
Started by pippin the mighty, January 23, 2008, 11:33:50 AM

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Guys... I have fixed a bit on some of the profiles at the wiki.

I removed the wolf bite profile because it simply doesn't fit the standard. But, people that knows wolf bite should write a unbiased profile on him with facts.

Making claims about being emperor in many sites in same time looks for me just like a provocation.

So, try to keep the profile simple.

We need to know
- Type of player
- Leaderstyle
- Something making him unique, but in same time isn't brag
- Most commonly used strategies
- Homeserver, other servers with more than 1 finishes.

This should go for everyone. If you don't have anything more than "This player is a skilled and respected player..." to write, then don't write.

Try to see the profiles from the eyes to a person that has just heard about the promisance game. Would this player be interested in reading profiles about skilled and respected players? I don't think so.


Quote from: Mawerick on April 10, 2008, 05:03:51 PM

This should go for everyone. If you don't have anything more than "This player is a skilled and respected player..." to write, then don't write.

Will you accept something like that on WIKI:
This player is a respected player at REDWALL and considered there as skilled.

RS-Wolf Methos

wolf bite


There are some problems with that for us. Most of our members don't keep track of their wins and places. We have some of the past top ten finishes listed, but hardly all of them. Also our main server never ends, so there is no finishes. The Emperor is a person that can sit on tip for 10 days consistently. He have no record of this. At one time I sat on top for 2 months with over 300 players in the game. Can I prove this, nope. Also, concerning me, when I used to try my leader (mage) strat out on other servers, I never wrote down the sites and most probably don't exist. Thus by the requirements, most of our members can only say they play the game.

The word "respected" means = "to consider worthy of high regard" I see nothing wrong with this word being used because it is only saying the person is liked. I agree that "skilled" and "great" are wrong to use.

But the issue here is that some people are searching the WIKI site for RWL and adjusting their profiles negatively. Would it not be as wrong to say someone is "skilled" at to say they are "average."

For Peace Alliance for example

A skilled prom player who helps administrate [[Redwall: Warlords]]. He is in charge of game development.

An average prom player who helps administrate [[Redwall: Warlords]]. He is in charge of game development. Doesn't have a good end rank though.

I understand removing the word "skilled," but why put in the word "average?" Then they say he does not rank high. This is from someone that does not even know what ranks Peace has got to. 

The point is that some people are using the wiki to degrade other sites (ours in particular). This is wrong. Maybe the attention should be at limiting angry negative people from expressing incorrect opinions?

And shadow is right, I would rather have no profile than allow immature people to use insults against me to attempt to harm this site.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


The topic that just wont die.
[Warning:  Language]
About sums it up. 

Unfortunately for some, they forget that the wiki records everything they do and puts it in a nice little log.

Exhibit A:
Guy builds his own entry, then goes around snipping other people's. 
Unfortunatly, in addition to being a turd, Relic is also clueless.  Among other things,
Super-emp is a turbo round at RWL.  I dont mind clarifications, but the edit he did was just wrong.
Most of what he edits is petty, but again he feels free to embellish his own profile

Exhibit B:
I dont mind cleaning up spam pages, but come on.  That's obvious flame. 

I've got some more examples if needed, as almost all of this is dung. 
Its almost all players stroking their egos and attempting to put down other people. 
Then you come with the idiotic rule that players cant make their own profiles, but who would know their own information better than the player?  But you have players make their own anyways, and there's very little oversight. 

If you cant tell, I disagree with the way this thing is being run.  There's not enough activity on it to justify it being world-writable.
With, there's so much traffic that a vandalization is picked up on and fixed within hours.  I'm sure one of the admins trolls the promi guide every few weeks, but that makes it worthless as an information source as misinformation could hang around for days if not weeks...  and thats if its corrected at all. 
Lock the thing, take a cursory look at whats there, clean up, then take submissions.
No more spam postings, no more turds going off on random edit sprees, and all entries admin-approved before being posted.
Then and only Then does it have a chance of being something actually useful. 
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


I think players that don't know too much about other players should stay away from what is being written. To replace with average is just a provocation in my eyes.

