
Started by Saladin, June 02, 2008, 06:53:50 PM

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I haven't been able to get on my Imperium account in months. It keeps on saying I can't connect to the server. Is this a problem for others, or does my comp just suck?
Starfish love you

wolf bite

It is down, then up, then down. Right now down. They have been having some problems they are working on. They had better get it back up fast because the round ends on the 6th.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Ah crap, really?

Looks like I need to exit Vacation mode then.


Hey all :P
i said I will not reply here due hmm, i dont remember lol what a newbie am i  :-*
I reigister just cuz I cant get in into Imperium game and Imperium forums, and now i see wolf bite say the round is shuold be finished 1 week ago :(

May i know who was win?

so bad the game isnt working so far, we couldnt send all the net we saved to ros  :(

anyway gg :P
after killing my account and due of inactivity of mine and my friend ICE
we started play in same account so we can be active alot  ;)
i must say, RW was good , but only becouse of few people;
Peace alliance - great game, once you spyed me and send me my info, so I spyed you and send you your info ;) great fight for all the game  :D
Wolf Bite #165 - nice tactic, if i am not worng, this wasnt the name you started with, you learned us and keep on low profile, I knew its must be some RW member, give me some min i will remember the name  :-*
Shadow - I learned from you alot, only after month i learned that there is special magic to Dwarf that give you leaders :o

rest of RW, nice supporting  :)

I must say more few words;
Firetooth - if you want people to respect you more, stand brave after your declaration and words. you know what I mean.
after killing account and declaration that you will keep kill me again and again, and all the confidence and the complacence I was think you will give a real fight. but you keep run again and again from the battle you made.

Order members - your great guys, RW you have really good enemy.
The Kingdom of Love your a great leader, long time i havent seen such desire to win   :wink:

this was my last round,
say good bye and goodluck to the new member in the royal special unit of israel,
the 669,  Airborne Rescue And Evacuation Unit. was hard to get in this unit :)

ohh how can i forget, wolf snare, you was the only reason I keep play so long, you said i will beg for destroying me and more such of funny stuff, haha  :D , well you declared war on really stubborn boy haha, you done really little to make me beg, i hope you wasnt active or something like that

and Black Books i just love you mate :) what a nice guy, great personallity, great player awesome men!

sorry for long post and bad english :(

wolf bite

Welcome Dragon to the forum and thanks for the post.

I had misread the end date and thought it was a few hours from now, said to say that I had full turns and about to make my last run as they reset. Foolish me. Hehe

The name I started with was Call of the Wild, I was only support for the RWL people. But when they stopped all signing in, I went solo.

The final results are at[19.03.08%20-%2006.06.08]

Congratulations for Methos for his first place win.

That game is working off the code we have here. Not only are your members welcome here, but you should tell your friends that Imperium is updating to the new version in a few days and the game will be much better!

Thank you Dragon for a fun game.

Oh, and grammar and spelling is only expected from those who use it as a first langrage. Second langrage people are only expected to use the best they know. No need to apologize. Feel free to post.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


I took a solid third place. Methos was lucky though--I could have run and bested his networth. Too bad that I didn't have an additional 1.2m battleships--I would have got #2 in that case. I lost $80m NW in the last week. I solo'd my way up to $562m and then had Wolf Bite help me raise defenses for a while--it ended up that I was without around $60m NW but that's no real problem.

BTW--yes, I was Pacer. I was solo for that entire round--though I ended up sending away a good deal of my NW to Shadow when he was emperor--took 2 runs really to recover. After that I was just netting alone.

IIRC, 72m or so battleships. ;)

EDIT: The game is updating in a few days? :( I hope they don't change everything... my strat was actually quite specific to the older code. Maybe that's why PA had it nerfed...


omfg. I ran turns 4 times, and dropped net specifically so I would not be ranked high when it ended, and I still made 9th. I doubt I'll be playing there again I suppose.


Nice work bob ;)
Yeh dragon, I talked a bit too much, I was too busy to try, and I probarbly wouldn't have won if I had. Now I can leader, I could probarbly play far better at imp. :P
Lol I was in order for a while...but after Ice murdered me for no reason I lost intrest (again)
Very nice work by death. Im still not entirely happy with some rwl clan players. I didn't really see why they murdered me, but as I was in another clan I didn't bring it up. Ahh well, the rwl clan still did well.
Methos won, but order was more determined. We were almost all indy so we were murdered so much we never stood much chance.
Three cheers for kingdom of love I say, one of the best clan leaders Ive ever played with.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


I couldn't be bothered playing once the server started crashing for days at a time. When it gets a bit better I might rejoin.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Oh yeah, Call of the Wild, haha I knew it was you!
'the first guy who will offer you will be the first one to betrayl you':wink:

Firetooth, ICE = me and my mate, he was play only every 2-3 weeks in weekend so we dual account

wohaha i just saw Ros was won![/move]

haha what a b asterd, i love this guy  :-* :-* :-*
and i remember some people call him cheater becouse he was the admain, i think he deserve big apologize.

this Marquee is really nice hehe  :D :D :D


Sicarius wouldn't cheat. I personally never thought he did, but people have enough "proof" to say so...
so, you were my nemesis on TWO accounts? :D
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


you really pissed me when killed me  :) ;) :P

:-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*


aww :-*You annoyed me when you destroyed all my net :D LOL when kingdom of love both invited us to the same msn window. I think we were both completely silenced :D
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


I was after a train so i olmost fall a sleep on the keyboard haha


I had a very intelligent post here.
But rwl crashed for me :D
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.