
Started by pippin the mighty, January 23, 2008, 11:33:50 AM

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wolf bite

(note: thanks Shadow for writing a profile for me that seems to be agreeable to all.)

Ok. I have been thinking about the attention this topic received and have been pondering.  It seems we have a lot of different Admins from different games sites agreeing.

C4smok – Admin of Endless Revolution and owner of the Wiki site.

Mawerick – Admin of Valhallgames.

WindHound – Admin of Frost and Flame (although he did not have that hat on at the time).

Sicarius – Past admin of Empires War and in Bata testing of Imperium. (Contacted me privately asking if I wanted supporting post in this topic).

Wolf Bite – Forum Admin of RedWall.


This lead me to believe that this would be a perfect time to have the different sites get together and back the Wiki site in the promotion of Prom games.  Of course the most needed approval would be from C4smok because it is on his server space.  But I believe that he is behind the concept.

I believe that if we can get these 5 sites to make a pack, then the rest of the sites will follow. This will have the wiki promoted to all people who play proms and will increase player base for everyone.

Can all our sites agree to the following issues?

Issue 1
No one site will be promoted above the other sites.  People with Mod powers will not edit sites and people whom they have had disagreements with (except issues of profanity, etc).  No sites or people will be picked out to receive excessive editing attention.

Issue 2
- Keep to facts
- Avoid personal opinions. "Like <whoever> is the greatest player all the time".
- Try to keep it non biased.
- If you have a controversial opinion that you feel is needed in the wiki, find something that can back it up or personally sign the statement.
- If you have some information, but have problem with how to write it in the wiki, feel free to put what you got in there, and let other do the formatting part. Maybe put the things under the discussion part of the player.

Issue 3
Each Site that is mentioned in the Wiki may appoint one faithful member from their site to be an ambassador on the "wiki committee."  This group will have its own forum to discuss matters, create fair rules, and discuss issues of importance.  Each Ambassador will also be responsible to make sure information about their home site is up to date and to promote the Wiki to their home site.

Wolf Bite

Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Gen. Volkov

BTW Peace, Death Eater and Death are not the same person, as far as I know.

(My only contribution to this thread, which I have been consistently ignoring because it's primarily comprised of hot air.)
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


I took a quick look through the wiki and deleted several pages of ads and spam
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Peace Alliance

I know that, I've spoken to this Death as well.


Is it just me, or does it seem like "Issue 1" was designed specifically to stop me from editing his profile, which just so happens to still be in violation of the very rules he is suggesting?

I smell hypocrisy.

Most of those rules look fine though, I'll mention something to c4smok whenever I catch him online. One Mod per site is just not going to work though.

Edit, I forgot to explain why. Many sites don't have any players fluent in English.

wolf bite

Death, this is really NOT about you.  However you became an example of what the problem is.  Have you heard me repeatedly state above that it is not as much that I care what is said about me, but who has the final right to edit?  When a member loyal to one site, has the final right to edit information about another site (or people that play on another site) and there is no "due process," a major problem exists.

What happened above is the exact reason the Wiki may not have been wildly accepted by other sites in the past.  No one wants to put their time and energy in to something when someone else with an opposing view (and possibly motives) can over rank them.  If all the MODS and ADMINS are from one site, then that site will receive greater attention.  I am all in favor of sharing my members so they can check out other communities, but not sending them away to someplace that could be insulting my community. 

I see no problem in following any WIKI rules made up by representatives of many sites.

Based on why you say you think it will not work, let me point out: I said that each site COULD send an ambassador, not that they MUST send one.  So the option is open to them to see if they have an English speaking person that wants to help out. Assuming a major site decides not to send an ambassador to help in the rules making and decision making of the site, then they just don't get to vote on rule changes. This is not complicated.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Death: Almost every post you have made here has been specifically designed to provoke. As for hypocrisy, claiming never to have flamed wolf bite while doing just that takes the cake as far as this is concerned. This topic is starting to get on my nerves.

wolf bite: Does it honestly matter that much? I'd guess that 99% of the wiki views are bots trying to advertise, and anyone who knows enough about prom to click on your name out of the hundreds there already knows you are an excellent player. Anything written otherwise will obviously be biased against you, and they will know that. What your profile says there hardly matters. I wrote one that followed all the rules while still being descriptive about your skill to try to and end this, but it didn't work. I agree that the fact that Death edited like that and then proceeded to flame you while constantly claiming never to have flamed you is infuriating, but it is also juvenile and simply ignoring it might bring this little tiff to an end sooner.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I just browsed over those posts, I doubt I missed anything important though.

