
Started by pippin the mighty, January 23, 2008, 11:33:50 AM

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wolf bite

I have been talking to the site admin. a nice guy that seems to really like admining his own game.

Anyway, he has said that there is no rule about someone putting an opinion about someone else. I think we agreed that you should have never edited my profial. and if you would like to put your own opinion concerning your unfounded thoughts about me, you are welcome to, but you have better sign them. And there will go the usefulness of the wiki when the Mod starts flaming people.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


1. I never said he made the rule, it was made by several people who were working on the Wiki because of people like you making it a waste of our time. You obviously do not care about the Wiki being done because you barely did any work on it until it came down to your ego, so I don't really care, the Wiki can rot if he's going to let people say anything at all.

2. Don't make it sound like you are in some position of authority, you are not.

3. I never added any opinions of my own to your section. I added that you are the Admin here and took out something that was agreed to be a a rulebreak by the people who actually worked on it while the Admin had forgotten about it. ARE YOU THE ADMIN HERE? Why yes you are, I guess that makes it a fact, huh?

4. I never flamed you, ever.


Quote from: Mawerick on February 02, 2008, 08:22:19 PM
That's absolutely correct that we have a clan competition over there in march. Beta code is up and running. So far it's the same code from last year.

So every player at Redwall are invited.

Do not listen to Jiji, though. Even though he invites you to Valhall, he is not representative for the average Valhall member. Been banned several times for multi account abuse.

maw, dont say it again. coz i already prove it to you. that i didnt cheat. :D
see what happened last set - dec,2007 and jan,2008.

so dont ever conclude every day that im a cheater.
as i said...

CHEAT TO WIN.. hehehehehe

Quote from: Death on February 02, 2008, 07:51:03 PM
Wolf Bite, there is an unwritten rule for the Wiki. Players are not supposed so say that they are the best, or great, or horrible, or anything. It's supposed to be mainly just facts. So as Moderator of the Promisance Wiki I had to edit your entry a bit.

There is a commonly used format available, if you want to use that.

And Jiji, don't lie to these people. You're a convicted cheater and you've only won one game there once. Not to mention that your clan was helping you. ::)

i wont agree, what you have said. so dont flame.. hehehehehe

clan.. there is no clan that aid me or whatsoever!.. even you ask maw about it. there is no aid. unlike the scorp and the others.
you always talk like a chicken or should a cock.. go to [haties] death!

free to visit me:


Jiji, you were already caught. You may have stopped cheating now, but that doesn't matter, your reputation is being a cheater. You cannot prove that you did not cheat, because we proved that you did.

And you can insult me all you want, I don't really care. As for the set you won, I sat there and watched your clan aid you. I saw your clan members networths go down, and your networth go up.

How do I talk like a chicken though? I mean, I enforce fair play and you're a filthy cheater so I can see why that bothers you. But besides that? Scratch that, it doesn't matter. You aren't even around enough to know anybody, you just insult everyone who doesn't like you. Maybe you should steer clear of Valhall, after using that half naked child as an avatar I don't think anyone really wants to hear from you again.

I forgot something else. You admitted to cheating. I mean seriously do you think people are disabled for no reason? Use your brain.

Edit, I missed even more.

You showed up out of nowhere a couple of months ago. How the hell would you know what other people are doing? Scorpion is a better player than you will probably ever be. I mean if you want to make all the people here think you are some kind of God at Valhall, instead of the truth which is just the fact that you make top ten when 15 people play, you should assume that someone who knows the truth will say something.

pippin the mighty

Well Jiji is doing great over here at redwall, so please dont make him feel bad. I find vahall tricky to understand because I am used to redwall warlords, but what the heck im 2nd in clan competition! *joy*.


I'm not trying to make the kid feel bad, I just don't really care for his lies.

As for Valhall, both Mawerick and I can help you out, or you could ask for help on the forums and others can give more suggestions. Because 2nd isn't really that good being as this is the Beta.. and everyone else is still in protection besides me and you. Hahah.

pippin the mighty

Well atleast im second *happy*. I just dont understand about most things apart from Exploring which gives me land. Please can you help me?


Sure. First, do you know about attacking, building, using turns, etc? I need to know so I can figure out how to explain it.

pippin the mighty

Yeah, I know how to do all that on redwall, but on Vahall im not all that sure. If you have msn to speak with me it would make it easier I guess.


