Started by Hog Pigsly, August 30, 2008, 04:42:56 AM

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Hog Pigsly

This is Hog Pigsly, the one and only official broadcaster for Redwall.

We have broken into your regular show for this breaking news.

I am sure everyone has read the articles in the "RWL Enquirer" that an unsubstantiated, unnamed, brother of a friend of the sister of one of the cooks in the RWL staff castle has said that the staff has been up late in secluded meetings all week. Rumors have been massive concerning what is going on. People have guessed that there may be a new forum, a staff member leaving, a new staff member, or even a new game update. One person has even claimed they are being vetted as the new Vice Emperor of the realm!

From my vantage point imbedded in a cozy apartment across the street from the castle, I already see citizens starting to fill the main square in hopes to get more information.

I will bring you up to date as the facts unwind. Now back to your regularly scheduled show.

This was Hog Pigsly, I always have the bacon.

Hog Pigsly

This is Hog Pigsly, your beloved announcer at K-RWL radio.

This just in! Peace Alliance has been reached for comment and we have the exclusive!   Peace says, "I have no comment at this time."  We will break in as the story develops.

This was Hog Pigsly, all the news all the time.

The Lady Shael

*sits down in front and claps excitedly* Ooh, important gossip!! So exciting!
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


They are planning a major release... Duh!
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

Visit today!

Hog Pigsly

This is Hog Pigsly with NEWS as I see it.

This just over the wires: it has been confirmed! Scarwake has sent out the street maintenance personal to set up for a for an Admin announcement.

From my vantage point, I can see the city workers setting up the barricades and the security personal pushing back the crowd. This is exciting.

This was Hog Pigsly, your delightful informer.



So Hidden Fox code is ready for release (finally).


Stepping into the streets of the soon to be bustling community.  Scarwake stands center as he directs all the workers about for the set-up in preparation of the big announcement.  Thinking to himself he notes that there has not been an announcement like this for sometime.  Looking around as to assess the progress of the barricade set-up he spots the infamous news reporter looking out his window.

"Ah, looks as though dat Hog has already been reporting on what we're doin!"

He glances over to see Shael sitting in a chair clapping madly to herself.  "Brother," he thinks to himself as he throws a grin towards her.
"Aren't you supposed to be helping?"

Shrugging, he throws a security badge at her hoping she'll catch it.  "Oh here is your security badge for the event so you don't have any problems getting by security and what not!"
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album


I will not deleted this

Hog Pigsly

This is Hog Pigsly, the one on the mark when the mark is moving.

The report has come though that at any moment the announcement will be made. I can see the crowd is massive and the royal knights are holding back the excited crowd.

As most of you know, there is a precession the staff makes. The Mods open the front doors and stand on either side. Each Mod is dressed in the coats of arms of the clans they have belonged to. Scarwake is in full Blades attire as his long standing leadership of that clan. Windhound is in many colors symbolizing all the clans he has been a part of. Then the Admins walk out in the order they became a member of the upper-management. Shael first, then wolf and Peace in full armor.  Ohhhhh .... The crowd has gone silent. Something must be going on ...

Yes ... Yes, I can see the large doors are moving. They are now open and the Mods are walking out .... Wait, they are not in the appropriate attire. Oh, they are both in the colors of the Redwall flag! This must be a big announcement! And they have in their paws .... It looks like... yes they are carrying spears! Rather than standing on both sides of the door, they seem to be marching to either side of the grand steps. They are now standing at full attention. The crowd is speechless!

Now I see movement inside the dark doorway, it seems to be ... Yes our Lady Shael is walking out. She has on a wonderful blue dress with silver trim and a trail running behind her. Oh, she looks so lovely, I wonder what she is doing after the announcement? (Hysterical laughter can be heard in the recording booth). Alright guys, it is not that funny.

I see a second figure, it is wolf bite in his full golden armor. The 6 foot long green eyed yellow wolf always looks so flashy at these important functions. And yes, he has a broadsword on each hip.  Now I can see Peace Alliance emerging from the dark. He is in his normal warrior ....  Ops I spoke too soon. In fact what is he wearing? It can't be! Peace has short green pants on and a short sleeved green shirt. How very strange? Oh my word, I hope nothing has happened to him!

The 3 Admins are now standing at the front of the stage, Normally there would be clapping, but the crowd seems concerned because of Peace's clothes that something has happened to him. Peace is about to speak, we will let you listen in. Peace is leaning forward.

Peace "Ah, sorry, did not have a chance to change clothes, I was working with the cub scouts on the east end and when there parents show up, they can be real bears." The crowd almost in unison gives a loud sigh of relieve, and then starts cheering and clapping for the Staff of Redwall.

The Lady Shael steps up to the microphone, but wait, her paws are over her whiskers, I think she is all tearing up! She motions to wolf bite who steps in.  Wolf steps up to the front and waits as the excitement builds for his signature maneuver, he waits, and waits for the timing to be just right. There he goes, he snaps out both broadswords and swings them faster than the eye can see and slaps them together above his head to make a cloud "clank" sound. The crowd is going wild, however no one is rushing the stage with wolf up there tossing around his swords!

