The Frozen North

Started by Faerd, April 23, 2008, 11:50:07 AM

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Gen. Volkov

((Right on, we'll see what happens))
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


ooc:Im back!

Im gonna try see what I can make on my own here. Ill try to add it into your rp.

  The lone ginger wildcat awoke. He could taste blood. He blinked rapdly, trying to remember what happened. He heard voices, his two crew mates. He'd been on a small boat with a sail. The skipper. Waves had forced the boat over, but firetooth had clung on and despairingly kicked. He managed to reach this rocky dump, then passed out. He knew his crew mates were dead.
   He was freezing, he sat up, then slowly twisted his head and surveyed his surroundings. He was on a small "island"of rocks. They were sharp and his back had obviously felt it, he winced. Worse, he had nothing to put on the cuts, as salt water would just make it worse. He got to his foot and looked fo his boat, then he spotted it, then he groaned as he realised it was a smashed wreck and would never sail again. Suddenly, he realised the tide was coming in fast. He scrambled to the top of the rocky outcrop, despairingly trying to think of a solution, he could swim, but where would the nearest land be? He felt frustrated, after all that trouble, he was going to be washed out to sea and drown. He knew it was going to hurt, but he kicked a sharp rock to take out his anger, after it bled, he decided this made things worse.
   But in the distance, he could see a ship. He grinned, now he needed to gets it's attention. He waved and shouted, flailing his arms wildly so the ships crew could hopefully see him.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


(Resuming from my last post)

  Back at the camp the vermin were unaware of ripfang and byle's unfourtunate encounter, but another beast was already taking command, a broad young stoat named Septimus was already ordering others about.
  "Get those supplies ready, we leave for southsward tommorow!" he yelled
  "What about The cats up north? And what of Ripfang and byle?" croaked a small weasel, in reply septimus said, "look,you heard that scream, I think that spelled the end of them both, and who cares about them cats in mossflower, I don't work for them no more! We can rule soutsward together those cats can rot away in their castle! Who's with me?"
  "We are!" Yelled the other vermin with suprising enthusiasm.

More soon, sorry is that was a bit boring.


ooc: when someone else speaks, they have a new paragraph :P
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


The storm began to clear somewhat, as Redtail's crew helped Fulkri back to the damaged and currently trapped vessel, the captain scanned the horizon. Directly ahead of him, to the south there was land of some sort, a series of low ridges. There was even the possibility of open water near shore where wave action had weakened the ice. To the North and west there was mixed ice as far as the eye could see. To the east there was a dark outline, like that of a rock jutting out from the sea, though it was nearly impossible to tell it from the snow that blew everywhere. The stoat that Redtail had spied earlier seemed to disappear, lost somewhere in the vast field of ice.
Am I losing my mind? Redtail asked himself, before being interrupted by a crewbeast "Sir, the fox is aboard... Any further orders?"

"Not at the moment, back to the ship. We don't have quite enough daylight to do much of anything today." Redtail, replied, turning back towards the ship. He was acctually somewhat thankful for the coming dark. The crew was likely exausted from the day's events and it would require all of their streignth to free the Lady Jacqueline from her icy bonds.
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

Visit today!


ooc: was that rock the one Im stranded on? If so, tank you for rescuing me ::)
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


((Hmm... i was sort of planning to kill Fulkri off and create a new char, but what the hey. I'm at my grandma and grandpa' house for today, so I'm not gonna be able to post beyond what i just said. Sorry.))
"7/5th's of the world's populace do not understand fractions. 48% of all statistics are wrong"

"Because my Reality-Defining-Gun says so..."

~Faerd, Rhubarb of Randomness


The captain looked back towards the rock... Was that something he heard? Someone shouting? He looked, making out nothing against the gray horizon. Is my mind playing tricks on me again? he though... Then, out of the gray horizon he saw a figure. Was that the mysterious stoat he he had spied before?

"Captain! A creature approaches!" a crewbeast shouted. From the east, below the rocklike horizon a wildcat advanced across the ice. He appeared to be making good progress towards them. That rock was significantly closer than he had first estimated. Redtail readied his crossbow, but still kept it pointed towards the ice. The wildcat was significantly stronger than the fox they had just pulled aboard. When the cat was just a long stone's throw away, Redtail shouted into the wind, "Gooday! I am captain Redtail... "
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

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Firetooth felt relieved to see other life."Nice to meet you captain redtail!" he shouted as he waited to be hauled upon. "Listen, Im sort of stuck, can you help me out? My ship crashed and Im in need of help as you can see!"
ooc:yay, help! :D
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Captain Redtail looked the cat over for a moment... He had no obvious weapons, his fur and clothing were tattered, and all but frozen solid. His story seemed to check out. The captain swung the crossbow across his back, replying, "Very well... Come with us."

