The most stupid feud ever...

Started by Firetooth, April 19, 2008, 02:05:29 PM

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Wise claw gets land, feng kestral wants them to use it tommorow. Bob Sama (not knowing this) takes the land, gets onlined and stolen off. The two argue and basically I ask the question:
Feng, he was getting land. If he needs to run, he needs land. Can some people back me up on this one? Thanks
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Since I'm involved, I have to agree. I was "warned" not to grab--but let's look back at reality...

1) I had 450 turns plus some stored up.
2) If I had waited another day, I may start losing turns
3) I had about 23k land--not enough for a run. I needed land, so I start grabbing
4) Feng starts PMing me, asking for a favor or something--then arrogantly tells me not to grab off of Wise Claw
5) I see Wise Claw is the best person to grab off of now--I mass a few million Skiffs and grab--because I needed more land then my then ~30k. Feng proceeds to say I'm DoW'ing on him, when all I'm doing is grabbing.
6) Feng starts online'ing me, I mass some more quickly and return the favor
7) Now I'm in a stupid war.

Time     Event
0.1 hours ago    You find another warlord viewing your stats!
0.1 hours ago    Someone stole $1,123,890,903 from your treasury!
0.1 hours ago    Someone stole $1,211,095,634 from your treasury!
0.1 hours ago    Someone stole $907,032,386 from your treasury!
0.1 hours ago    Someone stole $815,451,229 from your treasury!
0.1 hours ago    Someone stole $691,903,647 from your treasury!
0.1 hours ago    Someone stole $658,355,859 from your treasury!
0.1 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by Feng Kestrel (#552) and you lost 948 Acres of Land!    You lost 195 Leaders, but you managed to kill 3306 of your attacker's Leaders.
0.1 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by Feng Kestrel (#552) and you lost 779 Acres of Land!    You lost 227 Leaders, but you managed to kill 4648 of your attacker's Leaders.
0.1 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by Feng Kestrel (#552) and you lost 878 Acres of Land!    You lost 368 Leaders, but you managed to kill 4745 of your attacker's Leaders.
0.1 hours ago    Your Leaders were defeated by Feng Kestrel (#552) and you lost 3681 Acres of Land!    You lost 24 Leaders, but you managed to kill 2775 of your attacker's Leaders.
0 hours ago    You find another warlord viewing your stats!


A massive reaction over grabbing land, if Wise claw was that bothered they could have grabbed it back the next day.


Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Like many indy'ers around here, I only mass one type of troop and usually have few leaders. So seriously--if Feng wanted to run with that land tomorrow, he could have grabbed it off of me tomorrow. If Wise Claw wanted that land back, he could have grabbed it off of me tomorrow. Just like everyone else in this game--I need to run. I'll grab land when necessary and I'll expect it to be grabbed off of me when I log off. No harm, no foul, it's just how the game works. Being threatened because I need to run? That, quite frankly, is absurd.


Quote from: CobyCopper on April 19, 2008, 03:07:33 PM
Like many indy'ers around here, I only mass one type of troop and usually have few leaders. So seriously--if Feng wanted to run with that land tomorrow, he could have grabbed it off of me tomorrow. If Wise Claw wanted that land back, he could have grabbed it off of me tomorrow. Just like everyone else in this game--I need to run. I'll grab land when necessary and I'll expect it to be grabbed off of me when I log off. No harm, no foul, it's just how the game works. Being threatened because I need to run? That, quite frankly, is absurd.



Wise Claw's a she actually coby :P Totally agrees with ya, Im not siding though
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Sorry--I don't talk to most players. I wouldn't know.


Did this occur on Regular or Turbo?
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
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Reg. It was an overreaction on the part of Feng to a land grab that was not even an online attack. Feng has yet to learn the etiquette of RWL.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


After a while, I cooled down a bit myself and was going to let it drop and just say "pay me back what you stole--I don't care about the land or the troops destroyed". After that, however, Feng stole $4,444,710,665 from me on Turbo as well.

I don't really care what Feng was doing in Reg--and whatever damage I might have done? It should have been "curable" with a quick land grab. Wise Claw seemed to be holding no or little of their massed troop--which seems to be stoats. If they would have used Wise Claw as a land farm, they have to realize that other players will need land as well, and shouldn't be hording it like that. I cannot think of anyone who has been here for more than a month that would stop a run because some other player tells them to--at least not an ordinary player.

My own policy on online attacks? If I realize I'm under attack, I try to guess how long I've been "inactive". If it's any more than 5 minutes, I guess that I've been "inactive". More that I don't look at exact times. If I'm under attack then, I occasionally overreact for a minute (and I have maybe twice or thrice) and return attacks very quickly--but then I'll guess how long and stop. Most of the time, I'll just log off and let them continue without alerting them. Why? I was "offline" as it is. I've done the same thing on several occasions--and it seems that most other players do the same or similar when they realize they're under attack. Now, if I've really been active, I'll go off and do my best to mess them up. I wasn't setup to do something like that yesterday--I had my shields down and was massing land. Leaders? About 5000. I had my shields absolutely down and I was running--I wasn't trying to kill anyone or cause any harm--I was just trying to preserve my run.

I just get really angry when people will online attack you and then continue it. I'll cool down in a few hours--even if I have a few harsh words for him or for his friends. Usually I won't follow up with most of my promises--but now I will.

Alazar is Back

Quote from: CobyCopper on April 20, 2008, 09:06:38 AM
After a while, I cooled down a bit myself and was going to let it drop and just say "pay me back what you stole--I don't care about the land or the troops destroyed". After that, however, Feng stole $4,444,710,665 from me on Turbo as well.

I don't want to even hear you talk about stealing from people. You just stole from me. It wasnt a wise choice i must add.
Turbo Highest Rank:Co-Emperor with Wolf Snare, Emperor

One of the most underrated players at RWL..


I didn't steal a dime from you. If I did--I would like to see the log of it. I don't remember doing it--I remember doing an Espionage on you. I said I easily had the ability to, not that I would.

pippin the mighty

Alazar, if he don't make false accusations. And Coby, that can be seen as a threat to many people.


Well it's Alazar who always yells about running while you have others online and the weakness of indy'ers. I turned it back on him, since he was storing a lot, and had full turns IIRC.

Also, I found Alazar quite threatening to me as well. I said I had no reason to join Wrath--and I don't particularly care about breaking PA. He says that they'll make me a better player and tries bragging about knowing most/all strats. I say I doubt it and I already have a teacher, that I do game math, and that I don't want to join Wrath. I then tell him about how much money he has, to further my point that I don't want to join Wrath. Alazar goes on to say that, even though I'm doing leaders, "yeah your doing real well at 29mil net.....what firetooth? he is no veteran of the game." I say no, that I'm running leaders right now. I go on to basically explain that Alazar will hurt himself much more then he could hurt me.