A Warning

Started by Shadow, August 20, 2008, 11:41:45 PM

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The Lady Shael

Wait, who's calling me a failure now?

And welcome to the forum, Jade. =) Just for the record, pretty much everyone here is male. Except me, of course. And some others. But I think everyone involved in this mess is male (go figure XD).
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


Windy and I actually had a discussion about that last night.

QuoteShade says:
...I really sound like I could possibly be a woman? O.o
windhound says:
Shade says:
But woman arent nearly as crazy or agressive as I've been  :P
Shade says:
Er, well....
windhound says:
lol  :P
windhound says:


Quote from: The Lady Shael on August 25, 2008, 12:05:59 AM
Wait, who's calling me a failure now?

And welcome to the forum, Jade. =) Just for the record, pretty much everyone here is male. Except me, of course. And some others. But I think everyone involved in this mess is male (go figure XD).
Nobody, I was calling Shade a failure.


You people need to understand something about Shade. He likes the abuse. Posting here won't stop him. Not posting here will stop him - if you ignore him he eventually goes away. Just stop paying him any attention and you beat him even more surely than you could by killing him in game. Take away his audience, and he's just another mediocre player.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Adding to that, locking the topic only shows him that he is winning.

I know that you haven't locked it in a while, but just for future reference.


I believe the topic starters ability to lock topics was removed after Shadow announced that he'd relock the topic after a mod had unlocked it.

Also, I unfortunatly used all of my turns onlining Taek just now, so no Newbies will die today, I'll kill two tommorrow.

zack harmon

Quote from: thomaskreisman on August 24, 2008, 10:26:19 AM
Quote from: zack harmon on August 23, 2008, 05:25:11 PM
Quote from: thomaskreisman on August 23, 2008, 05:00:09 PM
Quote from: Shade on August 23, 2008, 04:48:40 PM
How does that work? :P
Ask Shael she should know.

Curious here, after reading this last page, are you calling sheal a failure or shade, becuase the way everythings worded it seems like your calling sheal one and i just got curious.
Shade not Shael

oh ok :)
I've seen three Barbarians rush into 400  enemies unarmed and i have seen some crazy people to.


Silverpaw (#49) was killed, making 5 now, I believe. I've decided not to make up missing yesterday's kill, one less newbie will die, w00t.

Sadly Shadow, your mistaken. Not posting here still benefits me, as it makes it easier to convince others that I'm worth joining. Suprisingly, even taking into account those of my allies who've turned on me due to this, I have more allies now than before, tells ya something about our player base, donnit?

On the other hand, I do enjoy the abuse, so it's something of a lose-lose

Shade does not go away when ignored, the rules for this little encounter are all ready set, you clan, or I keep going til the end of the set, do you really think I'm going to get discouraged two days before my deadline just because people stopped calling me slime?  :P

pippin the mighty

Quote from: Shade on August 26, 2008, 08:38:53 PM
Silverpaw (#49) was killed, making 5 now, I believe. I've decided not to make up missing yesterday's kill, one less newbie will die, w00t.

Sadly Shadow, your mistaken. Not posting here still benefits me, as it makes it easier to convince others that I'm worth joining. Suprisingly, even taking into account those of my allies who've turned on me due to this, I have more allies now than before, tells ya something about our player base, donnit?

On the other hand, I do enjoy the abuse, so it's something of a lose-lose

Shade does not go away when ignored, the rules for this little encounter are all ready set, you clan, or I keep going til the end of the set, do you really think I'm going to get discouraged two days before my deadline just because people stopped calling me slime?  :P
Sounds like chuck norris to me.

Just leave your own kind alone, newbs.


Chuck Norris wouldn't kill newbies.

The Lady Shael

I wouldn't be so sure, Chuck Norris shows no mercy.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


Quote from: The Lady Shael on August 28, 2008, 05:50:00 PM
I wouldn't be so sure, Chuck Norris shows no mercy.
Only to evil people


Ok, I suppose I've kept those of you whom I've been teasing in suspense long enough, without any further ado, I present:

                   A stage illusion brought to you by Shade the Magnificent
Disclaimer:No newbs were harmed in the making of this production.

