Noonvale: The Lost Journey

Started by Bloodrath, March 10, 2003, 11:28:34 AM

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Abby The Rat

 Did you read why I stopped the RP?

You tell me why and I start the rp again. (Not you Deadeye and baransarn, I know you have read it)
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 Only reason I used blacksmith thing was for armour and a wet stone and I used it because someone else mentioned blacksmith. So uh, I will just uh say I got my armour from my room  :D  and uh the wet stone thing uh can wait till later. Ya thats it...

Abby The Rat

 Story Teller
The storm rages on the came on during the night. Snowing heavy and winds blow yet all the dibbuns are safe inside the gatehouse. One eye open and then the other and slowly the rat pushed himself up into sitting postion. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he said "Ah, I think you want to hear more of the story while the blizzard is on." Gave out a yawn

"Yiss, Yiss, we like more, please" said the small vole and when he said please all the other dibbuns cries out their pleases.

"Ok, gather round, young'en" And so he carried on with his story.

"So all the would be travellers with full knackpack. So Ad hoping to see his mom or dad, bloodrath, Kiros and Zenni looking foward to the trip and finally Pesselus with hope to see noonvale, his home, once again. So all the abbeybeast are at the gate saying their goodbyes and good lucks as the youngs travellers set off, yet.........
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Abby The Rat

 ...Ad looks back and realise that Dan Blackflash was not at the door. Inwardly, the rat knew that somewhere he was watching them go up the path and will later join up. Smiling the rat called out, "Come on, let get to noonvale." On he when..
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Dead Eye

 Dan BlackFlash watched through his domitory window. He saw the creatures leave the path. He quickly gather his things together, and ran off through he East Wicker Gate.
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 "We should be careful, these woods have many creatures to be afraid of," Kiros said as a creature was running through the tree's.


 *breathes deeply, always dreamed of being on a journy.* I doubt we will be meeting any harm for many paces.  The abbey is still near... a few stone throws back... *smiles and looks through the woods along the path.  his staff in paw as a walking stick he keeps pace with the rest, the pan flute pouch bouncing on his neck.*

RWL: Skittles #17
Turbo: Kagewa no #9
Mini title: ?Aloof From all Grammatical Rules.?
"When the Emperor looks naked, the Emperor is naked."
"Let's all dance around under the rainbow until we get brutally assaulted with Skittles."


 "Art not be worried! Thee got the stale oatcakes of the Friars kitchens to hit foebeasts with! Harharhar!"
Pesselus walks in the wake of the other travelers, admiring the beauty of Mossflower Country for the first time.
A woodpidgeon cooed in a nearby hornbeam. A frilled newt scattered into the shrubbery, but little did Pesselus and the companions know they were being followed...
Baransarn, WarLord of Peskiness
Pesselus Mach in RPG's
"There was a squirell named Pesselus,
who weighed less than all of us.
He was really fast
And was known now and the past
There was a squirell name Pessulus
who weighed less than all of us!"


 Kiros slowly walked with the other listening  for all other movement either than their own. "I tell you, we are being followed!" Kiros said as he put a twig in the middle of the path. "Hopefully if someone is following us they will step on this twig, but we should hide!"

Dead Eye

 Dan walked silently. He had made good timing, carring only a few provisions, a large dirk, and the great sword of Martin. He pocked his head out onto the path to see Kiros put a stick on the path. He realized what his brother had done, so he waited for the travellers to walk on before setting out again.
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov

Abby The Rat

 Some time have past and I was beginning to get so bored. "Kiros you must be hearing things." He groan "Now we have losted time. Come one let go" And the rat carried on his travelling to noonvale.

Inside, he knew someone was following but it was not a vermin but a good beast. The group was too close to the abbey for any vermins and yet Ad wonder who was following, deep down he knew that the time to know is just not right.

Looking back, he saw that his fellows are not following

"Hey guys, you coming or not?"
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 Hearing Ad's voice, he wipes sweat from his forhead and he starts to wack his ruddler in the air.

"Ya, we are coming. Keep your tail on. Hah" said the tall otter in a rather happy voice. He adjusted his pawso he had a tighter grip on his long bow. His long sword was dangling from his side. He catchesup to Ad and starts talking.

"Well Ad, I think we should start to move things along here. There will not be much vermin around here, but when we start to get deep in Mossflower Wood, I think we can expect some sort of attack. I think I should scout up ahead and check things out, since we are getting nearer to the mid section of Mossflower." stated Bloodrath, as he awaits for Ad's reply.


 As they approached the middle of the woods, RazorClaw said, "Hmmm.... it's sure gotten quiet. Listen... not even a bird singing. Something isn't right." Suddenly, "Oooomph! Attack! Attack! Heeelp!" As he struggled to get free of the stranglehold, he relaxed his body, and then he thrashed his sword into whatever the thing was. As he looked up, he was stunned. "Wot h'in the world are h'u doing? H'oi'm jus' a retoied seerait, and thut's h'ool H'oi wan to bee." Before him was a thin-looking rat, with one eye. He had grayish-black fur, and he was nearly as tall as Kiros. "H'oi dun no woiy ye'r attackin' mey. Oi jus'-" "You just ambushed me from a tree!" RazorClaw said, fuming. "Then you tried to strangle me! Explain yourself." But before he could say "Whiskerameteoban" (which I doubt many of you can say) the rat was gone. "Strange are the ways of the deep woods." Said RazorClaw, "We must be careful." As he walked on, he was apprehensive to move any further, but he still moved on.


 "See, I told you we are being followed!" Kiros said as he raised his axe to his chest prepared for the rat to attack again.


 *When ad had told them to get out of hiding, he jumps down from the small willow tree, and follows by.  Walking with the group, he pulls out his pan flute and starts to play from boredom.  When the rat attacks, he drops the pan flute into his pouch and held his staff ready.  Still holding it ready he looks to ad and the others for future plans* well? do we move on? or what do we do with this un? *nodding his head towards the rat.*

RWL: Skittles #17
Turbo: Kagewa no #9
Mini title: ?Aloof From all Grammatical Rules.?
"When the Emperor looks naked, the Emperor is naked."
"Let's all dance around under the rainbow until we get brutally assaulted with Skittles."