyond locking land and holding top. Now stop complaining and trying to belittle the achievements of our team and put up a fight.

As Gorak said, I would rather than reg be interesting, with fights all over the place, than a quiet netting game that lasts months as it was while idk was on top.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


excitement? all you bring is boring-consistent land-lock for a couple of weeks minimum suicides everyday...
Only because suiciding is to powerful. Besides, what have all these emps to brag about? "I let five of the best people in the game aid me whilst doing nothing Im so good so I can act superior" Im not bothering to try simply because indy always has and always will be underpowered and I've no intention to revolt because someone said "say so?" Im fed up of leadering so long round after round...
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


A messenger arrives at the Dark Castle.  A large door opens slowly and a small figure slips in trying to be unnoticed while knowing his presence has been fully known.  The scene is not what he expected out of this Emperor.  There were no beautiful mice fanning him, no ale mugs thrown around and the mood was far from celebritory.  "Here!!!"  Wolf Snare the Cunning, exclaimed as he slammed down a small blade into a map on the table.  "Here is where they are weak."  The other generals Holby the Wise and Gorak the Great agreed and mummered about other weak points.  The Emperor nodded and you could almost see a sly smile across his scarred face.  Almost as it ment to say, I love being a part of real war fare again.  The Emperor felt the need to sit down, his head stirring with decisions.  He sat in his throne and his generals turned a slight eye in his direction.  The Emperor for a moment felt the urge to tell them, sit men, rest your tired souls.  But he knew he could not do this for two reasons.  The first being that this is what they were made for, they would not be any happier being forced to retire to their homes than being asked to relax.  No, these were warriors, cunning, intelligent and aggressive.  Just then the Emperor realized the presence of the messenger and motioned him to approach.  

"My Lord, *bows* I have come bring you news of Firetooth.  He has refused to acknowledge your dominion and cries to the peasants of the entire continent to rise up against you or else they will all die."  The Emperor smiled, "Can't this Firetooth, raise his own army?   And is this crying actual tears or just shouting?"  The Emperor laughed as he slapped the messenger on the shoulder almost knocking him over.  The other generals chuckled and exchanged smiles.  The messenger replied, "Your Lordship sir, I guess it is a mixture of both."  The candles in the room seemed to grow bit brighter for a moment as laughter filled the hall.  "Well then young lad."  The Emperor's smile grew a bit more serious and sinister as he glanced at his generals.  "Lets give them something to cry about."

The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


Quote from: Gorak on September 07, 2008, 01:52:04 PM
and the bitter tears of defeat continue

seriously, this isn't a politically correct french game show, where, everyone's a winner
it's called competition, which means people strive to be the best.
If everyone was like, I better not try for the top, because those who can't get there might quit, this would be the most boring, laughing stock of all Prom sites.

think about it, Reg had turned into a boring, friendly, land passing, netfest. We have given the player base some action and controversy
some reason to actually continue playing what would otherwise be an extremely boring game.

Whether we stay on top or eventually fall, at least we brought a little excitement to the game.

 Yeah I know that the game would be boring without competition, but most of the competition is on turbo, most people on reg probably won't even care too much

Quote from: Shadow on September 07, 2008, 01:53:33 PM
As Gorak said, I would rather than reg be interesting, with fights all over the place, than a quiet netting game that lasts months as it was while idk was on top.

 I actually know a few players who have left because they get frustrated they can't get up to the top ten, I remember one guy in particular, who was ok at netting, but he simply got frustrated it was always the same people on top, and he thought he was never going to be good enough to make it far in the game, I think a lot of new players probably leave because of this reason too, and if they can't get any land, all the more reason to play.

 Sure having an emp on reg is fun, but not for the new guy's/gal's, I think most new players join reg anyway, so having it as a peacful land passing netting arena isn't too bad, considering the fierce competition on turbo.


[[Keep your arguments in character people, it's much more interesting that way]]

The peasants are discontent, emperor. The land you hold takes a toll on their production. Luckily they lack the materials needed to take it by force, so they attempt supplication.

I have heard of a tournement held to the east of here, known as "turbo" that might take their minds off their troubles. They might even learn something if they attended the games on a regular basis. Perhaps even gain the most precious gift of all - hope. This is a new era on reg. A return to the dark ages of the past. Your options are fight or die, but peace will no longer be an acceptable way of life.

It has come to our attention that certain small warlords are leaving your domain because they see you as too powerful (and wlel they should). However, keeping these enemies here could provide the armies of the emperor with amusement in the times to come when the puny rebellion is crushed and you are unchallenged. Perhaps we should send envoys to these empires, promising aid and tax cuts to keep them in the land long enough for them to be useful as sport.

I present to you a plan of action, to be discussed at the next Council of the Generals. All hail Ereptor.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Hells Militia

I'm new, and I kind of like the role playing feel they are adding to the game. I can see why people don't like it, however that also adds fun to the game, because they will now have to team up and try to take him down. I like the idea of a team A vs. team B fight that will most likely break out.


