Lizard vs rat

Started by Shadow, January 06, 2008, 05:09:29 PM

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I've been looking at the race bonuses and I can't decide which seems better for indy at first glance. Can someone who has played both enlighten me? I guess my main questions are:

How much difference is there between +40% and +80% training?
How useful is the higher food bonus on lizard?
Does the food bonus allow enough less foragers to be built that the extra barracks compensate for less troop production?
Does +80% defense also apply to leader missions?


If no answers are forthcoming I'll just test it myself next round :)

<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Peace Alliance

It depends entirely on your strategy. I like rat better because i'm more of a "burst mode" kinda guy. So far lizard is a LOT better for a slower rise, that seems to be more stable. I find i can run with a lot more of the troops that aren't skiffs. Which is a bit hard with rat. You might be able to mass stoat, weasel or rats one each, but you can't really maintain all 4 troops at once for very long.

Have to be very careful with lizard too, the troop training difference is very noticeable, so coming back after a blow is a bit harder, and breaking people is a lot harder.


Does the +80 mean that rat has double the bonus of lizard, or does is it essentially 180% vs 140%, so about a 30% bonus?

If it's the second one, lizard would have roughly 40% more DP than rat if they ran on the same settings, and I am kind of looking for defense this round.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Peace Alliance

it means 180% and 140%. So ya, about a 30% bonus. a significant difference.


So it's down to a choice between defense + food vs offense + cash. How does income from selling compare? I realize rat will make far more, but do you ever go bankrupt because of the difference?
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Peace Alliance

Hasn't been a problem yet. And rat makes SO much, i can't imagine lizard would have issues


Alright, thanks. I am going to stick with rat this round, but i might change it up next round depending on the theme.

Still wondering about leader defense and defense bonuses, but somehow i think it doesnt have an effect
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..