
Started by Wolf Snare, December 10, 2007, 03:52:21 AM

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Quotehere's more proof shade HAS been trying to hire me...
Mon, 03 Dec 2007 10:02:59 -0700
From: Shade (#9)
*sigh* you just cost me a valueable opportunity, if your willing, will you finish my kill run on shadow? you will be rewarded
Yes, that was the message I was talking about when I said I did try to hire you one time. The other message was probably the most threatening message I've sent to you, as you had just onlined me and messed up my run, and it still wasn't a death threat, I threatened to punish the clan, which was mostly an attempt to scare you off. I don't want to hurt noobs because of something Shadow did. I never wanted this fued to begin with, but if it must go on, I'd rather it be between Shadow and I alone.

I am curious about why people keep blaming me for what Alazar/Jarlaxle gets up to, I've only had any contact with him at all twice this round, other than those two instances, I am not responsible for his actions.


You and Alazar worked together at the start of the round to clan hop kill me, and Alazar threatened Firetooth over what he was doing to you. I'd say that is pretty solid grounds for the assumption that you are working together. Why are you still arguing this? I have considered making a post to call you out about these things many times but always decided against it. You had Cody do it for me. Thanks for the push, but it's over now. Once again, I come out smelling.. perhaps not like a rose, but at least odorless. When you are reduced to arguing to what degree you committed the offenses of which you are accused, it's a sign that you are beaten and that it is time to move on.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


From the honest keyboard of shade:

Actually you've gone a little lower than I am willing to, the worst I do is having a noob clan kill someone for me, which, according to you, takes around two runs to recover from. You've been trying to get them to ruin all of my runs over a long period of time, although I might try something like that, I wouldnt have noobs do it.

Remember this everyone? Want a revelation as to why this a lie?Here it is:
Shadow2 has been ruining me all round and it took me until thye left me 5kland to retaiate, I messaged them about it, no reply. Today I apolagise in advance to david if I kill them, guess what I get?

Sat, 22 Dec 2007 09:38:11 -0700
From: Firetooth (#26)
by the way I'll say in advance if I ever kill shadow2 sorry It's just they've left me under 15k land ever time they attack randonly 5kland left last attack.

Sat, 22 Dec 2007 09:38:52 -0700
From I'm Back.. (#50) (?)

Well let me talk to him first. He's being trained by Shade, afterall. So, lemme message him and if he does it again after that, then go right ahead.

It makes sense-they haven't sacked me or replied-I've never played rwl with them before they have no reason to be against me-they're obviously not a noob. Shade has most likely been paying them for this. I never thought you could drop lower shade-I was wrong. You bash shadow for planning against you-fail to out-argue them and then go back to doing your old hobby of ruining someone. Hypocrite. If runing me via someone I don't know at all isn't bad-what is?
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Heh, Shadow2, or butters, on these forums, is a friend of Alazar's. Alazar has been training him this round. Alazar, to my knowledge, will not be able to get online during Christmas break, thus he asked me to take over Butters training, the only thing i've done for him thus far is get him into David's (I'm Back's) clan, I told I'm Back that I am training him because it was soon enough to be true and gave Butters a better chance of getting into the clan. I have not, and I'm sure Butters will confirm this next time he's around, been telling him to attack you or anything to that effect. The armarda isn't worth ruining. I have better thing to do with my turns than terrorizing a newbie clan.


Meh. I believe this because? Why would butters ruin me for no reason. If you have some actual proof say so now, or don't. It's more then fishy that you and alazar have been training them and that they'be been ruining me. I told them to stop but never got a reply. This is getting pathetic. If butters touches me once more apart from land grabbing I will hold you and alzar responisble and kill butters.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Look over my posts, did I ever once deny my involvement in anything that I couldn't prove I wasn't involved in? No. I have attempted to justify it, explain it, or correct errors as to how or why it was done, but I have never denied doing something I did. I don't care if everyone knows the stuff I get up to, there's no reason for me to deny it. In this case, I did not tell Butters to do anything to you. I also did not say that he was doing it for no reason, Alazar has been training him all round, and I have no idea what Alazar has been telling him to do. If I was against the Armarda, I would make sure you knew everything that was happening to you was because of me. That said, other then butters telling you I wasn't involved, which you could discount anyways because I could've simply told him to say I wasn't, there is no way to prove that I was not. If you hold me responsible, so be it, I don't think there's much you could do to me anyways. However, if you do kill butters during the period I will be training him, I will help him to retaliate accordingly.


You scare me? You or ALazar have put butters up to it, tell them if they touch me again I swear I will kill them I've never done anything apart from a few sacks after they left me under 5k land. Also still waiting for that apolgoy....
You and Alazar are working together you just proved it, he's been sacking me since the end of the war. Butters has increased there attacks  since then as well. Thus alazar and you are both responsible, you would have reasilsed butters was doing this, so why didn't you tell tehm to stop?
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Apology? Alazar and I are not 'working together' that term implies we both have some common goal and are working with each other to achieve it. We do not. Alazar and I are friends in RL, I was the one who brought him here to begin with, occasionally we toss a bone to each other. Last round he wanted to help me beat Dash and sent me a little aid, this round I'm paying him back by helping one of his friends. I assure you, we do not sit on msn and plot new ways to damage the armarda. During 'the war' he told me he might be able to get you to stop maxing me with sack, undoubtedly had he succeeded he would've demanded I pay him back later at some point it where it was beneficial for him, that is how we work. Whatever he has been doing since is his own business, I suggest you ask him about it and stop assuming I own him, that comment is directed at multiple people, as you are not the only person to assume Alazar works for me. Again, before Ally asked me, I had nothing to do with Butter, typically, I pay no attention to anything other than the top ten unless someone down there managed to get the land. Even had I noticed, I would not have intervened, simply because it was none of my business!


I said I'd drop out the war to alazar unless you did something pretty bad if you'd say sorry, he'd said he'd arrange it,that was over a week ago... yet another lie, this does not make you or him look good publicly. *sighs*
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Hmm, yes, I remember that, I thought I told him to tell you I wouldn't be apologizing, you were the one attacking me, mate. Also, simply because he failed to arrange it, does not make him a liar.


He could have said something. You called me a pawn, treated me like an idiot then tried to get me to kill my ally, claiming they were corrputing and using me. Is that how your mind works? Exploit someone then dump them? Also it seems convinent how you learnt most of the info...pip ? I HATE being treated dumb. I'll do what I wan't with butters if they do this again and hold you responsible because of this now. "arrange it" what's that he just had to say "shade wont apoligize" you accused me of being a liar and shadow as well. Your the only one who's lying as far as I'm concerned. Butters has been warned. They're doing this at the worst time possible "co-incedently" as well as merrick and tac are ganging up on me.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Quote from: Shade on December 22, 2007, 12:33:43 PM
I have better thing to do with my turns than terrorizing a newbie clan.
Really? Like convicing people their allies are enimes-believe him now and he'll also ditch you-a buy on get one free deal! Oooh and I forgot the whole backstabbing deal as well as the whole threaten you with death and trying to get you to kill your allies. This offer ends monday!
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


I don't suppose you could make that a little more...understandable? The quotations around 'coincedentily' make it sound like you think im resposible for merrick and tac as well, which is ridiculous. Exploit you? Hardly. I was trying to get you to stop letting Shadow use you before I had to retaliate, you have managed to twist my words to make them sound like insults when they were not intended as such. Which info are you talking about? When did I call you a liar? And how in the name of all things holy does me trying to explain to you that I am not in any way connected to whats going with you equal me being held responsible for all this?

Edit to include a response to your second post:
Please, mate, settle down and try to be reasonable. When I asked you to kill Shadow it was because you had just onlined me, messing me up moments before I managed to do it myself, you then sent me a message apologizing claiming that you didn't know I was online, my own capability of finishing the run ruined, and well aware of the fact that if shadow survived he would hop and my opportunity would be gone, I tried to get you to finish for me, I should also note that to my knowledge you and Shadow were not yet allied at that time. We've also already established that I never threatened you with death.


I never said that you are behind merrick and tac, just meant butters is taking advantage of a war. Shadow was not using me several times they said I didn't have to help them if I didn't want to.If your training someone you should take responsibilty to how they act towards players.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Quote from: Shade on December 22, 2007, 01:54:13 PM

Edit to include a response to your second post:
Please, mate, settle down and try to be reasonable. When I asked you to kill Shadow it was because you had just onlined me, messing me up moments before I managed to do it myself, you then sent me a message apologizing claiming that you didn't know I was online, my own capability of finishing the run ruined, and well aware of the fact that if shadow survived he would hop and my opportunity would be gone, I tried to get you to finish for me, I should also note that to my knowledge you and Shadow were not yet allied at that time. We've also already established that I never threatened you with death.
Correct, you threatend the armarda, secondly I beleived I sent an apology mail, however it was taking for ever to load so I clicked refresh, I though it had sent so that wasn't my fault/
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.