
Started by pippin the mighty, January 23, 2008, 11:33:50 AM

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I bet it's pretty hard to get any information from this thread, sorry about that. But that idea isn't being used because everyone is encouraged to do this, and we have only had one problem the entire time it has been up aside from ads. The term Moderator is not being used in this context as someone in a staff position, as anyone can edit it. What I meant was someone who is keeping the content in check.

Feel free to contribute, if you wish, we need all the help we can get.


  I have several times cracked up laughing reading some of the things in this topic.
  It does not actually seem to be an arguement over promi wiki rules, more a personal arguement beetween wolf bite and death. It is at the end of the day a profile for a game, I cannot see why there is such a huge arguement over it. I can see reasons for both death and wolf bite's anger though, can't this arguement just be resolved?
Quote from: Death on February 12, 2008, 11:12:32 PM
I bet it's pretty hard to get any information from this thread, sorry about that. But that idea isn't being used because everyone is encouraged to do this, and we have only had one problem the entire time it has been up aside from ads. The term Moderator is not being used in this context as someone in a staff position, as anyone can edit it. What I meant was someone who is keeping the content in check.
Feel free to contribute, if you wish, we need all the help we can get.
Looking through the posts you made it DOES actually look like (whether intentional or not) you were trying to promote that you were a staff mod for the wiki, at least thats the image that I got.

Quote from: Death on February 12, 2008, 10:48:29 PM
Oops, new replies. So you guys want it cluttered with how good every player thinks they are? Fine, I quit, Mod it yourselves. 
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

pippin the mighty


Quote from: pippin the mighty on February 13, 2008, 01:16:47 PM
Calm down ladies...
Lol, I trust it your not refering to me...
Quote from: Firetooth on February 13, 2008, 01:12:09 PM
  I have several times cracked up laughing reading some of the things in this topic.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

wolf bite

Yup, yup.

You guys are right about a few things. I am sorry that I got suckered into this whole thing.

Death has made it no secret that he has never liked me.  There have also been comments about our site and our game.  He does not play here, but shows up sometimes to tell us to play some other game. 

My first mistake in this topic was that I would not allow defamation about me left unanswered.  Constantly accusing me of ego problems, being a liar and "spewing more [poop]" needed a response.  Those negative statements seem to have been left to entice a response, which I think would the definition of flame.

My second mistake was believing that he was a representative of the wiki site.  Because he made it appear as he was a Mod, it would have been wrong of me to simply redo his actions or to even apply the same "unwritten rules" to his profile.  Hehe.  Sadly, this let the whole thing out of control. 

It seems that the real Admin of the site is friends with Death and sees me as the trouble maker.  He does not seem to realize that it was Death that came here to make a problem, that Death started applying "his" rules to edit my information, then told me there was nothing I could do about it as he flamed me.  A sad state of affairs.  What started out as an endorsement of their site ended up being anything but an endorsement.  Frankly I would rather have my profile NOT included in their bias site than have the only warning flag over it.  Hehe.

Wolf Bite

Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Quote from: wolf bite on February 13, 2008, 03:40:09 PM
It seems that the real Admin of the site is friends with Death and sees me as the trouble maker.  He does not seem to realize that it was Death that came here to make a problem, that Death started applying “his” rules to edit my information, then told me there was nothing I could do about it as he flamed me.  A sad state of affairs.  What started out as an endorsement of their site ended up being anything but an endorsement.  Frankly I would rather have my profile NOT included in their bias site than have the only warning flag over it.  Hehe.
Quote from: wolf bite on February 13, 2008, 03:40:09 PM
I contacted C4smok who told me that there was no rule as stated by Death.  C4smok did not have the time to get involved.

Our member Shadow rewrote my profile to be within the rules, which was immediately edited by C4smok.

Death, saying he was speaking for the site, continued to flame me in this topic.

C4smok then made a new rule that a big yellow banner would be across my profile basically saying that the post was a lie.  No such banner was placed on any other player.  There is only one yellow warning banner on the site.

I alphabetically checked 24 other people and found that 1/3 of them should also have the same banner for the new rule (one of them would be Death’s profile).

I notified Death (the supper mod) and C4smok of the other profiles that also shared the same violation to the new rule. 

C4smok refuses to apply the new rule to anyone else.  He also now says that Death was never a supper mod.

C4smok now tells me that unless I have the dates and sites I have played on, I basically cannot have anything on my page without that insulting yellow banner across it.

I know Death no more then I know Wolf Bite for WB to make this statement shows me in some kind of conspiracy against him...  This is childish at this point...  I am sorry but I do not want to get involved in this...  But the both of you are making me involved over a matter that is just plain pointless and immature.  Death is not a person who has the power to call the shots on the wiki.  I am having to write policy to cover this now because the both of you have taken it upon yourself to bring me into your dispute.  Your profile has these marks over it because it is the profile that has started this new policy to go into play to kill stuff like this from become overblown.  I do not support Deaths repeated posts in this thread and I do not like how Wolf Bite is putting out a false image of myself.  This is my last post on this subject and I would like to crush it as it is.   I have nothing against anybody and I am not bias against anybody. 

I am sure there are other profiles with unsupported information like yours, which is why I made tags so people could tag them and not have this keeping going on..


Can we let this die now? Death is immature and won't be quiet until he gets the last word, so just let him. I am surprised that you care so much wolf. People who know you won't need a wiki to tell them you are a good player, and people who don't know you probably will never click on your name in that list of players. So Death wants to enforce his rules on a random wiki that nobody but spambots and promi players read. Promi players know who you are, and spambots don't care. So why bother? I realize it is the principle of the thing that is annoying you, but if there was a way to shut up every self-righteous teenager that though his opinion mattered on the net, it would have been done years ago. The method proven by time is to ignore them.

Yeesh I begin to see why Shade and I were so annoying to the oldbies here when our feud was public.

Wolf this is not an attack on you, since I realize the tone may make it appear that way. I know you to be the more mature of everyone in this argument, so I ask you to be the one to stop it. I'm sure if you want to talk to other members of the wiki team they will be more than happy to hear you out and probably act on your ideas, since they are good ones for the most part. But let's cut out the middle man.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

wolf bite

I too am very done with this.  But still some cleanup work.

C4smok IMed me requesting that I retract some of my statements.

I had said that it "seems" he is friends with Death.  This was based on Death having the IM of C4smok handy and also that C4smok teld me that in the past he had asked Death to clean up some pages.  Agreed, it now "seems" they are only loose acquaintances.

C4smok asked me to remove:
Quote"C4smok refuses to apply the new rule to anyone else"
Are we talking actions or words?  I pointed out several people who should have the same insult, he refused to add the tag.  However he has said he will not stop other people from adding the insult. 

C4smok asked me to remove:
Quote"C4smok now tells me that unless I have the dates and sites I have played on, I basically cannot have anything on my page without that insulting yellow banner across it."
This was a paraphrase of a long conversation and not his exact words.  He did tell me that the insult banner would not be removed without his permission.  He did say that I needed the exact dates and servers I have played on to say anything besides I am an Admin.  When I asked if I could write a first person, fact based statement of my basic history and Death would be restricted from editing it, he refused.  He did offer if I could give him some information he would help me write something that was useable.  For that I give him credit.  Thus my statement above was factually true, but not complete.

Wolf Bite

Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Quote from: Shadow on February 13, 2008, 04:31:37 PM
Can we let this die now? Death is immature and won't be quiet until he gets the last word, so just let him. I am surprised that you care so much wolf. People who know you won't need a wiki to tell them you are a good player, and people who don't know you probably will never click on your name in that list of players. So Death wants to enforce his rules on a random wiki that nobody but spambots and promi players read. Promi players know who you are, and spambots don't care. So why bother? I realize it is the principle of the thing that is annoying you, but if there was a way to shut up every self-righteous teenager that though his opinion mattered on the net, it would have been done years ago. The method proven by time is to ignore them.

Very strong words coming from someone that I don't even know. I don't see how I am trying to get the last word in when I am the one trying to explain this to Wolf, and I've said several times that I'm done discussing it with him. You, also, seem to have a vast amount of wrong information on the issue.

They are not my rules, they are the rules of the Wiki. They were just unofficial then. I would appreciate you trying to get your facts straight before making condescending comments in the future, it makes you look childish.

I forgot who said it, but when I said I will quit Modding it. I meant that I will just stop adding content, deleting ads, etc, not that I was a staff member on it. The things I say make it very easy for someone to turn it around, and I do that on purpose to see if someone is worth my time. In other words, it's a trap.

But seriously, this entire issue is over, why are you all still posting about it? For the last time, can we PLEASE just stop? It's entirely over, there is nothing else to be said or done, I don't care if any of you want to insult me just at least use correct facts and I won't bother saying anything.

wolf bite

At this point I am speaking as the Forum Admin.

Telling Shadow that he has wrong facts and he looks childlike is instigation to force him to respond to defend himself.  This is stopping here.  No one else needs to fall into a flame trap. 

Likewise, no one needs to point out any more about what Death has said.

If people want to discuss the prom wiki then this discussion is still open.

Please do not even think of arguing with me when I have the Admin hat on, bad things may happen.

Wolf Bite
(Admin Duties)

Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Then I'm guessing we can get down to business, thank you.

Do most players here have a profile, or are they at least on the list of players yet?


Not I. I thought about making one but the time didn't seem right :D
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


If you want to take a look at the format most people use and send me some information about your career I'll write and add it for you, if you want that is. There are plenty of people willing to do it for you, we just want to get this done because it's taken foreeever and is still far from finished.

wolf bite

When I first checked, only about 5 people from this site were even listed. This is why I assumed that no one here even knew the site existed.  The site will be one year old in 2 days.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


It was forgotten for quite some time. But anyways, could you tell me who those 5 people are so I can start adding everyone else to the list?