What is Menatus's avatar anyway?

Started by Trident, March 10, 2003, 06:01:31 PM

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 I think it looks like a blue eyed badger.  I didn't even see the other one you guys were talking about.

Badrang the Tyrant

 It was a guy,  I dont know what he does for a living...


 It was John Leguzamo, an actor. JEEZ! Why does everyone need to make a NEW topic about my avatar 3 times?!  Not to mention all the other topics...

You could just ask what it is. It's a badger with a blue stripe on his head. Named Thunderstripe.


 YES! *dances* The old Menatus is back!
Of course it's necessary for us to annoy the crud out of you about the other avatar. After all, it worked, didn't it?