All Hail

Started by Gorak, September 06, 2008, 02:20:15 AM

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if your bored of RPing, stay outta the thread
Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.


Quote from: Firetooth on September 14, 2008, 03:01:19 PM
But just about everything mentioned in the post is true, I did just make a poor indy run, I do plan to revolt, and I am getting bored of rping.

All of which has nothing to do with the thread and is therefore spam
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Gen. Volkov

Volkov sat desparingly in his citadel. His once might armies had been radically reduced, his great stores of food slashed and burned, his treasury nearly emptied. Even the leaders of his armies had been brutally murdered by the assassin's of the enemy. He knew who his enemy was, who had hurt him so greatly. He at first went into a tremendous rage, and sent the remnants of his armies after his tormentors, but even though he greatly reduced the size of his enemies empires, it brought him no satisfaction.

Then came the terrible blows to his lord and Emperor, the treacherous attack that stripped him of his land and killed great swathes of his troops. But the clan, weakened though it was, recovered.

Then he saw his chance, the chance to do to his foe what had been done to him. The warlord Wolf Snare had let his guard down, and most of the leaders of his armies lay dead or dying, and it was into this that Volkov struck, sending his fresh new recruits into Wolf Snare's territories, in a frenzy of destruction and death. Great swathes of troops were murdered in their beds, without so much as a chance to defend themselves. Now it was the enemies treasury that was being emptied, and the enemy's food stores that were being destroyed. Volkov felt a great surge of satisfaction. He did not fully reimburse the enemy for the damage done to him, but he had at least made a large down payment on that debt.

Volkov's also knew his attacks served another, greater purpose than merely his own revenge. They also help cement the Emperor's position as ruler of these lands. He had dealt a sharp blow to the resistance against the Emperor. He felt satisfaction at this as well.

All Hail the Emperor!
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


In the past few days since the Emperor had lost the surprise battle against the enemies general Oblit, all that could be heard and seen was wave after wave of troops crashing into the lines of defenses of The Dark Lord.  Day after day and night after night they hit the wall until it seemed that the troops could only hold just one more attack.  Coincidently or not, this was precisely the moment in which The Dark Lord chose to strike, and strike he did.  With full force his armies swept across the once peaceful land of Mossflower.  The few that stood in the way were quickly dealt with.  His armies which preferred to move under the cover of the night were greated with the low laying fast moving dark clouds that seemed to stretch for as far as the eye could see.  The lands that were once in his grasp but for a moment, were now in his hands.  The rumors of the shadow had become more real than any could imagine...the darkness was spreading.  To the people of Mossflower and beyond the future looked dim, even dark. 

The forces of The Dark Lords army were not merely pawns but were lead by strikingly brilliant and vicious warriors and strategizors.  Each of them working for one purpose.  The skill and manner of this horde of Darkness hasn't been seen in Ages in these lands.  As night began to fall, messengers began to arrive from the four corners of his empire.
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


OOC: I've been busy recently. Classes are picking up. I am now a student of the Honors College as well, so time will be at a premium. Trying to get a job as well. Anyways--I'm a little bit behind on this RPing--but I'll make time later and RP for the current.


Shadow and Gorak look over thie latest conquests - large swathes of Mossflower lay in uins and were already being colonized by the hordes of the Emperor's First Regent.

"Well done, Commander" said Shadow approvingly to Gorak, "Soon the peasants will be so starved for land they won't be able to fight back, they will be too busy subsistence farming."

Gorak grinned. He had a bloodthirsty streak a mile long, and was only too happy to be the enforcer for the most powerful emperor the three lands had every seen. "Snare and Bob have attacked the southern borders of the new land," he drawled, "but the leaders beat them off with minimal causalties. All in a day's work."

Shadow took a trip to the southern border, where the barbarians still camped, throwing insults and not much else in the general direction of the troops, whose morale was higher than ever. Just then, a scout headed up and whispered something in Shadow's ear before heading off to get some rest. Shadow nodded thoughtfully. This fight was going to get mildly amusing before long.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Thoughts race through the new generals head as he heads into battle for the first time.  Inexperienced, he nervously glances over his shoulder at his good friend General Oblit as he seeks to set up a base of operations with wich he can strike at the emperor and his allies.

"If as they say darkness they say is upon the Emperors lands, well, then he won't see me coming." he quietly mused to himselves, as his troops capture small areas of land with which he can begin.  THe only way to go is forward, as he orders yet more attacks, watching carefully that he might see what mistakes he makes, and not make them when it matters, when his life is on the line, when the war comes.