Wolf- The entire issue was your entry having no sources, no proof at all. It has been agreed upon by people from three different games that your entry needed to be changed. c4smok has now added these neat little bars for when your entry needs more information or proof, so just stick to his guidelines and it will be fine. I did not flame you, flaming is insulting someone or their family, and I don't recall ever doing so. On the other hand I'm sure you took offense to being asked for proof, being as you blew up over it, and I don't really care. The guidelines are now set to a degree, follow them. Case closed.

Shadow, No. I came here to post about the CC, then I came across a post that contained something in the Wiki that was edited. Then Wolf decided that I have no right to edit his profile, and started some weird butt campaign to make me look bad. Again, I really don't care. But I will enforce the guidelines, I do not care who violates them, and when someone just makes something up to make me look bad I am going to reply.

I do enjoy how I add my opinions and remove others in the entire Wiki because I removed "He is one of the greatest players of all time" and added "He is the Admin of RWL". Want to know something funny? That statement violates the guidelines that there are now, even his current profile does AND I HAD NO PART IN THAT. That fact that everyone besides you and Wolf thinks it should be edited should really tell you something.

wolf bite


Are you not reading what other people are saying before you post?  This is NOT about what is being said about me.  This is about a site being bias!  The rules you stated were "unwritten rules" until you decided to apply them only to a member of THIS site.

I recommend people check what they have done to my profile. This is hilarious! They edited down what shadow had written and they put 2 big banners across it disclaiming my profile.

"Wolf Bite is considered by many to be a good promisance player, although there has never been any shortage of challengers to this bold claim. In his heyday he help Emperorship of several servers at the same time, a feat yet unmatched today. He is now retired as a Promisance player and administrates [[Redwall: Warlords]]. Wolf Bite's Journal, a compendium of his promisance knowledge, is available free online and is an excellent resource for players at any skill level."

Hehe, so that I am considered a "good" player needs proof?  That is already disclaimed that it is a Bold claim to say I am merely "GOOD?"  That I held emperorship on many games 5 years ago with which hundreds of people observed, needs proof?  Frankly I was never vain enough to write down the dates and games at the time.  Thus based on the NEW rules, it can not be used.  But other people from other sties more friendly to the MODs  do not require proof to opinions.

It seems that ONLY my profile has such a banner. I did a fast check of the A, B, C, and Ds.  I found these profiles which should also have the same disclaimer.

She quickly picked the game up

is a legend

Avatar of Vengeance
... he is one of the legendary

He learned from the wise Wolfpack

Coramoor (Ashaman)
- Legend
- Master all strats

is the hottest girl

and now he is considered a good player

Death Eater
Widely respected

This is my point!  The Wiki is useless when the MODS only scrutinize some people and some sites.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


"Wolf Bite is considered by many to be a good promisance player"

That, is perfectly fine imo. And "we" did not add the bars just to you, they are on several pages. It is not just members of this site being edited. And some of those need to be edited, you should have reported them sooner. I, for one, am not doing much on the Wiki, I am leaving it to other people. As a matter of fact, the last thing I did was what you still complain about, and it has been completely changed.

Seriously, I did not just apply it to you. You may look at "recent changes" and just see me deleting spam and editing you, did you ever think to ask why? Focus on the word recent. The Wiki, for a time, was forgotten about. Then it was made so that you had to have an account to edit it, or I just made one anyways, or something. The point is I have done more than just edit your profile and delete ads, it just isn't on the "recent" changes list because it isn't "recent", and the edits were not done by my Wiki account because I didn't need one at that point.

Do me this huge favor. When you say you are being picked on, you should probably show me where other people were allowed to do what you were not. You can feel free to contact someone about editing those, because like I said, I'm not touching the Wiki for a while.

And before you say "Haha but it's on YOUR profile!" I don't care about "Is considered good" or anything like that, that is clearly an opinion. As long as it's not like what yours and a few others were, I honestly couldn't care less.

wolf bite

Okay, I must have 2 banners disclaiming that I am considered good and that some people challenge that statement.  But your profile says you are also considered Good, with no challenge.  I am now officially notifying you that based on the same rules you are applying to me, that you must put banners disclaiming the opinions stated about the player named "Death."

