
Started by pippin the mighty, January 23, 2008, 11:33:50 AM

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I agree with mawerick, prominisance wiki isn't the same as wikipedia. People usually add content all the time. I fail to see how an opinion can do anyone any harm.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


"In his heyday he help Emperorship of close to 10 different servers at the same time, a feat yet unmatched today."

If you can prove it I'll allow it.

Windhound, do you know how hard it is for two people to Mod a Wiki that is under constant attack by spambots and such? I didn't even do anything about Wolf Bites until I saw it posted here.

Wolf Bite, I understand that you are a lawyer, but just stop. I know you did not write it. That is not the point. You can not prove a thing you say, when someone brings up this Prom I'll say something about it and when someone mentions you I'll say something, I do not bring you up. Except when you said that you invented every Promisance strat ever. And that was then I was disproving your lie.

It's not my ego, it's me enforcing a rule that was decided upon by the people who were adding content. And for the record, you did not stop Prom before I started, I have clanned with you before. Another reason I think you're full of it.

Also, I have never flamed you. I never said anything like "Wolf Bite is a stupid duck". I had a small talk with someone about your ego, and we laughed at you.

I do go through the names and other pages, but I just don't have enough time to check every profile over and over again. The main things I find are things that are reported to me and spambot attacks. And yes, I have removed similar things from MANY other people's pages.

Now for your next post.

I did not knock you. I removed something that I remove from many profiles and added that you are the Admin. That is not an insult, unless you are ashamed of this site. I am not trying to make any site look better than another, I'm just not a big fan of "I'm the best EVAR!!1". Do you know how many people did that? More than you can count on two hands. Several players claim to be hot poo, I don't really care, it's nothing new.

Finally, you have done nothing for the Wiki, you have not been involved until you decided to act like a beaten 6 year old girl because your profile had something that was purely opinion. I mean wat would you think if you looked up Scientology in Wikipedia and it said "This is tbe best Religion ever and is 100% true"?

Oops, new replies. So you guys want it cluttered with how good every player thinks they are? Fine, I quit, Mod it yourselves.  :)


I edited wolf bite's entry with a slightly altered version of my original post. I am sure wolf bite can site round histories if you really want to nitpick that much

i am not going to add a profile for myself because i dont think I am good enough to be a known name yet
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


You can't just say that kind of thing without proof man. But again, not my problem any more, have fun.


"Windhound, do you know how hard it is for two people to Mod a Wiki that is under constant attack by spambots and such? I didn't even do anything about Wolf Bites until I saw it posted here."

Sure do.
I had a SMF on a site with moderate traffic that the spambots had no difficulty finding.  I forgot about it for a time, didnt update it, it didnt get much legit use (the people it was meant for just stuck to their email list).  Checked on it later and it was a wonderful menagerie of every kind of spam you can imagine.  So I just took the thing down.

's the problem using a popular wiki like MediaWiki, which the wikipedia uses, its going to have bots built specially for it.  So you must keep it up to date and monitor it
the best thing about the wikipedia is that vandalism is almost immediately repaired due to the sheer number of people on the site

Proof? eh.  who needs it.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


Well, I think the main problem is that there are no clear "rules" on how to write things.

- Keep you to facts
- Avoid personal opinions. "Like <whoever> is considered by the greatest player all the time". There can't be something that can prove anything like this. Let the results do the talking, and let the people reading the results make their own opinion.
- Try to keep it non biased.
- If you have a controversial opinion that you feel is needed in the wiki, find something that can back it up. Normally you don't need to put opinions like this in a wiki, so this part isn't a big problem.
- If you have some information, but have problem with how to write it in the wiki, feel free to put what you got in there, and let other do the formatting part. Maybe put the things under the discussionpart of the player.

So, we need writers. People that know the history of Redwall very well, and the players aswell. You can ask yourself that you are going to find info about a player. What do you expect to find? That should be the content in the wiki.


That's what I was enforcing. Some people are just incapable of doing it I guess. Like when Mercla made an entry saying he was the master of Indy and Farmer.. when he barely played and had no real skills at all. Luckily he's grown out of that I think.


