Turbo Round 11 Immortalization

Started by The Lady Shael, June 28, 2008, 06:05:36 PM

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Alazar is Back

Quote from: Shade on June 28, 2008, 06:20:38 PM
When I told him to max me it was witht he intention of him actually breaking me, hence getting my ratio up, which is not against the rules, you yourself did it at the end, his misunderstanding is what caused the mess

Shade maybe you should get the logs out....screen shot it as well.

Shael you did well on your own too =)
Turbo Highest Rank:Co-Emperor with Wolf Snare, Emperor

One of the most underrated players at RWL..


Quote from: Shade on June 28, 2008, 06:20:38 PM
When I told him to max me it was witht he intention of him actually breaking me, hence getting my ratio up, which is not against the rules, you yourself did it at the end, his misunderstanding is what caused the mess
I max'ed him out hurting him--murder after murder after murder. We were drawing blood--your clan broke rules.


So you're saying Snare is enough of a fool to fail attack after attack after attack while trying to get land, or that he thought you meant cheat, so he did?

Either way, the fact that you benefited from cheating remains whether or not it was intentional. This is the second time this set your clan has cheated while claiming you didn't know what you were doing, and both times you kept the benefits from it. Nothing is going to be done, but I still think it is incredibly wrong.


Coby, i was refering to you taking Feathertooths land so that he could get enough of a ratio to open attack ops on me, I wanted the same thing done, but for defensive purposes, which is not against the rules, so to clarify, what I asked for was not against the rules, what ended up happening was, And Death, I agree, Snare must have known what he was doing, although he hasn't replied to me yet at all, I don't know why he did what he did rather than what I said, which was to attack my troop hole in weasels. Snare broke a rule, not the clan.

-Also Death, when Kell maxed Shael, Kell was disabled, Shael remained maxed, so you could say she also kept the benefit of cheating, and my clan was not the only one to benefit from the malfunction of the clan lock, everyone else also kept the benefits from it, so don't try to make it sounds like we're being favored here

We may be a pack of lying thieving backstabbing murderous market thefters, but cheaters we are not.


You benefited from it multiple times, big difference. This just goes to show that some players here are apparently above the rules.


Quote from: Shade on June 28, 2008, 06:51:19 PM
Coby, i was refering to you taking Feathertooths land so that he could get enough of a ratio to open attack ops on me, I wanted the same thing done, but for defensive purposes, which is not against the rules, so to clarify, what I asked for was not against the rules, what ended up happening was, And Death, I agree, Snare must have known what he was doing, although he hasn't replied to me yet at all, I don't know why he did what he did rather than what I said, which was to attack my troop hole in weasels. Snare broke a rule, not the clan.

-Also Death, when Kell maxed Shael, Kell was disabled, Shael remained maxed, so you could say she also kept the benefit of cheating, and my clan was not the only one to benefit from the malfunction of the clan lock, everyone else also kept the benefits from it, so don't try to make it sounds like we're being favored here

We may be a pack of lying thieving backstabbing murderous market thefters, but cheaters we are not.
There's nothing against grabbing for land. I can grab for as much land as I want. True that I dropped land after--that was to get him to a more-favorable ratio. I did the same thing in more extreme form after when I dropped my own land. The difference here is that we grabbed--he attacked to max and thus protect you. Even so we were able to open ops (though it took quite a bit). The cheating HAD helped you signifigantly--if you would have NOT cheated, yes you would have been murdered and then continued to be opened on. You wanted to avoid that--so that's where you or Cody cheated. From your own words (they seem to have a double meaning), you admit to cheating and asking him to max you. Look at how spread out the attacks are--about 3 seconds. If Cody was really accidentally doing so (such as fast-hitting), it would be much faster. He had time to see his troops in yellow--showing he lost. So why do it six times? Simple--to cheat.


You don't seem to be understanding what I'm saying, Yes, Snare cheated, but I did not, and did not ask him to, I intended to have him max me with succesfull legal land taking attacks to boost my ratio, I can prove this with my logs of our msn conversation. However, you are right, Snare cheated, there's no denying that, I am telling you that I was not involved in his decision to do so


You're missing his point Coby. Snare is the cheater in all of this, Shade just benefited from it without wanting to.


That said, for the sake of Snare's reputation, let's not convict him of cheating intentionally until he's had time to give his side of the story, I havn't gotten a chance to talk to him yet


i did attack sheal knowing i would not break, BUT i didnt max her i burned off my troops to make my run more productive. can't remember who did it earlier on the round (shadow made a topic about it) no action was taken against him so why against me?
founder of eire

first emp on the new server


Because "someone" pushed the issue.

Alazar is Back

Quote from: CobyCopper on June 28, 2008, 07:21:18 PM
Look at how spread out the attacks are--about 3 seconds. If Cody was really accidentally doing so (such as fast-hitting), it would be much faster. He had time to see his troops in yellow--showing he lost. So why do it six times? Simple--to cheat.

For all we know maybe thats what he did. He just may have fast attacked not paying attention. I doubt it but its possible. He has dial-up so that would explain how slow they are to you and me.
Turbo Highest Rank:Co-Emperor with Wolf Snare, Emperor

One of the most underrated players at RWL..


Quote from: The Lady Shael on June 28, 2008, 06:22:40 PM
What a crazy first round back. At least I fulfilled my personal goal, getting on the immortalization. =p Even if a ton of it belonged to other people, proving once again my only skill is diplomacy...
Well, you aided me 3bil of my net :P

Thanks saladin! My first win, I made up about 4bil of the net, the rest was shael's and feathertooth's, snir forgot to run :D btw, on 22bil net I had 1.2bil skiffs saladin, so 800mil is NUFFIN! :D
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


  I really suprised myself there, I think that's my highest net and I made around 6.4 bil of it myself, I'd personally like to thank corsair, they aided me a lot of net earlier on and were a totally awesome clan  :)


that's the best networth I've ever had! ya!