
Started by taekwondokid42, September 04, 2008, 05:59:42 PM

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Speaking of google chrome, I just remembered a new search engine that some google employees made.

It's called cuil, and it has far more pages than google does.

go to to find out more. You can use it as you test out chrome.

My current opinion: not as good. While it may have far more pages, I was unable to locate the Google web browser Chrome through cuil. On the other hand, I did find redwall warlords.

The layout is very different thought, and probably far more user-friendly if you have a fast computer.


The pages number is greatly exaggerated--especially compared to say Google. I heard about it when it came out, and then again a few days later at a forum. What google finds, cuil has no clue about.


Cuil is neat, I use it at work sometimes since they blocked Google on most the computers.  However, Cuil tends to bring up irrelevant items where as Google is usually spot on or atleast on the right track.
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