
Started by pippin the mighty, January 23, 2008, 11:33:50 AM

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wolf bite

(I have been on the road for days and this is the first chance I have been able to reach the internet other than my cell phone. Sorry to anyone trying to reach me or needing help, it still may be a day before I get back to my own computer.)

Yes I see that my name now has no information about me. Great!  Really great!  That was one of the options I had requested. It is better not to exist than to be insulted.

I know that the people over at that wiki must think I am the biggest pain that they ever ran in to.  I can understand their thoughts on that. This wolf bites when backed into a corner.  Hehe.  But people also must take the responsibility for their own actions they have chosen.  For example, when I first notified the Admin that a representative at his site had been messing with the profile, he could have said "That is not a representative of my site and go ahead and rewrite your profile." A decision was made that anything put on my profile would receive extra Admin scrutiny.  And when I asked that I should be treated the same concerning the insult banner as others, I was refused. 

My reason for writing this is not to kick around the fight.  But rather to hope that the Admin steps back from the situation and actually sees that his actions directly put me in a corner which gave me little option than to demand fairness.  I feel the banner was an insult, I was not allowed (because it was admin placed) to remove something on a wiki, and I was not allowed to have my own profile written without his special approval. I see no reason to have placed restrictions on me when I had never even written anything.  I committed no crime or spam.

I hope that this can be an enlightening experience.  People need to think about their own actions before they do them, and if later they find those actions may have been wrong, to correct those actions before things get worse.

I now see that members are voting on whether or not they want to participate in the wiki site.  I want to make it clear that my desire to have nothing to do with the wiki is not meant to mean this site's opinion or me forcing my opinion on anyone else.  I will not feel hurt or betrayed by those that become part of the wiki mission.  I truly believe that the site was opened with the best intent.  I am sure the Admin will think twice before next making a hash or bias decision.  With this in mind, the way has likely been cleared that all players may receive fair and equal treatment.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


All players were already receiving fair and equal treatment Wolf. I mean I know you won't believe me but your profile was (every time it was changed) still in violation of the guidelines. All you needed to do was give a source for the 10 games you were emperor at and everything would have been great. I don't know why I keep saying this, I just can't help but think you misread something somewhere.

I do, however, appreciate you not trying to encourage people to not use, or even to vandalize the Wiki. You see I'm not a very big fan of doing this much work on something that is never completed. :P

And I just remembered, someone has already vandalized it.


Well, can we be friends now? Wiki is up, let's get some contents there.

wolf bite

I have heard rumors that the player named "death" has still been reliving this episode with posts made on other sites and domains.

If members of our community are doing so to stand up for me, I appreciate your loyalty.

Of all the people you know on the internet, I am probably one of the best at standing up for myself and fighting for what I see is right.  This fight ended in a way I found satisfactory.  I have not even thought about it since.

If some people are still fighting this battle in other places, then I humbly ask it to stop.

Thank you,

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Is anyone here still doing work on the Wiki? I got lazy and need motivation.

Oh and Wolf, I'm sure the staff at each site respectively appreciates that, though it's more people carrying grudges than anything, but this is not the place for this in any case, we need to get this Wiki done.


Actually there are some people doing it.

Much good to read there, but players should be careful with the use of words liked "skilled", etc. That word has been way too commonly used. The best thing is to write a non biased player profile. Like I see it now there are many skilled players, and few non skilled.


Actually someone notified me that they edited several profiles like that today, lol.


Quote from: Mawerick on April 08, 2008, 03:46:23 PM
Actually there are some people doing it.

Much good to read there, but players should be careful with the use of words liked "skilled", etc. That word has been way too commonly used. The best thing is to write a non biased player profile. Like I see it now there are many skilled players, and few non skilled.
I added up a few-I got bored ::) Im still refining any I added up to be non-bias.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

wolf bite

Very sadly I was wrong.

It seems this foolish fight is not over. I have been insulted on another site by Death who brings it up.  I found out about what Death said:

"Actually someone notified me that they edited several profiles like that today, lol."

It seems that the person only checked and edited RWL players accounts. This is from someone who makes negative posts about our site.  Frankly, if this Wiki site wants to actually be used, then they need to stop some servers from using it to pick on other servers.

If you have put up a profile, I suggest you check what changes they have done to it.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Death, I put up the profiles since you haven't put up any for us, in fact, all you did was remove wolf bites, put a couple of players in the alphabetical list, make fun of wolf bite a bit then leave them. You could have easily done all the stuff I did in the time you, Like ermm...I dunno wasted killing people for land spreading?Or making remarks about how you can play promisance better then wolf bite, act like your some fancy staff member on the wiki, when infact your freelance moding it, not actually being a staff member. Does that give you any more right to add profiles then, I dunno, say me? Maybe your just...I dunno, special? Then you get in a strop, refuse to add anymore profiles and supposedly quit moding, so whatever. Yeah Ive read the valhall forums as well. Carry on with your little games, your a nice guy apart from your opinions on everything...
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Quote from: Firetooth on April 10, 2008, 03:50:17 PM
Carry on with your little games, your a nice guy apart from your opinions on everything...

Couldn't have said it better myself
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


   honestly death this is pathetic, killing people for.... dare I say it..... LAND SPREADING dun dun dun!!!!!!!! also why remove wolf bite's profile, here he is a legend and it is also a fact that he did solo emp more than one site at once, have you done that, no!
   Just for the record I re added wolf bite's profile  ;)


Quote from: Sharptooh on April 10, 2008, 03:59:50 PM
   Just for the record I re added wolf bite's profile  ;)

Wolf bite asked that it be removed since death insists on altering it constantly. Adding it again won't help anything.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


sorry didn't realise

wolf bite

Firetooth and Sharptooth,

I really thank you guys for standing up for me.  I hate to say it but I also agree. Hehe. But there is more to see here. I spent about 45 minutes chatting to Death (after I unblocked him) trying to explain that there is no reason to insult people for the fun of it. Then I find that during that time he was posting insults about me on the Valhall forum.

Do we really want to make posts here so that he feels he needs to come and attack people in our homes?  Can we just leave Death alone and hope that if he posts it is not to antagonize people?

I still stand behind that Valhall is a well programmed game and has a great Staff that runs the place.  But the forums may not be for people without full suit body armor.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles