
Started by pippin the mighty, January 23, 2008, 11:33:50 AM

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I just told you that the reason you have those banners are because you give no sources and don't have much information.

Here are a couple from the main page, since you can't be bothered to look.

You are not showing your facts, you have been ignoring every time I explain why they are on your page and not theirs. I'm honestly starting to think you're doing this because you can't source it, because it never happened.

wolf bite

Again you are wrong.

Those 2 examples are not from the links of players, but elsewhere in the site. I did check every link to players. NO PERSON IN THE LINK OF PLAYERS HAS ANY BANNERS, but me.

Besides, those are nice blue, not WARNING yellow.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Those are the profiles of players.

But again, this is getting really pointless. No matter how much you [dog] at me, I am not granting you exception, and I couldn't anyways.

You also seem to completely ignore the fact that the Wiki is under construction. As in, still being worked on.'

Edit, I made a good point to myself, this is a waste of time.

wolf bite

Agreed. Asking you to treat others as you have treated me is a waste of time.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Quote from: wolf bite on February 12, 2008, 12:27:01 PM
I made a polite offer to all work together to make the site better.  I have seen both Maw and  C4smok reading the topic.  They have elected not to post, but did put evil banners on my profile.  A fact!
I suggest that you stop dragging me into this. What I did was to put some of the information in your profile into talk, because it didn't belong home in the section about you.

We are looking for facts here. Else we would get a lot of people that are the greatest players. How boring would that be? The reason why you got bars is probably that you made a lot of fuse about the content.

I suggest that you get someone to fix an unbiased section about you there, where you follow the guidelines as I made. I would have written something about you, but thing is, I haven't played too much against or with you. So, I can't get a good article without having facts.

Your journal is something we need in the site. If you take a closer look, I have done some edits there recently. So I suggest that you try to get the journal in there. Feel free to add something I am missing in the stratguides I have written. I have tried to keep it so general as possible.

And, don't be insulted if someone edit your profile. I will do that when I can, if I see I can make it better. What you are saying about that many people back you up as one of the greatest is not a fact, but a heuristic. (spell?). A heuristic is a claim that not neccessary is true, but is widely accepted. 

wolf bite

Much more time has been spent to try to ask the Admins of the Wiki site for ALL proms to be fair to ALL sites.  This is a waste of everyone's time.  I say again, this is not about my page, but about only people from some sites making the decisions and rules to benefit themselves, their friends, and their site.

After a long chat with C4smok, I am told that if I can't find the dates and sites I played on, then I cannot even say I know how to play the game!

Say anything you guys want.  Do not expect me to promote your site as this topic was originally about me promoting what I thought was a fair site. 

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


I will make this as a statement that the views in this thread do not reflect the policy of the Wiki.   The Prom Wiki policy is developing, and its not always going to be ahead of the curve when problems come up like this.   We do not support flaming and trolling of other peoples sites if there is a problem in the wiki.  Any problem in the wiki should be dealt with on the wiki itself and not on another persons website.  I apologize for any problems and wasted time this has incurred on the people involved.  I should have acted sooner on the rules and regulations for the wiki in question.   I hope everybody can bring this to an end and get on with updating content as normal on the prom wiki.



I think I must be stupid, but I don't see the problem here.

Stick to facts and you won't have any problems. There are many writers here, and everyone have a different way to write. So, there are some prom sites that are more represented than others there, simply because players have taken time to write. I can't start writing something about Redwall, because I don't know the players or the site.

What we need to know about you is:
- General info
- Period of activity
- Achievements
- Known empirenames
- Memorable moments
- Friends and foes

If you would like to add more, feel free to do it.

wolf bite

Sorry Maw, I don't think you are up to date on the topic.  I know this is a long topic, let me get you up to date.

It is not that we need to post in the site, but WHY should anyone contribute?

I posted a link to the wiki saying it was neat and people should check it out (a promotion of the site).  Few if any of our members knew it existed.

Death arrived and stated that he is some super Mod of the site and had determined that what was said about me was against the rules.  He said that these "RULES" were agreed on and that he had the final say.

I contacted C4smok who told me that there was no rule as stated by Death.  C4smok did not have the time to get involved.

Our member Shadow rewrote my profile to be within the rules, which was immediately edited by C4smok.

Death, saying he was speaking for the site, continued to flame me in this topic.

C4smok then made a new rule that a big yellow banner would be across my profile basically saying that the post was a lie.  No such banner was placed on any other player.  There is only one yellow warning banner on the site.

I alphabetically checked 24 other people and found that 1/3 of them should also have the same banner for the new rule (one of them would be Death's profile).

I notified Death (the supper mod) and C4smok of the other profiles that also shared the same violation to the new rule. 

C4smok refuses to apply the new rule to anyone else.  He also now says that Death was never a supper mod.

C4smok now tells me that unless I have the dates and sites I have played on, I basically cannot have anything on my page without that insulting yellow banner across it.

I think that about sums it up.

So as to your comment, no one would want to spend the time making a write up when it will be unfairly scrutinized.

A rule must apply to all people or no people.

A rule that only applies to members of one site does inspire people from that site to contribute.

Maybe there should be a big yellow banner across the whole site:

Warning, if you are not from our site, we will hold you to different rules!

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Oh my God, Wolf, just stop. I never said I was "some super mod" I said that I'm moderating it. Your profile was in violation of the rules that were generally agreed upon, because NO RULES EXISTED FOR IT. And when did I say I was speaking for the Wiki, and when did I flame you? I made no personal attacks aside from telling you to grow up.

I'm not even going down that list, you are nothing but a liar. The reason you are having problems is because you are not following the rules. You can come up with whatever weak argument you want, nobody cares.

wolf bite

Hehe, I actually had to pace the floor laughing before I could respond. 

You said you never flame me, then flame me. Hehe.

You said I was against the rules that did not exist. Hehe

I have no want to go through all your posts to show that you claimed to have the final Mod decision on an open wiki.

Wolf Bite
Edit: added
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


You and I must have very different opinions of flaming.

They were not "official" rules, they were agreed upon by several people.

I did not say I had the final decision, I said that if you have a problem with what I do to report it to the Admin.

But, this is over now that guidelines are in place again, and I guess you have nothing better to do than argue with me. But like I've had to repeat to you, the rules are now official, and you are still in violation. I see no need to debate this any further, it can't be made any more clear than it is and you just try to lie to gain support from someone against me, when I'm not the one making the rules (not that there is a single thing wrong with them).

I have told you why you are wrong, I am no longer going to waste my time on you.

wolf bite

Actually, I am thoroughly enjoying each of your contradictions; it is more hilarious than the movie I was watching.

But first, calling someone a "liar" is saying that they deliberately intended to deceive, which is a personal attack, which I have already informed you pages ago is against the rules.  The funny part is that is yet one more contradiction, you are here blatantly breaking our rules arguing about how people should adhere to rules.  Hehe.

Quote"They were not "official" rules, they were agreed upon by several people."

If they were not official rules, then why would you take it on yourself to enforce them against me?  Hehe.

Also who are these "several people?"  C4smok tells me that there are NO mods on the site and he did not know about the rules.  So you are now saying that you and a bunch of friends made rules for a site you have nothing to do with, did not inform the Admin of the rules, then went ahead and enforced them for the first time against me?  (Can you see why I am enjoying this so much?)

Quote"I did not say I had the final decision, I said that if you have a problem with what I do to report it to the Admin."

First that is now what you said, I have your quotes below.  Thus since you are now saying that you said something, which you did not say, you are not speaking the truth?  I had to ask you twice how to contact the site admin.

So now you are saying you are a mod or that you are not one?  I am getting so confused.  Just above you talked about being part of this mysterious group of people that have a right to make rules.  Thus it seems like you are a mod, then you say you don't have any decision making ability.

I am so confused.  Let's go over some of your own words to determine if you have any official standing on that site at all.

Quote"So as Moderator of the Promisance Wiki I had to edit your entry a bit."
Quote"Nothing personal, just business."
Quote"It is my job to Mod the Wiki and I did it."
Quote"I see no rule about if someone disagrees with a Mod the Mod has to talk to the Admin. There is a reason that I moderate it and not you, so grow up."

Gezzz, it sure seems you were saying that you were speaking under authority of the site.  But I am not sure if you are a MOD or not. 

But I would like to say, if you have no right to speak in behalf of wiki, then you have been wasting everyone's time.

Make up your mind, either you speak for C4smok and should post, or you do not and have nothing to do with this conversation anymore. 

Wolf Bite

Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


I was just trying to shut you up because you were and still are wasting everyone's time. Not a single thing has changed because of you complaining, you're just annoying people.

Like I said, I'm done with it. I don't need to explain every single little thing to you just because you don't like having to follow rules.

The Obliterator

Wow this topic i hilarious and a lot of hot air.
Why doesn't every site have a mod and they all get together to make up rules for the site and before one mod can change something they have to talk to all the other mods first.

It would certainly stop all this.
Watching people fight is fun...
...but getting involved is so much better