Wolf Bite

PS: I just checked every player on the site. there are no insulting banners on any other players information.  Again, a statement you said that is not true.
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


More information is needed for where you said you did whatever at however many games at once, not the "is considered good" thing. And once again, I did not add the bars to any of the pages, I am not editing the Wiki for anyone. I may touch up some history and strats, but that will be all for now.

I said there are other banners, there are. If you feel insulted because you need to prove something for it to be put in a little Wiki on the internet, then I think you need to grow up. I have not lied about anything here, you're just being one-sided.

But now that this is all over, I am done posting about it. There have been guidelines set, you will either follow them or have big bars on your page like everyone else. If you have a problem contact the Admin.

I will reply if you post trying to spew more poo though, so keep that in mind.

wolf bite

Please stop making personal attacks, it is against the rules of this forum.

Can you get that this is not about me or you?  It is about that different rules apply to different people from different sites.  I have pointed out 8 profiles when only going up to the Ds that should have the same banner as I am forced to have.  A fact.

I am the only player that has any warning banners, and I have 2!  A Fact.

You may not be taking responsibility for the banners.  A good assumption is that you had something to do with it.

The only other Banners I can find are not bright yellow warning banners and not for players, but light blue stating that more information is needed about the different games.  And they were time stamped AFTER banners were invented to be put on my profile.  A fact

You have decided not stop making edits to your own site after I pointed out that there are friends of yours that should be edited.  A fact.

I have jest checked and the only tutorial that was ever posted was "Wolf Bite's Journal."  It has been deleted.  A fact.

I made a polite offer to all work together to make the site better.  I have seen both Maw and  C4smok reading the topic.  They have elected not to post, but did put evil banners on my profile.  A fact!

This brings back the original complaint.  A person that makes personal attacks on someone should have nothing to do with editing information or the site is bias.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Okay stick to the point by point format, then I'll bother posting. I don't see how I personally attacked you by telling you to grow up when you get away with calling me a liar and all the other unfounded things you say, but your site your rules.

"Can you get that this is not about me or you?  It is about that different rules apply to different people from different sites.  I have pointed out 8 profiles when only going up to the Ds that should have the same banner as I am forced to have.  A fact."

That is your opinion, and you are not in charge of the Wiki. You completely ignore every time I say this, but YOU ONLY NEED TO SOURCE THE 10 SETS YOU WERE EMPEROR ON WHATEVER GAME. THAT IS THE PROBLEM. THE OTHER BAR IS JUST THERE BECAUSE THERE IS VERY LITTLE INFORMATION ON YOU. THIS IS SIMPLE TO FIX AND IF DONE YOUR PROFILE CAN CONTAIN THE INFORMATION THAT IT HAS RIGHT NOW. You are making it about me by saying that I have some vendetta against you, and I don't, I treated you just like everyone else until you started crying about being treated like everyone else.

"I am the only player that has any warning banners, and I have 2!  A Fact."

No, it is not a fact. I have seen others, look around the Wiki and stop telling lies.

"You may not be taking responsibility for the banners.  A good assumption is that you had something to do with it."

I had nothing to do with it, I never made any suggestion to add them, but I think they are a good idea.

"The only other Banners I can find are not bright yellow warning banners and not for players, but light blue stating that more information is needed about the different games.  And they were time stamped AFTER banners were invented to be put on my profile.  A fact"

Again, you are a liar. They are on player profiles and they were not invented just for you as far as I know.

"You have decided not stop making edits to your own site after I pointed out that there are friends of yours that should be edited.  A fact."

I had not seen the profiles you are talking about until you posted them, and not all of them need to be edited. And I only quit making edits BECAUSE I DO NOT WANT TO GIVE YOU ANYTHING ELSE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT, I know you would.

"I have jest checked and the only tutorial that was ever posted was "Wolf Bite's Journal."  It has been deleted.  A fact."

More lies, there is an entire sections of strats. And I do not know who deleted your journal or why it was deleted, so ask someone else about that.

"I made a polite offer to all work together to make the site better.  I have seen both Maw and  C4smok reading the topic.  They have elected not to post, but did put evil banners on my profile.  A fact!"

So what? It's not your place to make rules for sites that you do not own. As for the "evil banners" LOL!

"This brings back the original complaint.  A person that makes personal attacks on someone should have nothing to do with editing information or the site is bias."

Your information was unacceptable, AND IT STILL IS. It isn't bias, it's policy.

wolf bite

Please link to to one person's profile that has a banner on it?  (which was not added today)

I have been showing my facts. I pointed out 8 people who if the same rules were followed would have banners.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles