
Started by snirben, May 20, 2008, 12:08:59 PM

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Quote from: Wolf Snare on May 20, 2008, 09:44:28 PM

Quote from: Shadow on May 20, 2008, 03:45:26 PM
Cody I'm surprised at you. Taking stuff from new players is one thing, but then being cocky about it on forums is just weak.

Kyle, don't get me wrong. I'm not being cocky, or bragging about anything.
I was defending my actions.

This round is highly competitive because there are no mercenaries. Meaning, all of the money that isn't used by indiers stays in the game. I have been robbing cash from whoever I can, and I certainly don't make a big deal out of getting robbed myself.

I may have been a bit of a prick about it here, but I believe bob over reacted a bit.

and FYI, I don't concider Bob a new player. you took him under your wing, and therefore he knows more than the basics.
If I remember correctly I asked you to stop robbing Saladin, because he is still being showed the ropes, but you continue to rob him.

On a different note, I believe bob is a very skilled player, and the next step in his training is to learn how to pull off, and avoid these sort of things.

You and I both know shadow, experiencing this stuff only improve your skill overall.
Dash learned it all the hard way, and he turned out to be one of the best players we ever had.

One thing everyone keeps seeming to forget was I was here years ago. I've been on the receiving end of kill runs and I've been on the giving end of kill runs. It doesn't bother me if I get killed, really. I know how to avoid being in a bad position. For your comments, Snare, I have lost what was left of my respect for you. No doubt it's competitive, but you're a Marten. You don't need the cash--you don't indy. Sorry that I had the cash to get to the Top15 for that time. From now on, watch your back. And Alazar, you're the other target again.

Quite frankly--I do have my back turned on this game from ~9PM to ~11AM and then ~1PM to ~3-4PM. I can't help it quite like that--I have other obligations most of the time.

I know how to pull off poo like this--I just don't out of respect for the player. All rules dissolved when someone does it to me.


I agree with shadow-quit bragging snare :P
However, snare has a point about saladin, I did the best thing and left the cash and warned snare against stealing it. But it seems as if snare steals unprvoked his clan mates deserve the same treatment...
Im still after your cash snare :D
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


  Why was my kill necessary, I didn't even kill anyone.
  Also cody I ahve lost respect for you too... I don't see much difference between murdering and stealing, they both damage the player especailly if, like bob, they indy.
Quote from: Wolf Snare on May 20, 2008, 03:43:56 PM
Sharpoh, you deserved to die.

Bob, I appolegize, next time I'll take 90%,
I agree with Shadow you are cocky and proud about stealing, if it's ok then I'll steal from you, but then log on the next day to find myself killed, you hate being stolen off, so do other people, I mean you're a good enough player to win without stealing, I think stealing of someone is a bit n00bish.
  No offence to anyone who regulary steals

Wolf Snare

I still fail to see how I am bragging Firetooth. I didn't even mention anything until I was attacked in this topic. I'm not sure what you're getting at when you say "you warned me not to rob Saladin" when he is in my clan, and we are teaching him. And BTW, bob isn't indying, Saladin is.

What you don't understand, are the circumstances of this round.
I don't go around robbing people and causing havoc every set. But, as I said earlier, when there are no mercenaries in play, all of the money stays in the game. This means that I have created a large portion of what I am robbing from my targets. Bob was unlucky, I admit, as it was most of his own cash, but he was vulnerable because of his own actions.

Call me what you will, but this is a war game, and a strategy game.

Quote from: Sharptooh on May 21, 2008, 01:00:12 PM
  Why was my kill necessary, I didn't even kill anyone.
  Also Cody I have lost respect for you too... I don't see much difference between murdering and stealing, they both damage the player especially if, like bob, they Indy.

Sharptooh, give me a break. The game was entirely peaceful when you murdered me. If I remember correctly you were first to reply to the "clean Slate" topic created at the beginning of the round. Yet, you were the first to break that treaty, and murder me. I was forced to change strats, and I changed my approach on the game as-well. IMO, you deserved a kill for your actions.  I couldn't care less if you lose respect for what I am doing. And go ahead and rob me, I'll just get you back.

I don't understand why people get like this nowadays. Maybe the game has gone soft. I have my doubts whether or not some of you would've made it in the old days.

Meh. I believe everyone but Kell missed my point the first time around, let's see if anyone understands this time.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)

Alazar is Back

Quote from: CobyCopper on May 21, 2008, 09:29:28 AM
One thing everyone keeps seeming to forget was I was here years ago. I've been on the receiving end of kill runs and I've been on the giving end of kill runs. It doesn't bother me if I get killed, really. I know how to avoid being in a bad position. For your comments, Snare, I have lost what was left of my respect for you. No doubt it's competitive, but you're a Marten. You don't need the cash--you don't indy. Sorry that I had the cash to get to the Top15 for that time. From now on, watch your back. And Alazar, you're the other target again.

Quite frankly--I do have my back turned on this game from ~9PM to ~11AM and then ~1PM to ~3-4PM. I can't help it quite like that--I have other obligations most of the time.

I know how to pull off [poop] like this--I just don't out of respect for the player. All rules dissolved when someone does it to me.

If you know how to protect yourself, then do it there is no excuse for leaving yourself unprotected especially with that amount of cash. If you do then you can almost guarantee that someone will take advantage of the situation. Heh, i dont know why you have constantly targeted me, the last arguement we got in was when i invited you into wrath on turbo and you started talking smack about how much you could murder and steal me with out taking penalties and how if i tried back i would take massive penalties.

You are a decent player but your more talk then walk. Lets see some real actions out of you.

Quote from: Sharptooh on May 21, 2008, 01:00:12 PM
I agree with Shadow you are cocky and proud about stealing, if it's ok then I'll steal from you, but then log on the next day to find myself killed, you hate being stolen off, so do other people, I mean you're a good enough player to win without stealing, I think stealing of someone is a bit n00bish.
  No offence to anyone who regulary steals

You are the one acting noobish in any discussion where someone is picking at another person you can't even think for yourself. I have never seen you go against the rest of the people. Have a little pride.
Turbo Highest Rank:Co-Emperor with Wolf Snare, Emperor

One of the most underrated players at RWL..


I disagree with kell. Last round you drove away firestar because of your "helping players improve" policiy of unprovkedly sabotaging players for no reason other then they have net...
It's a game guys, Im fed up of you all to be fair. Sit down and do something with your lives other then argue over who stole cash and why. It's amazing, Im not even reading most posts anymore ^^

"I don't understand why people get like this nowadays. Maybe the game has gone soft. I have my doubts whether or not some of you would've made it in the old days."

Snare, your a hypocrite im afraid, I read your "it's a war game" then I believe all the imperium actions were completely legitimate including the spying on your clan by solomon. "It's a war game" And sharptooths murders were legitimate "It's a war game and a stratergy game, he merely took advantage of it..."
These aren't my beliefes, I just find your post amusing. Im not losing respect for anyone, neither do I think to much strongly on this. Snare and Alazar were in the wrong I agree, but this thread if getting ridiculious...
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.