
Started by Saladin, June 08, 2008, 09:14:30 PM

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I agree with lady, u guys need to stop and I meen stop now

this killing is only holding everyone back if we stoped killing and murdering and poisoning then I beleve our #10 ranked could have a 300mil net which as right now our #10 rank has a 200mil net which is extreemly high and one of the higest it has ever been sence we have gone into this killing stage.







I am a mercenary u can pay me to kill any one but alliance clan members.

my prices r big but I get the job done.

                                                                                   -Thomas Kreisman

I also don't like that u excepted a fagget into your clan.

                                                                  -Thomas Kreisman

Well Tom,

1) Your a hypocrite

2) Your a homophobic jerk

3) Who in my clan was gay except you?

Oh, and to called me "biest" (as you spell it) because I tried to get the clan to help me enact vengeance  on Justme is absurd. Your seriously need a dictionary and reading specialist.
Starfish love you


Sorry for double posting but:

Tommy sent me this message on the subject of my clan:

it is biest and it was a wast of my time

Firetooth did more for me today than u did in my whole history of being in your clan and I also don't like that u excepted a fagget into your clan.

In response:

Tell me what Firetooth has done for you. I

1) Sacrificed my relationship with Alazar for you.

2) Declared war on Wrath.

3) Attacked several warlords that were bothering you, who are now annoyed with me.

Do you even know the meaning of bias??? (yes Tommy, that's how you spell it).

Then, he has the nerve to tell me to return to the 6th grade.

Forget your crazy pills this morning Tommy ma' boy?

EDIT Sun, 08 Jun 2008 13:45:35 -0600
From Thomas Kreisman Is Drinking Milk (#9) (?)

Juskabally #61!

I want him dead!

lets take him down!

Tue, 03 Jun 2008 19:27:46 -0600
From Thomas Kreisman Is Drinking Milk (#9) (?)

Bisiop thorn is a jerk and I am going to take his land down to 1k

can u guys can help me

P.S. feathertooth is a pest to

Mon, 09 Jun 2008 16:27:58 -0600
From Thomas Kreisman Is Drinking Milk (#9) (?)

he sacked me alot kill him!
Starfish love you


Quote from: Saladin on June 12, 2008, 08:21:19 PM

Forget your crazy pills this morning Tommy ma' boy?

What are you talking about?  He sounds perfectly sane to me.
Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)


he let the dingo into his clan and the dingo is gay!

I am a christen and in the bible it says that gays are obominations to god therefore the dingo would not be welcome in any clan of mine!


Your azzwipe. You homophobic azzwipe. You deserve to burn in hell for calling gays "abominations." You and all your god-damne evangelical friends.
Starfish love you


Quote from: thomaskreisman on June 12, 2008, 08:32:28 PM
he let the dingo into his clan and the dingo is gay!

I am a christen and in the bible it says that gays are obominations to god therefore the dingo would not be welcome in any clan of mine!

Truly pathetic. Love thy neighbor ring a bell you hypocrite? Christians like you really are disgusting, and create a bad name for all.

The Lady Shael

Quote from: thomaskreisman on June 12, 2008, 08:32:28 PM
he let the dingo into his clan and the dingo is gay!

I am a christen and in the bible it says that gays are obominations to god therefore the dingo would not be welcome in any clan of mine!

Tom, please don't talk like this on our forums. That is blatantly against the rules, and extremely disrespectful to the gay members of our forum.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

wolf bite

Urrgggg. Yet again a fight. 

Do I understand right that the kill war has a truce?

It is really the Admin's job to set up the playing field and watch the battle making sure no one sneaks in a machinegun to a sword fight.  I don't like kills, but it is not my job to monitor or stop them.

However, it is my job to make sure people follow the rules of gallantry.

Thomaskreisman  --- We have strict rules both on the forum and in the game concerning swearing. It has been determined that using the word gay (or words that indicate the same meaning) are only allowed in the ultra modified forum and even then only in adult discussion. Personal attacks are never allowed. You have just done this both on the game and on the forum. You are now given your first WARNING!

Snare --- I know you were trying to calm things down by taking an affirmative role, please don't torture my word filters. (No action taken).

