Leaders Ratio

Started by Sicarius, April 22, 2008, 05:27:27 AM

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Something happen to my friend, i am not sure what the problem, maybe you can help?
I have alot of Leaders, and not much land.  my leaders-land value[Ratio] in almost 300. that means that i'm supposed to be untouchable with leaders. so please tell me, how someone managed to spy on me?

and he DID NOT had more Leaders then i have. when he did this, he had about 20-22K land.

Its important to me to say that i'm didnt came here to blame someone. i just want to realize how this thing can happen.

RS-Wolf Methos


<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I'll sum it up in short...

RWL uses three different leaders ratios. You're familiar with the self-help ratio, which allows you to run missions such as super-charged foraging and looting. It's not the only ratio.

Self-help ratio
Leaders / Huts

There are also two more ratios, and they're more important for people running leaders. Most of the time, indy'ers are absolutely massacred in this. Most players run industrial strategies, and thus have too many huts (to use self-help effectively all the time) or too few huts (to defend against leader attacks).

Leader defense ratio
Leaders / Land

Leader attacking ratio
Your Leaders / ( ( Your Land + Their Land) / 2)

Now, just because your self-help ratio is 175 or more, does not mean you can block missions. As explained in that link (a good read, mind you), you need a certain advantage over another player (Your leader attacking ratio / Their leader defense ratio) to be able to successfully run missions against them. For simple missions, such as Espionage, your advantage has to be >1. If you spy on someone, you can calculate their defensive ratio and your attacking ratio, and then figure out what (if any) missions you can run against them with success.