I edit many of the profiles out there, but many times I rewrite what's written, so it could fit the standards being set.

Sicarius: Why do you want those things there? If a player is respected or not, or skilled, should not be mentioned. The facts written about the players should answer that a player is respected or skilled. Let the results do the talking. If you write something like that, it would seem very biased.

Thing is, if there are few words about a player, a line with that he is respected and skilled is way to visible. If there is a lot of content about the player, these lines aren't too visible. But still, stay away from claims like that if it is possible. 

wolf bite

Wow! That is the first time I recall Windy slamming his fist on the table.

But he is right about what he is pointing out. No one wants to need to check their own profile every day to make sure some low life has not attempted to use it to slander the person.

Long ago in this thread I recommended some kind of group of people from the different sites to make and enforce the rules of the joint wiki site. That was turned down. Maybe windy has his paw on something. Can the program Lock out changes after the player and the wiki staff agree the page is satisfactory? This way immature people will not keep vandalizing it. If people have information to add, it can be put in the decision section and then later added by the staff.

I do want to point out that to my knowledge only members of this site are being attacked, slandered and vandalized. 5 of our players were vandalized yesterday; the one with the most insults was Peace, one of my co-admins. This is nothing less than a direct attack on our site. I hope you understand why we are the ones making a fuss about not wanting to be the victims.

Just for notation, here is part of my post listing the RWL only changes done by someone:


Wolf Snare

Skilled player of rwl. Can player leader or Indy.
Average player of rwl. clan leader or solo Indy.

I can understand taking out the word "skilled" but is it not as much of a violation to degreed his ability because in YOUR opinion he is "average."


Respected player of rwl and valhall. Good at indy but better at leadering.
Player of rwl and valhall. Indies alot and an avarage leader.

He is "respected," which is not a violation because to goes to his personality. And again you call him "average."


Shade is a skilled promisance player,
Player from RWL,

On this one you are right that the word "skilled" may have been a violation of the rules.


A respected player throughout rwl and FAF. Shadow focuses on the mathematical aspects of Promisance games. Famous for a feud with [[Shade]] and [[Alazar]]. Member of the rewnowned clan [[leauge of the scarlet pimpernel]]. They were behind the recent super-emp breakages along with [[Wolf Snare]] and several other skilled players.
Player from throughout rwl and FAF. Shadow focuses on the mathematical aspects of Promisance games. Has a feud with [[Shade]] and [[Alazar]]. Member of the rewnowned clan [[leauge of the scarlet pimpernel]]. They were behind the recent empire breakages along with [[Wolf Snare]] and several others.

He is a respected player, is well known for his feud and we did just have a game with an admin run "super-emp" which he did take down.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Quote from: windhound on April 10, 2008, 06:46:35 PM
Super-emp is a turbo round at RWL.  I dont mind clarifications, but the edit he did was just wrong.
Most of what he edits is petty, but again he feels free to embellish his own profile

I did not write either of the entries listed there. You can tell that neither of them is even remotely similar to my writing style. As far as I know that was Firetooth. I edited my own profile, which you can see below. The only possibly pretentious word in it is "versatile" If you think that what is there is in violation of the rules, I ask that mine be removed like wolf bite's was. This is ridiculous. I am not stoking my own ego with a wiki that nobody but prom players read, and it's almost sad that people are being accused of it. It is even sadder that people are going around editing other profiles for no reason other than to insult them. Honestly, get a life.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

wolf bite

I have been looking at this edit for wolf snare and trying to figure out what was being said

"Skilled player of rwl. Can player leader or Indy."
"Average player of rwl. clan leader or solo Indy."

I could not understand why the word "Can" was replaced with "clan". And why the word "solo" was added. It just hit me. The guy has never been here so he does not know that we call mages "Leaders." Yet one more reason NOT to let people from other sites edit our information, they have not taking the time to learn our terminology.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

The Obliterator

btw who put that my enemy was purple dragon
i dont know anything about that yet :-\
Watching people fight is fun...
...but getting involved is so much better


Quote from: wolf bite on April 10, 2008, 04:54:35 PM
Firetooth and Sharptooth,

I really thank you guys for standing up for me.  I hate to say it but I also agree. Hehe. But there is more to see here. I spent about 45 minutes chatting to Death (after I unblocked him) trying to explain that there is no reason to insult people for the fun of it. Then I find that during that time he was posting insults about me on the Valhall forum.

Do we really want to make posts here so that he feels he needs to come and attack people in our homes?  Can we just leave Death alone and hope that if he posts it is not to antagonize people?

I still stand behind that Valhall is a well programmed game and has a great Staff that runs the place.  But the forums may not be for people without full suit body armor.

Wolf Bite

No prob, I was standing up for the game as a whole, nothing gets me madder then when a player from another promisance site comes here and insults our game and players, in all the other sites  ive been to Ive been respectful, if Death's such a great player, why can't he be.
Quote from: wolf bite on April 10, 2008, 11:32:36 PM
I have been looking at this edit for wolf snare and trying to figure out what was being said

"Skilled player of rwl. Can player leader or Indy."
"Average player of rwl. clan leader or solo Indy."

I could not understand why the word "Can" was replaced with "clan". And why the word "solo" was added. It just hit me. The guy has never been here so he does not know that we call mages "Leaders." Yet one more reason NOT to let people from other sites edit our information, they have not taking the time to learn our terminology.

Wolf Bite

Exactly, lol. I think I did a better job when I was bored and doing it to pass time. ::)
Quote from: Shadow on April 10, 2008, 09:44:58 PM
Quote from: windhound on April 10, 2008, 06:46:35 PM
Super-emp is a turbo round at RWL.  I dont mind clarifications, but the edit he did was just wrong.
Most of what he edits is petty, but again he feels free to embellish his own profile

I did not write either of the entries listed there. You can tell that neither of them is even remotely similar to my writing style. As far as I know that was Firetooth. I edited my own profile, which you can see below. The only possibly pretentious word in it is "versatile" If you think that what is there is in violation of the rules, I ask that mine be removed like wolf bite's was. This is ridiculous. I am not stoking my own ego with a wiki that nobody but prom players read, and it's almost sad that people are being accused of it. It is even sadder that people are going around editing other profiles for no reason other than to insult them. Honestly, get a life.
Yeah, I added in a lot of profiles...please, before there was only wolf bite (whoes had all his profile took down cause of death being sad...) blood wake, ruddertail (who both play other sites) peace alliance and shael (who are both admins) and look at the players from other sites *sighs* we had about 2profiles of players who only play rwl, and valhall had almost every profile there except for a few QMT and some EndRev...
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

wolf bite

I have an easier way to fix this problem of people vandalizing accounts of RWL players right from the Wiki Guide Lines:

2. If you vandalize work you will be banned.

Relic deliberately with animosity only checked RWL players and made untrue and negative changes.  Agreed that he was within your rules to take out the 2 that had the "skilled," however he exceeded when he further edited the information.  I am sure that if someone edited Relic's page to say that he was "average" or that he never made any high ranks that Relic would demand that person be banned. By the rules of the Wiki, and to treat all people even and fair, Relic must be banned.

Wolf Bite

Edit: Just to be clear, there is NO hint in my post for any of our members to drop to that level and make knowingly false edits on anyone else. Let us all keep the upper road.
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


I think you're right, if they don't put in security measures people will lose interest and it will simply be a waste of time.


Though to enforce that the administration would have to require registration. Meh, it might be worthwhile.
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

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Im stopping adding in profiles, death will just edit them and I've got little thanks for it as of yet. I was trying to improve the sites publicity, I guess I have, but only since Relic did all those edits...
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Quote from: Firetooth on April 11, 2008, 10:31:52 AM
Im stopping adding in profiles, death will just edit them and I've got little thanks for it as of yet. I was trying to improve the sites publicity, I guess I have, but only since Relic did all those edits...

It was a good try, but there really is no point in even participating in the wiki at this stage.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..