Quote from: Shadow on September 07, 2008, 03:15:52 PM
[[Keep your arguments in character people, it's much more interesting that way]]

The peasants are discontent, emperor. The land you hold takes a toll on their production. Luckily they lack the materials needed to take it by force, so they attempt supplication.

I have heard of a tournement held to the east of here, known as "turbo" that might take their minds off their troubles. They might even learn something if they attended the games on a regular basis. Perhaps even gain the most precious gift of all - hope. This is a new era on reg. A return to the dark ages of the past. Your options are fight or die, but peace will no longer be an acceptable way of life.

It has come to our attention that certain small warlords are leaving your domain because they see you as too powerful (and wlel they should). However, keeping these enemies here could provide the armies of the emperor with amusement in the times to come when the puny rebellion is crushed and you are unchallenged. Perhaps we should send envoys to these empires, promising aid and tax cuts to keep them in the land long enough for them to be useful as sport.

I present to you a plan of action, to be discussed at the next Council of the Generals. All hail Ereptor.

For the second time in the night, the Emperor Ereptor was awaken by his messenger. Reporting to him was a thinly-looking wolf and his general, General Volkov. The Emperor turned over to face his acquaintance, questioning the point of the second disturbance.

"My Liege, your walls have been attacked."

"Who has done this?"

"Convoluted peasants, Lord."

"And their names?"

"Bob-sama and Wolf Snare of the Southsward county."

"And the losses?"

"Minor, my Liege. Minimal damage was inflicted to your fortress, and your armies hold fast."

"So the point of this rude awakening?"

"Your troop morale has dropped--your fortress infiltrated and your partisans murdered."

"The line holds, correct?"

"Yes, my Liege. We are safe... for now."

Meanwhile, across the rivers, camped on a hill General Bob-sama and General Wolf Snare. The two stoats stood with a victorious look on their faces, watching the still-inflamed outer walls of the Emperor Ereptor's fortress.

"So, my good Cody, the battle has been successful!"

"Indeed, Sir Robert. All competitions have had the desired effect."

"The crude Volkov?"

"His storehouses and legionaries are all decimated. Ours have all grown stronger in this exchange."

"The dastardly Holby?"

"His land has been taken, and I have reaped its benefits."

"Our parsimonious emperor's strongest generals have been injured. That is good."

"And what of our squally emperor?"

"The battles against that bleak soul have met their target. A third of his finest men-at-arms lie dead. There is no telling the immense toll--though our own finest suggest greater twenty million are now being carried to the grave."

"So then, both our campaigns have been immensely successful."

"We shall part this night--and meet again. Expect my messenger soon."

Tonight Bob-sama and Wolf Snare part, to meet again soon.

OOC: ;)


Firetooth looked to scringe, his loyal footstool
"They destroyed everything, this buisness is no longer profitable" he murmered "I'll need skiffs to make the journey far away from this land, send everything to my allys and the peasents, tell them if they join together they are strong but scattered they are weak, oh, and eagles will catch no flies!"
"Yes m'lord" scringe slobbered and waddled off
"Hmm"firetooth muttered "me'thinks buissness with me ole' pal feng in a electronic device system would be better, yes, the trillions of dollars, [darn] bill gates, I own this thing" he smiled sadly, twirled his cloak around him, clapped his hands, and dissapeared, never to be seen again (well strcitly never seen again after the next week...)
And with a magical "poof" he reappeared "ooops" he grinned "I dropped my wallet" he bent over picked it up, reclaimed it, then was never seen again.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


After the night had passed, the flames in Ereptor's fortress had died down. General Bob-sama saw this opportunity as the Emperor's men-at-arms had dozed off after the prior long night. He watched the fortress walls from across the river, at safe distance from the encampments of the opposing General Volkov and General Holby. He knew that Ereptor's towers would be manned and his army at a safe distance behind.

After several minutes of waiting, he called a scarred Wildcat to his side. "The sun is falling in the sky. Gather your parchment and a utensil--I have orders for this day."

"Already, Lord Robert?" Following this question, the wildcat removed a block of charcoal and a large parchment from the bag on his right leg.

"Yes, already."

"Your orders, Sir?"

"We will attack once again the fortress of Ereptor. Have the shipments from the gnarled Firetooth arrived at my camp and at the camp of Wolf Snare?"

"Yes, Lord. He has sent millions of troops to supplement our efforts against the Emperor."

"Good--bring them to our encampments and supply them."

"Already done, Lord."

"Continue with my orders--infiltrate again the fortress of Ereptor and redouble our efforts."

After several minutes of writing, the messenger had filled the parchment. "Anything else, my Lord?"

"Yes--bring me my armor."

"Already, Lord?"

"Already. Return here once the message has been sent to my sergeants."

The two part, the Good Lord Robert still standing on his hill. After several hours, he watches his own ships traverse its narrow barrier.