Bro Rule Violation – Disabling

Started by wolf bite, July 25, 2008, 11:44:46 AM

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Too strict? My argument is that it was not strict enough... If it really was 9 seconds, and they used the pm system to do it, then i have no doubt at all about what happened. I believe that they are two differnet people, but that kill was carried out by one. I think that qee should get a perm (or at least long term) disabling for using his sisters account like that.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: Shadow on July 26, 2008, 11:45:21 AM
Too strict? My argument is that it was not strict enough... If it really was 9 seconds, and they used the pm system to do it, then i have no doubt at all about what happened. I believe that they are two differnet people, but that kill was carried out by one. I think that qee should get a perm (or at least long term) disabling for using his sisters account like that.
Qee is young, I doubt he realises the gravity of what he has done. Anyway, when I was first new I suppose you could say I broke the bro/sis rules...
Someone kept damaging my sis in reg so she asked for help so I slammed the person a bit, lol. It's passed but that shows that you need to improve the rules. It didnt largely affect the gameplay...but Im still in violation ;)
Quote from: wolf bite on July 26, 2008, 11:11:55 AM
Well said windy.

I like Wise Claw as one of the most polite people. I did not take this action lightly. In fact I had too contemplate for half an hour after I verified. They are only disabled on reg and are not gagged on the forums, thus welcome to post their opinions.

I am like the local sheriff in a small town, I may go to a barbeque on the week end and may still need to throw a friend in jail if they try to leave the party drunk. It is not personal!

About Bro accounts. Log ago in Retto’s day, suddenly it seemed everyone popped up with a brother and multi playing ruled the game. We had to set rules to be fair to those that do not have a brother, sister, or other person playing at the same location.

Yes, to some extent the verification we have that 2 people are really different does relax the Bro rules. But it is still a temptation to jump on even a real life bro account in times of need. So after time we relax the rules, but they don’t completely vanish. It just means that I don’t spend the time checking their accounts (unless reported) and would over look minor discrepancies.

Shadow, your conversation with Peace concerning the bro rules was with him IMing me at the same time, the information was from me via peace. On Peace’s assurance that you have a bro, and your past good behavior in the community, the rules became relaxed for your account.

I know both windy and his bro as real people and have 100% trust in windy on all matters. However, a kill is a major event. If windy and his bro both switched accounts back and forth to do a kill, I would over look it. On the other hand, if one used all their turns with the other not even on line, then and only then the other signed on to finish the person off, I would take a closer look in order to be fair to the person who was killed.

Blood wake, who I fully know and trust, was promoting our game in his local library and signed up 4 people on the same server, I kept them all on the strict Bro rules.

As far as me and Blood wake violating the rules, I said above we do not live at the same location, in fact, he is 1,000 miles away!

Peace and Josh are real life friends and live in the same town. But they played the game from different locations, they were never on the Bro rules.

In this incidence with Wise Claw and Qee it should be known that I believe they are different people and do not check their accounts anymore and the rules are relaxed. Wise Claw had not been on line and had not taken part in beating Kell down. Qee had used up his turns and had to wait for more turns to take more shots. Feng took over the attacks. Qee could only take a few shots as turns came. Suddenly with only a 9 second difference between attacks, Wise Claw logged in and finished Kell off. 

I find it hard to believe that in under 9 seconds that Qee said “hey Sis can you do me a favor”, Qee logs out, gets out of the chair, Wise claw sits down and logs in, Wise Claw targets Kell, then spends the time to change the attack types to Sack, then hits the button. 

I feel this is a violation of even relaxed Bro rules. I am willing to discuses whether the punishment is too strict.

Wolf Bite
(Admin Duties)
Edit: had some wrong names in wrong places.

Then if Wise Claw didn't know ban qee. It could've been her pass was memorised and he took advantage of that. Why punish an innocent part member?
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


this is still my first year here, so could you please tell me what a "bro" account is.


if you read the other posts in the thread yo uwill be able to answer your own question
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


And where is this "bro rules"? Since the time I first played RWL I have never seen the bro rules... Just the standard game rules for signing up. Those are some epic hardcore unwritten rules ya enforce these day ::).


These rules have been in effect for years.

Firetooth you say why should we punish an innocent party?  The reason being is because we truly do not know whether or not one or both of the actual parties was involved.  To cover all bases we must punish those accounts who were in violation of the rule.

AND I once heard this and I believe it is something that must hold true to every person whether here on at the workplace or at home.  We must treat each situation as it comes with its own uniqueness.  Each situation is different and so the terms of the punishment are different so that they may reflect the proper needs of the situation.

~Mod Duties
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album


LOL, so ya been enforcing such imaginary rules for years.


nothing imaginary about them. When someone signs up as a bro accoun one gets disabled, and they send a message to an admin, who reables the account and explains the rules.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


And yet, I find it amusing that no one can simply point me to a thread that contains such rules. :D


IIRC, Something about it was copy/pasted into this thread, but it did not include what these two players have done.

And how are you treating this situation uniquely at all when you just disable them no questions asked? Sounds like BS to me.


The facts as wolf bite layed them out:

qee got kell to 3 land, sent a pm to his sister asking for help, and she logged in and finished him off within 9 seconds of the pm being sent. You can't even switch chairs in 9 seconds, let alone read a pm and attack someone. The facts are that Qee logged into his sister's acc himself. I think that Qee should be perm disabled and Wise Claw reabled, but no Death, it's not a bunch of BS.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I don't see how it is anything else. I have not once seen any situation handled with special interest on this website, except for when known players are involved. And don't you think a permanent ban for using what.. 4 to 6 turns is a little much?


Logging in to someone else's account to complete a kill you failed to do deserves a perm ban.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

pippin the mighty

Death, or anyone else complaining, I don't mean to sound against you all but when you are mods, you will be able to make the decisions. But right now, wolfbite has said his thoughts and he is in control.


Moderators can do a bad job. And yeah, we are the members who use this site, without us there is no point in a staff, so I think letting the public get their opinions out is a pretty good idea.

I've been shown some more things, and apparently Wolf Bite gets the final call in everything ingame. Not a bad thing if he knows what he is doing so I wouldn't know either way, I'd just like to point out a mistake that has been made. Wise Claw was online during the kill, there are two (2) computers in that house. Someone did not log off of one account and then on to the other, someone on another computer who had been watching simply made the kill.

And if this is truly the way "bro rules" work, Firetooth should have been banned long ago. Not that I want Firetooth, or anyone banned, I am just pointing it out.

Oh and Shadow, we can agree to disagree.