Yes, now that the round is over I have a confession to make. With the unfortunate exception of Martin the Warrior, the 'newbs' that you've all been worked up about are not actually newbs, but a combination of older players and friends of mine.

Fiero was in fact windy, The Illusionist is Blood wake, Triss was Zack, and Silverpaw was a friend of mine who doesn't actually play.

Before moving on I do want to make a public apology to Martin, his death was a result of the fact that my plan went in to motion a day before I intended it to, and I was not yet prepared, although his death did help solve a problem that came up later. I sent him an apology letter and he will receive aid compensation next round.

At this point you may say to yourself "Ok, at least you weren't killing newbs, but regardless, this 'master plan' of yours that you've been going on and on about still failed, Shadow never clanned."

You would be correct...if Shadow clanning had been my intent. Which brings me to the second layer of my plan, which is the fact that the plan had nothing whatsoever to do with Shadow, instead, this illusion itself was my plan, allow me to explain.

I wanted to perform this little trick, and I wanted it to stay in the public eye, however, I thought to myself, who is going to care if Shade randomly starts offing 'newbs'? No, I needed to make it into an issue for discussion, but how to proceed? Then I remembered my little feud with Shadow, and how popular it had been, and it occurred to me to use it to my advantage. I would trick Shadow into doing something that I could blow out of proportion and pretend to kill 'newbs' for, when sending messages to him I had left a few hooks for him to pick up on, which he largely ignored, but instead revealed my name, which I could work with, by claiming he had wrecked a plan of mine which required secrecy, and so had violated our truce. So, ultimately, Shadow was not a goal of this plan, but a tool for it's success.

At this point we'll take a brief interlude from the explanations, and Shade the Magnificent will further amaze you with his magical prowess, by displaying precognition! Yes, I will predict Shadow's reply to this post, in advance.

QuoteShade, your pathetic blah blah, can't indy at all so you come up with some pointless plot blah blah, completely pathetic, not impressed at all blah, I knew it all along blah blah, you could never defeat me directly so you resort to meaningless scheming...blah blah, adjectives, verbs, end.

P.S. Get a life.
P.S.S. I'm awesome.

Now, Shadow brings up some valid points, first, I will mention that he did indeed manage to catch on, however briefly, to what was going on towards the end and sent me a message about it, telling me that he had caught on due to Shael, who had posted that she was amused by the message system, when she should have been appalled by newbs being driven off.

I responded rather quickly by pointing out that I had killed Martin, who was at least recognized as having been around before. He never mentioned this theory again. Whether I managed to convince him that his theory was incorrect, or he simply didn't care, we'll never know, as either way he'll claim the latter. But, as I said, it's irrelevant, as deceiving Shadow was not my goal, and the only thing he could have done to interfere would be to post the theory, which, to my knowledge, he did not.

Another point Shadow brought up, which you may be asking yourself is this, "What was in this for you? If Shadow wasn't your motivation, what was?" Or, in other words, Why in the name of overly convoluted plots did you do this?!

There are two answers, one is that the replies were priceless.  :)

The other is that there is a certain benefit in it for me, which I intend to tell you eventually, but not just yet. As my manner of presentation will vary depending on how this post is received.

Yes, I know, long post, but I hope I made it entertaining enough to hold attention.

Shade desires to know your thoughts...

The Lady Shael

Just vouching for Shade, this was indeed his plan from the beginning, he came to me telling me what his plan was, ensuring that the staff knew he wasn't really randomly killing newbies.

I couldn't help it, I found the whole thing extremely amusing, it was just hilarious reading the message system, all the confusion and chaos going on behind everyone's backs. =)
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


Bah, Shael, you were supposed to come in after we had a few disbelieving posts - I was going to introduce you as Shade the Magnificent's lovely assistant  :P