Pearls of Lutra: Round Details

Started by The Lady Shael, June 28, 2008, 12:52:55 PM

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Is all that NW troops? Or is that a secret?
Starfish love you

The Lady Shael

There's a good deal of cash and food too, not including the stuff he's made from tax.

Also, important change: now everyone can buy lizards, you don't have to be on Sampetra. It was unbalanced the way it was before.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


Shael, what troop defends against lizards if you have 0 lizards?
Starfish love you

wolf bite

If someone attacks with standard, then all your army defends against all their army, including their lizards.

However if they use cannibal, you will NEED to have bought some lizards or you are defenseless.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


I think if you're in sampetra you should be able to train lizards as well, though I agree everyone should be able to buy them.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

wolf bite

We don't want people to indy lizards. They must be paid for.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


ahh well, Im not playing yet, but if I do Ill sign up as a marten now.(heh, weird, ublaz is a marten...)
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Quote from: The Lady Shael on June 28, 2008, 12:52:55 PM
Here are the gameplay and feature details for the round, coming up tonight. =) Reply here if you have any questions.

Pearl Holder location:
This location has a 1.50 bonus for all location stats. Only one clan can be in this location at a time. To get to this location,  you must kill the land farm account "Tears of All Oceans". Once you kill the land farm, your whole clan is automatically moved to "Pearl Holder". You can't move to any other location (but why would you want to? =p). You can stay in this location as long as you like, until another clan kills the land farm Tears of All Oceans (which is reborn again with 10,000 land). You can drop land to the land farm (only if you are in the Pearl Holder location) to prevent it from being killed.

When a clan kills the land farm, whatever clan currently holds the pearls will be forced out of Pearl Holder, into either Sampetra or Mossflower, depending on their clan.

Sampetra location:
Sampetra is an island off of the coast of Mossflower. It is most well-known for being the home of the Emperor Ublaz Madeyes. This island has high bonuses (not as high as Pearl Holder), but these bonuses come with a price: every time you use turns in Sampetra, you pay a very small tax to Ublaz in the form of cash and food (0.02% of both, per turn!). Sampetra is the only location where you can buy lizards.
Loyalty: 1.30
Army: 1.30
Scouting: 1.15
Attraction: 1.25

Mossflower location:
Loyalty: 1.10
Army: 1.10
Scouting: 1.20
Attraction: 1.00

Emperor Ublaz Madeyes:
An emperor account with much resources and land. Ublaz is the ruler of the island of Sampetra. You can attack him and use other leader missions on him, and he CAN be killed.

Once he is killed, the person who killed him becomes the Emperor of Sampetra, and earns the tax of the Sampetra location, except the tax can only be a max of 0.005%. Once the player becomes the Emperor, they have "Emperor" put in front of their name (will be done manually), they are removed from their clan (can no longer join or create clans) and they can't move to any other location (including Pearl Holder).

If you become Emperor, you will have access to a top secret page: Throne Room. There, you can set the value of the tax (can be from 0% to 0.005% per turn), or send a mass-message to everyone on Sampetra. You can still be killed though, and if you are, then the person who kills you will take your place as the Emperor of Sampetra.

Ublaz also has hypnotizing powers. If you attack and/or use offensive missions against him many times, then there is a greater chance he will hypnotize you, which will lock you from taking turns for 1 hour. The more you attack him, the greater the chance of you being hypnotized.  When you start attacking him, you only have a 1/50 chance of being hypnotized and increases from there, but it stops at a 1/10 chance (which pretty dang likely). If someone kills Ublaz, they do not inherit his hypnotizing powers.

Killing Ublaz and becoming Emperor is NOT the main focus of the game...the main focus should be trying to steal the pearls and protecting them from the other clans. But it will certainly make things interesting. =)

There are four clans: Ublaz's Army, Trident Guard, Corsairs, and Woodlanders. Ublaz's Army and Trident Guard start out on Sampetra (tax still applies in protection), and Corsairs and Woodlanders start out in Mossflower. You cannot leave your clan (unless you become Emperor). In the first week of the game, all the clan members can vote for a clan leader, and after exactly one week, whoever has the most votes will become the leader of that clan. The clan leader will have all the normal clan administration options (except to boot people from the clan and change clan name and tag).

Lizard Troops:
Lizards are a new troop type only available through Mercenaries on Sampetra. They have an OP of 12 and DP of 9. Their base cost is $5000 and their networth multiplier is 8. Their attack type is Cannibal Attack. (it's just a name, nothing special about it. =p) They can be used in any location, and they are also used in Standard attacks. You can also sell them on the Market or aid them to others.
[edit] Changed: Lizards are now available anywhere, not just Sampetra.

Tears of All Oceans:
This is the land farm account that allows a clan to move to the Pearl Holder location. It starts out with 10,000 land, and every time it is killed, it is automatically reborn again with 10,000 land. Land can be dropped to it if you are in the Pearl Holder location, but it can't receive aid.

Market Networth:
Doesn't count.

Starts at 2 billion instead of 1 billion. =p

Non-theme Features!
[Working] max buttons for mercs, and selling on public market! =D Also, clan forums underwent major behind-the-scene changes, with pagination added!

That's all I can think of for now. I'll edit as needed.

Holy cow, this sounds like a ton of fun.  Great job to everyone who helped make this happen!  I am so pumped to be playing turbo right now, that I've all but forgotten my account on reg.
Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)


I have a small suggestion that I feel could really help this round out, even though I'm a little late.

Perhaps an option to put our own clan in the warslot. Not to kill the clans we are in, but so we can get land from one another. Simply because there are 4 clans and one land farm for the entire server and not everyone can wait long enough to run.

wolf bite

2 land farms, and a killable account makes three land farms, then add in the eventual take down of the land of the emperor makes 4 admin run accounts.

(not discounting your comment, but being factual)

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Ah, I was thinking more short-term. We'll see how it pans out.


Rank   Warlord                    Land      Networth           Clan          Race      Location
2 ?      Firetooth (#6)           3,784    $77,367,199      Corsairs    Marten   Mossflower
3 ?      Feng Kestrel (#29)    5,582    $61,843,184       Trident      Rat        Sampetra

Hmm..these two are on more than 3 times the networth of the next nearest warlord, and yet neither of them have made a single attack yet...thats some good team aiding for the first run lol.


Im first in playing players(EG.not emp) :)
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


The Mossflower Landfarm is located in Sampetra, while the Sampetra Landfarm is in Mossflower  :D


I think that we should make lizards 10 or 20 % cheaper in Sampetra.