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Started by Sharptooh, May 25, 2008, 07:27:23 AM

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Apple, microsoft or linux, what computer system do you prefer?

14 (70%)
4 (20%)
2 (10%)

Total Members Voted: 20


  What can I say, I got bored

The Obliterator

I would say microsoft as i have tried mac but hate it and i want to try linux but haven't been able to yet also you forgot Unix but that is more for big companys or universitys
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  Really, I've never heard of unix, who thinks I should add it?


Unix is pre-Linux...  Linux is "Unix like"
Apple's OS X is verified Unix
Solaris is also Unix

Noone sane would use vanilla Unix as their primary desktop, though it is a reasonably common server OS

<3 OS X and Fedora Linux roughly equally
I don't like MS Windows

btw, for those wanting to know what linux is, go grab a Fedora or Ubuntu LiveCD.  It runs from a CD-ROM and your RAM, so doesn't touch your harddrive unless you explicitly tell it to
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~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't



I'll be switching to Mac with next computer I buy
prolly a Macbook, though I may look for a used G4 Powerbook
Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.

Ungatt Trunn II

I chose Microsoft because I know very little about anything else, lol.

Alazar is Back

Microsoft just because i hate macs. Dont know what a Linux is.
Turbo Highest Rank:Co-Emperor with Wolf Snare, Emperor

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never used anything in my life but microsoft


  MS are quite good. I tried one newer mac and some older mac's at a movie making thing, hard to use but very fun. Never used a linux. :o
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Quote from: thomaskreisman on May 26, 2008, 12:15:03 AM
never used anything in my life but microsoft
Same with most people, I tired a mac but didn't like it too much
Quote from: Alazar is Back on May 25, 2008, 10:13:29 PM
Microsoft just because i hate macs. Dont know what a Linux is.
This link should explain about linux:

Arguia Zsah

I use Microsoft. Not really from preference... because that is what I have always used.


I like Linux, however I run everything using Microsoft just because I had some minor issues when I had Linux installed on my last computer.
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Generally, Windows. I run WinXP Home on my sublaptop and WinVista HP 64-bit on my desktop. I prefer Vista to XP. I've used CentOS and about 3 distros of Ubuntu.


  We have an ancient old rubbish desktop which runs xp, but I have a laptop which runs xp which is a lot better, I really want us to get a new desktop with vista, I've seen and tried it before, it's great, but the reality is we don't have the money right now  :(


Lets see. I like Windows only because many companies would make softwares for this operating system. I also like the Linux. I used Fendora and Ubuntu. I tried some other linuxes as well.

For Macs, I haven't used those in a long time. I like linux more than I like mac.