I do check the game mail for abuse, but miss stuff both on the forums and in the game. If someone is sending mail that seems to not be within the rules, send me mail to account #2 on that game and I will make a judgment call and warn the person if needed. Please point me to topic like this one that are getting out of hand.

Wolf Bite
(Admin Duties)
Edit: typo
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


ok saldain ... deal.


I would like to take this time to remind all of our members that Redwall: Warlords is a community like many others and like these other communities we share in the world's different cultures and backgrounds.  We are a community that is diverse and we are proud of our diversity.  Throughout the past several years the world has taken a different approach as many are coming to realize who they are and the world has given them the same Civil Rights that everyone else has.

This community is one that I love and cherish, and I have been here for many years.  I am like anyone else that comes here and I have made ever-lasting friendships here over the years.  I will say this....I have created friendships that have no basis upon Race, Color, Age, Gender, Rich nor Poor and I will not discriminate towards anyone who lives an alternative lifestyle either.  These are all basic laws that ALL should follow, not because they are the rules here or anywhere else, but because it is what is morally and humane.  These rights are those that have made the world one of Peace, kindness, love and tolerate of prejudice and stereotypes.

I will not tolerate such disrespect and yet I will not attempt to change anyone's views on the matter.  I live an alternative lifestyle, and while the world is evolving it is not always wise to broadcast your differences to those you do not know or trust.  I am in no means saying to hide, because no one should have to hide, but there are those who do not see the way we do and if that is there choice then they can turn away without any further action of hate or malice.

Be true to who you are and love all as though they were your brother or sister.

Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album

General Austin

Yeehaw, Thomas! Way to add to everyone's prejudice against evangelicals!! No, no, wait!! I'll tell them that they should all smear pig's blood on their firstborn! And whoever doesn't do that can't be in MY clan!!

Yes, evangelicals believe that homosexuality is a sin. But this sin is no worse than cheating someone in a deal, or taking God's name in vain- evangelicals just blow it up into this huge thing because it's a political rallying cry, IMO. My mother has worked with helping people who want to get out of the gay lifestyle at my old church, and I know it's not something as simple as "choice". I believe that through God's healing power it can change, and has changed people. But I know that alot of this stuff is based on a faith in a Christian God that most of you don't subscribe to, so this reasoning is impossible to justify in a forum like this. I will not respond to any flames, or comments on this because I'm not trying to justify Tom's position, or the position of the evangelicals. I'm trying to show that while we view it as a sin, we care about the people, we don't judge them, and we understand that it's not as simple as a "Oh, I think I'll stop now" moment. guys do realize that saying thing like "god-damne evangelical friends" is just as bad as thomas saying "god-damne gay friends"?

wolf bite

Wow! The above 2 posts are beautiful, and even more so that they are right after each other.

Both General Austin and Scarwake have very strong views and will never see eye to eye on their views. Both are willing to discuss the matter as adults to those willing to chat. However both refuse to be attacked personally because of their views.  Also, both give the other the courtesy of not attacking each other. Despite their views being so far apart, they can also be friends, they just decide not to talk about some issues.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Quote from: Wolf Snare on June 12, 2008, 05:54:53 PM
stop the [wash my mouth out!!!] kills. you noobs are so god [darn] pathetic.
I didn't take part in either saladin kill :P

Tom, I dissagree with homosexuality and find it weird, but the bible also says "view everyone equally" those aren't the exact words lol but Im sure it does. Basically, even if you disagree with homosexuality, you shouldn't insult them because of that. They're still humans, they deserve equal rights.

However, you're being a bit harsh to tom. In class, gay is used as an insult. I don't think I've used it as an insult for a long time, but eh.

Calm it down, the comment was poorly choiced and should be erased. I gotta agree with aus on calling others "god dam evanglists" is also discrimination.

I agree with scarwake, someones lifestyle shouldn't affect if they're your friend or not.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.



My commentary was not aimed directly towards Thomas, but the community as a whole.  The reason we have chose to address it is because of the actions that were carried out by those involved and the way people reacted here on the forums.

We are addressing the issue so that all may know that we do not tolerate discrimination here at RWL.

Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album