Ok... About the wiki part.

What was standing in the text, and what was edited?

Wiki should be non biased and have facts. If someone write "he is one of the best players..." that's more an opinion than fact. If it stands that he is one of the best players at redwall, it's in the grey zone, but still not a 100% fact. If it stand "one of the best players in promisance history", that's different, and a bad thing. But still... The best thing is to stick to facts when writing it. And stay unbiased.

If you write something like that on a normal wiki, they will put a note that the fact must be proven. Else it will be deleted. regardless how correct it is. I added something on the english wiki about a big plane accident. I knew what had happened, but they deleted it because I didn't link to any form for doc about it.

wolf bite


For some reason, Death keeps thinking I wrote something.  He has saved the world by erasing it.

I DID NOT WRITE THE ARTICLE, nor do I know who did.

Death has had a long history of Flaming me and this site.  He has constantly stated that he is a better player than I am.  That is his ego working. Well sorry, I retired from the game before he began.

There is something fundamentally wrong with a person with a history of flaming me picking my profile to edit.

If Death had systematically gone through every name and made edits, that would be one thing and acceptable. But he singled out me.

Checking out Death's edits he has done to other people's names, besides removing spam, he has found no other person to edit their page .... but mine.

Wolf Bite

Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


yall are funny, really
Quoteeltorviac One of the two developers of QM Promisance. Quietust has also done work on Nintendo Emulators. It was once rumored that he swallowed a live frog, but this turned out to be a false rumor. Quietust has declined to ever reveal his true identity, and has no intention of doing so in the future.
so, a bit of gibberish (eltorviac?) followed by a few short sentences that tell me absolutely nothing about him?
Quoteacdomorrolor Admin of FEW, isn't a great coder, or admin.
Gee.  That's objective.

The entire wiki is that way, I only found two entries with more than three sentences, ImperialPhoenix and Mawerick
'course, I was just clicking around randomly.  prehaps there are more.  most dont have anything or just random bits of gibberish

The wiki is far from finished, at best its a good place to get links to other promi games...  until a truckload of content is added I don't see the point in nitpicking current entries. 

btw, if I posted "Ron Paul is clearly the best candidate for the US 2008 Presidential  Elections" to the wikipedia it would get edited out because its simply not a fact, its an opinion.  [Citation Needed]
I mean, here's how they say "the greatest" in wikispeak - - "Named the greatest baseball player in history in various surveys and rankings"
It doesnt come right out and say he was the greatest, it says other people have called him the greatest and give links to those various surveys and rankings

and Mawerick, the wiki has a nice, easy to use history function
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

wolf bite

Thank you windy, that is my point.

I don't care what was edited out as much as I do that someone with a history of insulting me only edited ME.  By knocking down the Admin of this site, he is knocking down the reputation of RWL.  A search of the web will show lots of posts that Death has made insulting RWL and me.  This is an intent to make other sites look better.  Surely not the actions of an impartial mod.

The wiki site is useless as long as opinionated people one sidedly edit only SOME information.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Add this to the wiki, then: all fact

Wolf Bite is considered by many to be the best promisance player in the world, although there has never been any shortage of challengers to this bold claim. In his heyday he help Emperorship of close to 10 different servers at the same time, a feat yet unmatched today. He is now retired as a Promisance player and administrates Redwall: Warlords. Wolf Bite's Journal, a compendium of his promisance knowledge, is available free online and is an excellent resource for players at any skill level.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I have to agree that there are some players with few information, and weird information. Wiki is something everyone can edit, and I see no reason to attack wolf bite that someone has written something about him. We should be happy that atleast something has been written. If I knew way more, I would have added more.

I know wolf bite so well that I know for sure that he isn't bragging about his skills, or write a long wiki article about it. So, no need to attack him, Death. Thing is, this promisance wiki isn't wikipedia. Wikipedia should be written as a sciencetific report, where statements must have references. Let us not sink down on this level here. We want a site with good information, and if we need to use a lot of time to find references to back up the content, the articles won't be good at all.

I recommend everyone that has something to write about the players to do it. Try to follow the standard to what's written about me. And feel free to edit something that isn't correct at all.