
Started by thomaskreisman, June 23, 2008, 05:10:02 PM

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Player has retreated into the mountains, and it costs an extra 10 health to reach them!

Group 1 won through their opponents.
Group 2 won through their opponents.
Group 3 won through their opponents.
Group 4 won through their opponents.
Your Army breaks through Alazar's defenses and captures 1 Acres of Land! In the effort, you lost:
3 Rats
2 Weasels
2 Skiffs
In their defense, Alazar lost:
You also captured 1 Structures!
You also grabbed 3,558,479,667 Cash!
You also grabbed 31,967,831 Food!
Alazar (#22) has been destroyed!


Two kills in one day.  Not bad.  Very impressive, actually.
Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)

Wolf Snare

very cowardly. Can't touch shade, so kill his crew?

We will still win, you can't stop us.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


Tommy, you know their gonna harass the heck out of you next round for this.
Starfish love you


yes but I was working on feathertooths orders and if I didn't make a kill run on him then I would be i big trouble and probrobly booted from the clan and I like being in this clan more than not being herasted by cody.


Quote from: Wolf Snare on June 23, 2008, 05:58:39 PM
very cowardly. Can't touch shade, so kill his crew?

shade hopped clan, ally allowed this.hitting those feeding an emp is always a viable strat
founder of eire

first emp on the new server


And a heads up to anyone who plans to allow shade to clan hop: lock him in your clan so the annoying one can be killed peacefully, or you yourself will be killed in his place. I've had it up to here with clan hopping.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: thomaskreisman on June 23, 2008, 06:44:10 PM
yes but I was working on feathertooths orders and if I didn't make a kill run on him then I would be i big trouble and probrobly booted from the clan and I like being in this clan more than not being herasted by cody.

This is just a wild guess here, but I think you're going to be in big trouble and getting harassed anyway.
Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)



Quote from: Checkerpaw on June 23, 2008, 07:20:23 PM
Quote from: thomaskreisman on June 23, 2008, 06:44:10 PM
yes but I was working on feathertooths orders and if I didn't make a kill run on him then I would be i big trouble and probrobly booted from the clan and I like being in this clan more than not being herasted by cody.

This is just a wild guess here, but I think you're going to be in big trouble and getting harassed anyway.

You crack me up checker, you really do.
Starfish love you


Quote from: Wolf Snare on June 23, 2008, 05:58:39 PM
very cowardly. Can't touch shade, so kill his crew?

We will still win, you can't stop us.
Nah, you murdered me off, but sharptooth is first and smile are relaxing, give it your best shot, mr "modest" ;)
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

The Obliterator

really i cant see sharptooh in first :o
Watching people fight is fun...
...but getting involved is so much better

Alazar is Back

Quote from: thomaskreisman on June 23, 2008, 05:10:02 PM
Player has retreated into the mountains, and it costs an extra 10 health to reach them!

Group 1 won through their opponents.
Group 2 won through their opponents.
Group 3 won through their opponents.
Group 4 won through their opponents.
Your Army breaks through Alazar's defenses and captures 1 Acres of Land! In the effort, you lost:
3 Rats
2 Weasels
2 Skiffs
In their defense, Alazar lost:
You also captured 1 Structures!
You also grabbed 3,558,479,667 Cash!
You also grabbed 31,967,831 Food!
Alazar (#22) has been destroyed!

Biggest mistake of your life. I did like you. Now you have made many enemies, and much stronger than you can handle at that.
Turbo Highest Rank:Co-Emperor with Wolf Snare, Emperor

One of the most underrated players at RWL..

Wolf Snare

Firetooth I didn't even need to show up to your smiting, shade and oblit handled you just fine. You need to lose your ego you've cropped up lately, because it's far surpassed your playing ability.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


yes I will admit that I can not take u alazar but like I said I like being in this clan and I actualy like u to, u tought me allot about indy a couple rounds ago but u where getting extreemly anoing so I did the inmature vilent thing I always do (remember Feng Kestral, Saladin?) so, I killed u, ya it probbrobly wasn't smart, but remember I'm Thomas Kreisman and I do stuff like that all the time and I come out OK. Anyway feathertooth was realy mad at u and it was funny to read his messages to me about u.

"I HATE ALAZAR, KILL HIM KILL HIM, KILL HIM NOW" hehe no offence Feathertooth but that was pretty funny, not that I should be talking or anything (Saladin) but it was funny.