The remaining crew escorted their captain and their second guest of the day back towards the entrapped Lady Jacqueline. The prow was the only part of the vessel viable from their current vantage, the stern end of the ship obscured by the wall of ice that Redtail had unfortunately plowed through at excessive speed. The ice kept the vessel tilted upwards at an uncomfortable angle, making the keel plainly visible. Aside form the parts of ski assembly scattered across the ice, or dangling from the ship, where was very little damage from the collision. Even the carved figurine, a lady weasel holding a stringed instrument across her body, was intact.

With help from a conveniently placed cargo net, the crew, the captain and the guest wildcat climbed from the ice to the ship's deck. Here they were greeted by a watch that the first mate had taken the liberty of posting. Redtail asked briefly of happenings back aboard his ship, before going below to talk with their guests in relative warmth and comfort....
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

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Firetooth looked around the quaters. The boat seemed in good enough condition. "Nice boat you've got here" Firetooth said "Althought I can't help but wonder, where do you plan to go? What is your final destination? Are you seeking treasure or just sailing from island to island?" He rubbed his paws together eagerly, trying to warm themp up whilst he awaited a response
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


The Redtail thought carefully... He had to give a reasonable answer that was specific, but not too specific.
"We are merchants. We buy goods that some find valuable for as little as possible and sell them somewhere else for as much as possible. At the moment, we are headed for the freeport of Riftgard. As for yourself, just who are you, and... how did you get shipwrecked up here so early in the season? We've see nothing but ice for the last three weeks..."

AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

Visit today!


"There's a funny story about that" Firetooth began, he was clever, he knew this redtail figure wasn't telling the whole truth by his eye movement, so he thought he'd see what would happen if he decided to go all true. "I am Firetooth, former tain of S.S. Salamandstrom. Me and my two friends were on a navy ship with the royal navy of salamandstrom when we were boarded by vermin. We fought, but they were too strong, two of my friends ran away, but I stayed and fought. I was knocked unconscious, however the vermin thought I was dead and pushed me overboard. Im glad they did. I heard nasty things about what happened to the captives" He cleared his throat, then carried on "but luckily, I drifted out next to the boat and was pulled aboard, but my luck ran out. There was a storm and the boat broke apart, killing my saviours instantly. I managed to swim to the rock, and I guess you know the rest from there"
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


"You must be quite lucky to be alive..." the Redtail replied, before continuing, "... Alas, I must be off. Freeing the Lady shall be no small task, and like my crew I will require some rest. I advise you do the same. If there's anything you need, ask my first mate over there..." indicating the rather burley stoat who had been watching them from the other side of the crowded crew cabin. "Oh, and if I were you, I wouldn't go wondering forward of that bulkhead. The crew sleeping there would very much dislike being waken by my guests." he paused a moment, thinking of the stores of the mysterious black powder they had acquired.

The weasel turned aft and made his way to the first mate, quietly issuing some orders, "See to it that someone keeps an eye on them all night... And have me waken for the third night watch, if you would."
The mate replied, "Yes captain... If they need anything?" indicating the guests.
"Wake me, no matter how trivial... I don't entirely trust these folks. Even if their intentions are pure, it's quit odd that they are out here. It makes me wonder if there's anything else out there... Be sure to have the watch do the same if they see anything odd out there."
"Very well, captain. Personally, I don't think our cat's story quite checks out..." the mate replied.
"I'll buy it for the time being. He came here with nothing but the cloths on his back and plastered in ice. The most he could have been out here is a couple of weeks. Any longer and he'd be either insane or dead. What I'm wondering is what sane ship and crew were this far north this early."
"I've often wondered that myself, captain." the first mate replied with a slight smile.
The Redtail chuckled slightly, before heading for his bunk, located at the rear of the cabin.
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

Visit today!


Firetooth grinned "Thank you, I will, first I need a change of clothes though!" he went into a small room then slipped on a bulky padded shirt. He smiled So this is the lady, the ship we've been looking forhe thought to himselfif so, I now need to confirm their intentions, first, find the plans for the rumoured "black powder" they'd  supposedly been looking for. He knew he'd need a weapon, he silently slid along, then, he heard footstepts they're not as dumb as they look, still, lets go for an all-out approach!He hid behind a door, then as the beast, a sly lookig stoat, came through, he gave it a heavy punch then kicked it in the guts, knocking it out.
"Now to find the captain" he chuckled to himself, slithering away.
ooc: :D
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.