This months turbo awards

Started by Firetooth, May 25, 2008, 10:49:36 AM

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theereee bacckkk! ;)

Best player: Peace
Worst player: Idk, Snare played well but let down his "rep" :P
Best solo player: Bob-sama
Worst solo player:not actually shure :D
Best new player: Saladin, he's cool when he isn't destroying the forums :D
Best clan: prolly wrath
Worst clan: merc guild (no offence tom)
Best indy: feng
Worst indy: ME! :D
Best leader: Alazar or holby
Worst leader: Idk
Most slick move (solo or clanned): the alazar takedown
Most annoying player: other then me, my name is earl :P
Most improved: Sabriel when they played :P
Best hair do: ME!
Worst hair do: ME!
The coolest(other then firetooth): M- wait, I already am, so second coolest? bob or shadow
Best market storer: snir of feng
Most unlucky: alazar *pats alazar on back*
Most funny: the person who said "I like stealing off army of one, they're death" :D
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Best player: Snare and Alazar had a good thing going for a while
Worst player: Random killers
Best solo player: Holby and I pretty much tied for net 'til I gave him what I had.
Worst solo player: Plenty of those
Best new player: dont know
Best clan: wrath
Worst clan: merc guild
Best indy: None worth mentioning
Worst indy: most of them
Best leader: Gotta toot my own horn here, that takedown was art
Worst leader: duno
Most slick move (solo or clanned): the alazar takedown
Most annoying player: oo pick me
Most improved: bob, for learning how to leader well
Best hair do: ME!
Worst hair do: ME!
The coolest(other then firetooth): Bob continues to amaze me with his learning ability
Best market storer: this is an award?
Most unlucky: alazar
Most funny: My name is Earl: "Give me 5 billion moneys for all my land or I'll drop it!"
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: Shadow on May 25, 2008, 10:57:19 AM
Best player: Snare and Alazar had a good thing going for a while
Worst player: Random killers
Best solo player: Holby and I pretty much tied for net 'til I gave him what I had.
Worst solo player: Plenty of those
Best new player: dont know
Best clan: wrath
Worst clan: merc guild
Best indy: None worth mentioning
Worst indy: most of them
Best leader: Gotta toot my own horn here, that takedown was art
Worst leader: duno
Most slick move (solo or clanned): the alazar takedown
Most annoying player: oo pick me
Most improved: bob, for learning how to leader well
Best hair do: ME!
Worst hair do: ME!
The coolest(other then firetooth): Bob continues to amaze me with his learning ability
Best market storer: this is an award?
Most unlucky: alazar
Most funny: My name is Earl: "Give me 5 billion moneys for all my land or I'll drop it!"

Don't know? I think I was pretty good for a newbie.
Starfish love you


Nobody who sells random kills will ever get on the good player list.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I stopped that, and refused a few who asked me. I'm not going to do that again.
Starfish love you


Next round you might get a nomination as a good payer then. But next round I doubt you will be able to kill people anyway. Not alone at any rate.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


haha saladin, I agree. I owe you 52bil cash though so I guess were even <_< Ill pay you back next round ;)
shadow, Earl did the exact same thing to me then begged for cash so I paid him 10bil to shut him up.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


<3 earl

I'd give him the best nooby award but...
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Me too, stupid idiot stole off me just after Id finished running and I said "you're such a noob you made me puke over my monitor now it broke" they repled "puke? I no know this word"
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Ungatt Trunn II

I believe we should enact a "Best murderer" award. This round a few would get 5th-2nd place, but I'm not sure who would get 1st.


Best player: Shadow
Worst player: ill kill you feng kestral
Best solo player: Hidden Fox
Worst solo player: cars for sale!
Best new player: I don't know...
Best clan: Abbey
Worst clan: That mercenary one...
Best indy: Black Smoke was doing pretty well when he wasn't perched at top broken in leaders and then troops
Worst indy: Sorry Thomas Kreis, but you were pretty messed up trying to indy
Best leader: Shadow did quite well--I didn't become a Stoat until late-round
Worst leader: I don't know..
Most slick move (solo or clanned): Taking down Alazar and Wolf Snare was pretty slick
Most annoying player:
Most improved: I'm going to have to say Saladin--despite what happened. His strategy was sorted out and implemented with pretty high efficiency this round.
The coolest(other then firetooth): Shael, since she is playing next round
Best market storer: Shadow's been pulling quite the storage routine
Most unlucky: Alazar--he almost would have survived if a friend of mine didn't take his city and hit him for the last 14 acres
Most funny: Sorry Thomas Kreisman, but your rants about cars for sale! were pretty funny. Other than that, Alazar's messages I found a bit ironic and funny.


ok time to open the bag

*out jumps the cat*

i am earl........... and what a laugh it's been i have never laughed out loud at rwl before now my convos with firetooth were unbelievable
founder of eire

first emp on the new server

The Lady Shael

Hehe. *knew it all along thanks to awesome admin powers* It was pretty amusing...watching the message system...

And awesome, I've won a Turbo award already and I haven't even started playing yet. XD

~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


Biggest Whiner: ALAZAR !!!!      :P


falls over chair laughing at the sight of getting the worst clan award and the worst indy award

(I am ranked 12th so thats not bad for worst indy player)

the mercenary guild was a complete failure but it did teach some new players that killing is not everything.