Wolf bite: "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. As time changes so must the way things are run around our community. We have decided that our staff at Redwall needs to ....... increase in size" (The next few sentences could not be heard over the cheering). "... thus for those reasons we have decided to enlarge the number of Mods. I want everyone to know that picking staff members is not an easy job to do. Over the last few years there have been many times that we have discussed just about every member of the community to be on the staff, but since we lacked a unanimous decision at those times we never did add those members who were in the running. Just because we picked the most deserving beast this time does not mean that at a different time that other members where more deserving. Let me hand the mic over to Shael now." (Applause)

Shael: "I agree with wolf, it is a hard decision and I worry that others may have felt they deserved their promotion at some time in the past, but we must do what is best at THIS time. Anyway, my speech is on the responsibility of being on the Staff. It is not all fun and games. By being on the staff the member is held to a higher standard. They will have duties and responsibilities. They should not allow the respect we have given them to go to their head where they could lose the respect of their friends. I know that Scarwake and windy with their years of experience will be great guides."
Scarwake and windhound march to the center and lift their spears to make an archway for the new staff.   
Shael is now walking to the very front of the steps. "I ask that Wolf Snare approach".  The crowd screams in excitement. From the center of the crowd there is some movement, Yes it is Snare pushing his way through. He walks up the steps, drops to one knee, takes the back of Shael's paw and kisses it, then bows his head. Shael takes her ceptor and gently touches Snare on both shoulders. He slowly stands, a new beast, at Mod! He looks to Shael for what to do next. She motions for him to stand behind the Admins. Snare takes his position.

Wolf Bite takes to the front center stage. Wolf: "I have already given my speech, so I will go right into announcing the name of the next new Mod. Holby, please step up." (The crowd goes crazy)

Now we wait for Holby to come to the stage. ... Any moment now Holby will step up. Ah ... I wonder where Holby is? I see some commotion in the far back. Yes it is Holby. Let's go down to our beast on the street and see if we can get a sound bite from what is going on ...

Holby: "Stop pushing me around everyone, It is not my fault that I am running late. Have a heart, it is 4 am in my time zone! Why is everyone pushing me up to the stage?"

The crowd keeps pushing Holby until he is thrown onto the steps before wolf bite who has his sword raised to knight him. Holby looks up to see wolf bite with his sword above him. Holby: "No, don't behead me! I had no way to know it was a private dance!"

Wolf Bite: "Hehe, Don't worry my buddy, no one is beheading you, just be still." The big wolf takes his sword and taps Holby on both shoulders. "Now go stand with Snare."  Holby stands up confused.

Peace now comes to center stage to make his announcement. But there is still a commotion on the stage. Holby had walked over to stand beside windy and keeps talking to him. But windy seem to be trying to avoid losing his stance. Finally, windy leans over and whispers something in Holby's ear. Holby's eyes get oversized for a moment, his chest puffs out and he stands at attention then walks over to stand next to Snare.

Peace: "As I was trying to say. I want to talk about the value of opinions. Yes, we value all our members ideas. However in the staff war room we go over in depth some of the concepts not released to the general public. We expect our Mods to give input. Part of the reason these members were picked was not only their loyalty to the community, but their knowledge of the game to help with development. I would like to now ask Shadow to step forward."

From the back of the crowd can be heard a big "YES". And shadow can be seen running to the stage. Ops it seems he ran into Ereptor. Gee, this must be the first time a shadow ran into him. Anyway, Shadow approaches the stage, bows and falls to one knew before peace. Peace reaches for his sword and realizes he is in his camping outfit. Bewildered for a moment, a young bear cub jumps on to the stage and hands Peace an arrow. Peace pats the cub on the head, taps shadow on both shoulders. Shadow then takes his place with the other new Mods.

Shael steps to center stage: "Congratulations to our 3 new Mods as they take up residence in the Staff Castle."

The crowd goes wild with cheers and clapping.

This was Hog Pigsly, on the spot at every spot.

The Lady Shael

For those who are too illiterate to read all of that (marvelously written all by wolf), here's the abridged version:

Wolf Snare, Shadow, and Holby are now moderators on the RWL staff!!

Congratulations to all three! I know they will all do an excellent job, and in my opinion, it's been years overdue.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


*cheers and gets booze* :D
well done all 3 ;)
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


*Still kind of dazed* Thank you very much, lovely admins who thought it would be hilarious not to give me any warning. But I eagerly await the opportunity to terrorise you all.

I am incredibly honoured, I never thought this would happen, especially in my old age, all withered up after nearly 6 years at RWL. You are all very dear to me, I would squeeze you all senseless if I could, and plaster you with kisses. Be thankful I'm at the other end of the world. ;)

Congrats to Shadow and Wolf Snare. I think Shael should bake some Snarecakes in celebration!
I will not deleted this

Ashyra Nightwing

Congratulations, guys! Yes, I think Snarecakes are in order...


Woot, *tears up* neve thought I'd see the day.

Haha congrats Holbs and Snare.

QuoteOps it seems he ran into Ereptor

<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Congrats all.

Btw... when's the code release? I've been looking forward to getting the new codebase.