Some ideas i sent to Shael

Started by Sicarius, January 28, 2008, 12:12:25 PM

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Grains - Food
Mana - Loyality
Mages - Leaders

1. create a new file, so that for example the citizens would be able to work in different factories to make money, grains or mana. Also add the option of determining how many citizens work in each factory..
mine - money
fields - grains
laboratories - mana
every time you get turns, you will get a certain amount of grains, mana and money according to your citizens in each factory.
The game is full of options such as stealing citizens, grains and money, and this factor in the game could open it up to be more interesting and less dependent on turns and amount of mages.

2. In the land file, there was an option to buy land from another empire. It needs to be fixed so that it will show the empire owner who bought the land from his and even a better idea would be to get the land owner to be able to accept or reject land sale. Also, there should be a chance to negotiate land prices and see who has free land for sale.

3. Allow the sale of mana in the market and black market.

4. In the sign up page, make the username and empire name only in English, maybe we can use the code for cencoring swears in the game.

5. consider making a maximum 20 attacks on each clan member

6. choice of age and sex in the sign up which will b present in warlordinfo.php

7. another table of how much precent is built on everything in build.php

8. the possibility of voting for the site and that it will give you an extra 15 turns, but it can only be used once every 24 hours, just like the spell shield magic, so that people won't press it a lot of times to get more and more turns.

9. top empires, so you could see who are the 10 top empires in every field, but not show which empire have how much, like in the file avg.php

10. a) in the sign up,give option to choose where are you from and show the flag of a country and that flag will appear in the scores page between the rank and empire name, in warlordinfo.php and in legends after every reset. I have a file with all the flags i can send you at any time. - DONE

b) make a legends file, but for countries.
for example, if a player from israel finishes first, he gets 10 points and every other player until the 10th place receives 1 point less, where 10th place gets 1 point. After the reset, the points are given to each country and you can see which country is the strongest.

11. a statistics file, which will show me how many are signed up by age, sex and race in the game.

12. in eras editing there should be an option to set what everything will be called, that way it will be much easier to use and to translate into different languages. make this sittings in const.php file.
The problem is that right now i can set this only in the games where i can set what everything will be called, and because of that if i will change there the name it will change it in other languages as well.
So if i will have an option to set the names for everything in const.php thatn it will resolve the last barrier in operating the game to other languages.

RS-Wolf Methos

pippin the mighty

They are all great ideas, but one thing that might need changing is laberatories. It is not very, redwall like. It is more modern, were as from my knowledge this is quite a oldern day game. It could be instead, magician tent, warlock camp ect.

Overall these are great ideas! It would be great to see people go through with this, but it will obviously take a while to do this.

I loved the flag idea, it would give redwall more of an effect saying it is world-wide based.
Also in the topic, the legend file would make another fine edition to redwall it it went through.



I tried to do number 12 but its more complicated then i thinked.
Anyway, what we need to do is:Sample: In const.php to add:
// Leaders is called
$cterms[leaders] = "Leaders";

To do this also for:
Workers, Leaders, Loyalty, Rats, Weasels, Stoats, Skiffs, Food, Markets, Tents, Barracks, Camps, Huts, Foragers, Towers.

Some of you that already signup  for the game definitely saw that this names divided for two.
If we could to create this, than it will be no problem to add new languages to the game.

RS-Wolf Methos


well for point 10 it wouldn't really make much sense as most of the players are US or Canadian and I won't have my flag under a maple leaf lol
founder of eire

first emp on the new server


Well it wouldn't make sense maybe here. Anyway this will be good adition, and nice to know where are everybody from.
But in my game as i am trying to operate it for more languages it is really needed.

As i can see it, this also will help for the competition between the players.
Everybody will try to represent his country better.

RS-Wolf Methos

wolf bite

Some interesting ideas. Some I would like to comment on:

6. choice of age and sex in the sign up which will b present in warlordinfo.php

This can work against you in some ways.  First, I like to keep age hidden from evil people on the net, also young beginners don't really get much better and someone putting down 9 years old may not receive good treatment.  Maybe better would be to put experience level. IE: new needing help, beginner, average, better, expert.  ?