An unknown name, a new beginning, a blank slate, emptiness, nothing, all is seen and yet all is hid.
Words that a new face lives by.  A new hope for the land, or just another peasant to be cast off and left in the dust.  I let my actions speak.
Look up!


A scout walked into Shadow's tent.

"Bad news milord," he said nervously, "A new warlords is in the land, operating from a previously unknown land base - a set of islands off the coast. Apparently Bob and Snare are using it as a base of operations. Also, Snare managed to infiltrate the outer borders on a scouting mission. Defenses were on high alert after he recent attacks so casualties were minimal, but the troops are getting restless."

"Bah," said Shadow, and kicked the scout out of his tent. He fully expected a full out assault on his borders now that the first attempt had been successful, and there was nothing he could do until his messenger returned from the various other warlords under the command of the emperor.

Still, if it was inevitable there was no point worrying about it. This new land was a problem however. If it wasn't taken soon, the rebel armies could grow. Hardly significantly, but growth would increase morale, and there waas nothing easier than fighting a demoralised army.

"Commanders," Shadow called out, and Gorak and Volkov joined him in his tent. "We have a new objective. The islands must be captured and assimilated, and all trace of the rebels purged from the new lands." Gorak and Volkov grinned and left to begin preparations for the new conquest.

<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


OOC:  Wow Firetooth your "theory" on everyone leaving the Reg server sure isnt holding much water.  In fact, unless I am mistaken, there are more players here.  I have a couple of guesses why, but thats not really the point of this post, becuase it would just create another arguement.  So go ahead and spam again.  But facts dont lie.
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


Sallying forth once again, this time alone, the newcomer struck at his enemies.  Gaining strength with every blow, he moved ever closer towards his goal.  Known only to him, plans were in motion, plans that would see freedom for all, or his own death, a small price to defeat the userper.

Attacking and gaining momentum the new general continued to plan, learning more with every day, onward he marched, his army victorious, he retired for the day, wondering what his enemies response would be.

"The world belongs to those who live in it, the free and righteous, those who live with courage and honour, not those who ruled with strength and fear.  The world respects the gentle touch, and so such attempts to force it to bow only end in tragedy.  Now matter how the wind howls the mountain cannot bow, just as we cannot and must not bow!" (Musings of a general)
Look up!


<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


* General Gorak returned from his journey, only to find nothing had really changed in his absense.
Simply nothing outstanding had happened while he was gone.
"same ol', same 'ol, eh?" he mused to himself. "The rebels preach about freedom from so called oppression, then send their followers to their certain deaths by the millions, just to weaken some stones in the wall. And they accuse the Emperor of being a tyrant, bah! They have no regard for their men's lives."

The next morning, Gorak led his newly returned army to battle once again, capturing much lands for his emperor, while the Regent led his forces to destroy the armies being amassed by the rebels.
"another victory, business as usual has continued."
Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.


Shadow walked right into the camp of sleeping stoats. Not even a guard posted stopped him. His army fanned out silently, surrounding the slumbering forms. Shadow nodded to his generals and left. With a swiftness that scared even him, the army decimated the ranks of troops that were to have been the next sacrafice by the rebels on the walls of the emperor. Hardly makes a diffference considering that they would have died in even bigger numbers had they attempted to attack the emperor, but it was always a good idea to keep the weeds down.

On the new islands, General Gorak was busy adding the new base of operations to the list of conquests by the imperial army. After cutting off supply lines to the rebel armies, he quickly moved to a frontal assault of the beach and took the islands with ease, making the latest conquest the largest in a long time. It was only a matter of time now.

Geberal Holby to the north was on a recruiting mission, using what little land the rebels had left to press every able-bodied vermin left in the land into service in the imperial army. The steady stream of recruits travelled south into mossflower, where they were soon swallowed and dwarfed by the ever-growing army of the emperor.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


been quiet for a week now
too quiet

Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.


"Ye gods," though Shadow, "these rebels are persistent." His roving special teams had come across two more encampments of stoats. They had been on the alert after the last slaughter, but the team still cut them in half in short order. In disarray, the rebel army fled once more to lick their wounds and think on the folly of defying the emperor.

In Mossflower, the vast lands of the Emperor were being put to proper use finally, and the threat of war fell farther and farther behind the ruler. The farmlands attracted billions of creatures to the cause, swelling the ranks of the emperor's army while all the while adding to the growing wealth that made up the empire.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..