To say that "[someone] IS the best player of all time" is not a fact and cannot be proven, but to say that "many people consider [someone] to be the best player" is a fact that can be proven by asking around various sites. I would bet there are very few serious prom players who have not heard of wolf bite, which speaks for itself.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

wolf bite

Also saying that I am ONE of the most famous names is also true. There may be many famous names. I am one of them.

But again, it is not the point whether I deserve what was said, but whether someone else has the right to pick me, and only me, to edit.

Some facts, I wrote the instruction manual and retired in 2003. Death started playing in 2004.  I have only played to help my clan, take down someone, or check out a site since, but have not played to take emperor.  Thus Death has no knowledge of my playing ability.

Death has flamed me and RWL on this site, on other sites, to other people (many have come to ask me about it), and in chat conversations. Despite all this, I have always treated him respectfully as he chats with me every few months. I have never (up to now) confronted him about the slander he says about me and the site I admin.  The WIKI site has tracking, Death has not edited anyone else's page (besides reverting to pre spam) besides mine.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


You really are nothing but a liar, aren't you? You say a search will show several times I have talked trash about this site and you, which is just not true. You say all I have edited is your own profile, another lie. You may not be able to see it all, but I have done much on that Wiki.

I have no interest in debating this with you, because you don't use any facts. I have muuuch better things to do than sit here and talk to you. This will be my last post on this forum, get the last post because I'm sure your ego needs it. See you in the CC if you play.


This and the Wiki seems to be turning into a "I'm better then you" pissing contest

Unlike Death, I was playing back in the days Wolfbite was still playing, however I had never even heard of him till I came to RWL, but others I played with had, so that counts for something. Most famous, I don't know, there is alot of competion for that title. Best ever, again, I don't know. I'm not gonna go around saying so and so is better then so and so, I just play the darn game, and who ever wins, was best for that set, somebody might shine brighter the next set, get over it, it's a text game. Your not gonna get a duck nobel prize for it.

However, if anyone wants to claim to be the best, they had better be prepared to back up the claim here and now, not with history from way back when, cause players change, and the game changes, and someone who was good 5 years ago, might not be that great today.

now I'm not knocking Wolfbite, he doesn't generally blow smoke up his own butt. However alot of peeps do that for him, which means he must be good enough to make that much of an impact on them.
Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.


I would like to thank everybody for there interest in the Wiki.  And I hope everybody will take the time go there and update information about themselves when they have the time.

I for one want more people to become involved in the wiki so we can develop it into a true source for promisance the game so it will be able to be noted and used for sources.   This will mean we will need to hammer out a set of standards for each profile posted on the wiki and for each game in question.  I am currently working out some details on how such information should be put in and what should not be allowed at this point.

And yes opinions do draw a lot of fire if they are not universally excepted so maybe we need to look into a way to keep them out or at least just have them in the talk section of your own profile.

Mawerick has a decent format that we could replicate for all players who put their information up on the forum. 

Thanks for your interest and a lot of people here do not know me but I have run a Promisance game since 2003 myself.   I will not post the link to the game here because of the respect I have for other games out there but you can view it along with the others on the wiki if your interested.

Thanks and I hope to see more people editing their own information and helping us grow,
c4smok Adminstrator

pippin the mighty

Wow, in Vahall I am first in atleast 2 servers, im scared... and im now second in another =P


Actually that's because at this point in the set many people are only exploring to add more land to the game, and others are just making Mana, so no networth. Valhall players usually hide their net, seeing someone jump from 200mil to 2bil net in the last 4 days is pretty common.


I'm going to say this... I'm a long-ago player of RWL (started back when Wolf Bite was active on this server), but I was never really good. The most I'd every get was rank 11 or under. I never finished top 10, though that was because I spent 90% of my time playing in aggressive Turbo servers, which meant I'd die most rounds.

Anyways--I remember seeing Wolf Bite on or near the top of RWL most of the time, though I never knew of his legacy beyond saying he was an excellent player and was always high-ranked. My opinion here is that citing that Wolf Bite is a good player and showing his Journal of strategies as evidence is proof enough. Say he came up with some of the strategies, though it's a journal of played and successful strategies.