8. the possibility of voting for the site and that it will give you an extra 15 turns, but it can only be used once every 24 hours, just like the spell shield magic, so that people won't press it a lot of times to get more and more turns.

There used to be some prom games where you got extra turns by clicking advertisements.  I have mixed feeling on this. In one way timing it right was a big help and helped the server. On the onther hand, some people felt forced to make those clicks and did not like the game because of it.  Either way.

10. a) in the sign up,give option to choose where are you from and show the flag of a country and that flag will appear in the scores page between the rank and empire name,

This is great, it would be a lot of fun.  And kell, as one of the people not from North America, I would think you would like this. We also have a lot of English people among other places.  It is just that the non English people don't stay too long.  But over the years, we have had people from a lot of places.  Maybe a good idea would be to set the game up so that there are pictures of food, not the word "food", pictures of swords crossed, not the word "attack."  This way anyone could play the game. Hummmm, how about for the mail system we program in a link to a site like so with one or two clicks we can translate mail?

Edit: the more I think about this, the better it gets. Could we set up to have "smilies" sent in the mail? This way we can change them to pictures that have a meaning.

(stop sign) (crossed swords) #200.   (hand out) 100,000 (coin) (shaking hands)?
Stop attacking account 200. I'll give you 100,000 gold if you will be friends?

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


founder of eire

first emp on the new server

Arguia Zsah

Quote from: kell on January 29, 2008, 11:59:38 AM
lol the flag thing was a joke

I think the flag thing would be a great idea xD

Yellow Eyes

To do you're #12, isn't really that hard. It would have to be done on the DB, where that information currently sits. You could just make a seperate field for each other language. And then have the user specify his language, and then just set it up on a page that is always called, such as funcs.php that if $users[language] = 'english' use armtrp english & lndtrp english...etc.


FAF make that good:
$config['er'][101]['ename'] = 'North Africa' ;
$config['er'][101]['nfood'] = 'Food' ;# Set attribute/value pairs of eras & races
$config['er'][101]['nrunes'] = 'Scrolls' ;# 100 place: the era; 1 place: the race
$config['er'][101]['troop4'] = 'Catapults' ;# Missing values are filled out from the last era/race filled out
$config['er'][101]['wizards'] = 'Spies' ;# This allows for great flexibility, e.g. race-specific troop names
$config['er'][101]['homes'] = 'Tents' ;# In determining precedence, the following attributes prioritize for race:
$config['er'][101]['shops'] = 'Mines' ;#    rname, offense, defense, bpt, costs, magic, ind, pci, expl, mkt,
$config['er'][101]['industry'] = 'Smithies' ;#    food, runes, farms, troop*
$config['er'][101]['barracks'] = 'Camps' ;# And the following attributes prioritize for era:
$config['er'][101]['labs'] = 'Dens' ;#    ename, peasants, nfood, nrunes, wizards, homes, shops, industry
$config['er'][101]['nfarms'] = 'Farms' ;#    barracks, labs, nfarms, towers, empire, o_troop*, d_troop*
$config['er'][101]['towers'] = 'Towers' ;
$config['er'][101]['o_troop0'] = 2 ;
$config['er'][101]['d_troop0'] = 2 ;
$config['er'][101]['o_troop1'] = 3 ;
$config['er'][101]['d_troop1'] = 5 ;
$config['er'][101]['o_troop2'] = 5 ;
$config['er'][101]['d_troop2'] = 4 ;
$config['er'][101]['o_troop3'] = 700 ;
$config['er'][101]['d_troop3'] = 600 ;
$config['er'][101]['o_troop4'] = 10 ;
$config['er'][101]['d_troop4'] = 5 ;
$config['er'][101]['empire'] = 'Tribe' ;


RS-Wolf Methos