eire's big plan

Started by kell, June 25, 2008, 10:44:35 PM

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Quote from: Death on June 28, 2008, 02:04:00 PM
So "Power abuse much?" means "Are you letting Kell cheat?". I never knew that. Good going insulting me though, you certainly contribute to this forum.

Yeah, power abuse in this context translates into letting Kell slide.
Starfish love you


Even though if this was power abuse it would be Shael profiting instead of Kell? Whatever you say man, lol.


Quote from: Death on June 28, 2008, 02:09:57 PM
Even though if this was power abuse it would be Shael profiting instead of Kell? Whatever you say man, lol.

Exactly. I'm speculating that Shael will let kell slide for helping her out. Your sarcasm has inadvertently let you figure out my point.
Starfish love you


*Claps* Turns out Shael is chivalrous after all. She disabled kell, one of her main supporters. *gives standing ovation*
Starfish love you


Good choice. It sucks having to disable help, but it has to be done.

And the reason I didn't get it is because apparently everywhere I have been people use it differently. If someone said "Smelly much?" they are saying that someone smells bad, not asking anything. This isn't meant to continue the discussion though, I got what you said wrong, I just felt like telling you why.


Quote from: Death on June 28, 2008, 02:20:47 PM
Good choice. It sucks having to disable help, but it has to be done.

And the reason I didn't get it is because apparently everywhere I have been people use it differently. If someone said "Smelly much?" they are saying that someone smells bad, not asking anything. This isn't meant to continue the discussion though, I got what you said wrong, I just felt like telling you why.

Fair enough.
Starfish love you


None of you realise the amount of stress this put shael through. Get off her back, its hard to be fair when you're the only admin around and you're playing.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


He was disabled because he maxed someone? Even if it is an admin or ally that makes no sense. It is a valid strategy to max someone to protect them from more damaging attacks. And we still haven't heard kell's side of the situation.
Figure Apes are running about.
New here.

The Lady Shael

Come on, it just happened, just because nothing happens for 30 mins means I'm letting him slide? People need to stop jumping to conclusions, it hurts.

Peace is still gone, and wolf is gone all day, you guys should I'm kind of having a rough conflict of interest being the only admin right now and playing the game at the same time. While trying to get the round ready for tonight, cause it's still not finished.

I don't even have any idea what the protocol is for intentional maxing. I could give him a warning, but then everyone would accuse me of being lenient. I don't even care about winning right now, it's a freaking game.

This round was enlightening for me, but not fun.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


Starfish love you

Alazar is Back

Quote from: Coral on June 28, 2008, 02:30:03 PM
He was disabled because he maxed someone? Even if it is an admin or ally that makes no sense. It is a valid strategy to max someone to protect them from more damaging attacks. And we still haven't heard kell's side of the situation.

It is against the rules here.

Saladin you do need to settle down for a minute, all shade was doing was pointing out a rule being broken, not accusing shael of cheating or letting kell pass. I guarantee you she would never do that. Sorry about all of this Shael. I know that the last week has probably been hell for you, im at fault for alot of it im sure. Maybe you should try again after this round. :)
Turbo Highest Rank:Co-Emperor with Wolf Snare, Emperor

One of the most underrated players at RWL..


Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Alazar is Back

Quote from: Firetooth on June 28, 2008, 03:28:38 PM
Leave him alone alazar, you accused shael of being biased towards snare, shade and you just to look good when in actual fact they thought it was fair lol.

Seriously get a life. This is why we dont get along. You follow me around and reply to my topics flaming me and calling me a liar. Its not right. I still think to this day that you should have been banned and that it was unfair treatment, i am not trying to hide that fact. I did not attack Saladin either i think i was quite nice in my post, just making out a point.
Turbo Highest Rank:Co-Emperor with Wolf Snare, Emperor

One of the most underrated players at RWL..


Whatever, lol,  I've been hit the neck with a hard ball and it hurts to speak so Im not exactly in a good mood. :P
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Alazar, remember what we talked about. Deep breath, count backwards from 10.