
Started by Wolf Snare, December 10, 2007, 03:52:21 AM

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I have not started yet, other than to get him into a clan I had a little more influence over. The only instances I can think of where i would be respsonible for what he does would be if he was in a clan I lead, or if he was doing the actions on my behalf, in this case, I will only be teaching him how to do a strategy, Snare taught me everything I know, would you blame him for what I get up to?


Good point, however your not being trained anymore. You should teach basic rules.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


I was only asked to teach him how to use leadering effectively, I assumed Ally has already covered basic rules. The again, Alazar isn't exactly the best person to teach player courtesy, nor am I, for that matter.


*sigh* I'll just say now if they do it again I'll kill them merrick is ruining me with the help of tac. However I can easily fight back...that is if some player I don't know isn't at my back 24/7!! I've already said I will personally hold you responisble if they do it again.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Shade are you surprised you are getting these reactions from players you previously exploited?
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I am suprised to be getting this reaction from Firetooth, whom I never exploited. The only thing I ever did coming close to it was asking him to finish the run he messed up, and in that case my exact words were 'if your willing'. I had no reason to think it would bother him, he helped me rough up rudder a bit last round when he murdered me for 800 mil net, and we had been on good terms ever since. I daresay that if you had been in a similiar situation, doing a kill run on me, perhaps, and he had onlined you, messing up the run, you probably would have tried something similiar, especially taking into account your actions this round.


I wouldn't know - I've never seen you clan for more than half an hour at a time ^_^

But really, just reread the thread for my argument to that. We have already covered this ground a few times, this is just a new situation.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I was only helping you last round because kell had asked as well-and SRA had killed snare. It was not a matter of you having been murdered a bit. Shade's actually clanned before? :o Anyway shade exploited bear, when David killed him shade never retaialted, instead he asked them if butters could join they're clan. Bear trusted shade and was just another tool shade used for his advantage.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


What, do you expect me to take personal offense every time one of my allies is nailed and rush off in a murderous rage after the killer? Alazar gets himself killed every few days, I rarely help him get even. You expect me to waste turns doing a kill run on a newbie I'm not even sure I can attack from so far above him? Bear was clanned, so I figured his clan would handle any retal over his death, my lack of retaliation does not mean I was using Bear.


You could at least not tell your trainee to join david's clan. If you died first thing you'd do would proarbly be revenge. So your allies dont matter to you if they die? Of course the armarda retialated I left david 118acres but we've put aside our differneces.

Anyway, you said shadow was using me. If they were they wouldn't be helping me this far after, remember this?
shadow is amirror image of me, he will use you to his greatest adavantage and throw you away afterwards. If you want o emerge from our conflict unscathed, it is best you don't heed him.

A mirror image of you? :o
You even admit what your accused of with out knowing.

Sat, 08 Dec 2007 13:07:41 -0700
From: Shade (#9)
I killed shadow because me and him have a grudge, it doesnt concern you. Now like it or not, the armarda does owe me, I gave bear substantial aid when he needed it and taught him the strat he currently uses, the favors I have asked for in return were hardly too much to ask. Shadow is maniuplating you by inspiring the fear that i was trying ot manipulate you.

Correction, bear owed you, I owed you nothing,I joined the armarda after bear had been taught this strat, shadow has been helping me since last round.

Bah your to arrogant to see reason. If your just going to post weak arguements I'm off until this topic get's intesting. *shrugs and dissolves out of topic*
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Yes, if I died I would get revenge. I would not, however, expect my allies to do it for me.

At the time it appeared he was using you, bear in mind all I had were messages promising pathetic aid repayment for a job that could get the Armarda into trouble. I did not at that time know the extent of the alliance between you two. Forgive me for not having access to your inbox.

At the time, and still, you believe(d) me to be manipulating you, the mirror image comment wasn't so much to attribute what I was like to Shadow as it was to attribute what you thought I was like to Shadow. It was perhaps a poor choice of words but I knew at the time I wouldn't be able to convince you I wasn't evil incarnate fast enough to get you to stop sacking me anytime soon.

I was of the understanding that Bear passed both the aid and the strategy around the whole clan, that was what he told me he did, talk to him about it.

It's fairly obvious at this point you won't listen to thing I say, so I will step out too. This whole arguement is fairly worthless, as the main topic of our arguements happened over a week ago and has since been resolved and will remain so, at least until Shadow decides the time is ripe to break our truce and have another go at me.


*dissolves in after reading post*
You wouldn't have your allies  help you get revenge, no you'd do the much more noble thing and have noobs do it  all for you, most likely getting them killed :P
Bear didn't send me a strat or aid, possibly aid but DEFINETLY no strat. Either way that's past so it doesn't matter.
   Meh, saying my allies would ditch me and that I allowed myself to be used as a pawn is manipulating...plus you tried to get me to kill shadow shooting three targets with one bullet:Shadow dead, They'd be after me and if I survived most likely I'd join you to get revenge:However I do not exploit alliances like you. *sigh*
*dissolves out of topic..again*
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Nope, were I to be killed, and I can say this with honesty as it's happened before, I would start a clan, go to war, and obliterate anyone I thought was involved.

Saying Shadow would ditch you and was using you as a pawn was not manipulating you, at the time it seemed to be truth. Trying to get you to kill Shadow was an entirely unrelated incedent, I wanted that done in an attempt to hurt woof, and it was the thing that started the war, and thus was before you two had any contact, as he had not yet to my knowledge enlisted the armarda.


we've had contact since last round...shows how much you actually know about what you say...shadow wouldn't have helped me raise the ranks if tehy're using me, anyway you yourself said "who's got revenge and dirty tactics?Now who do you want as your enemy?" Great persuasive tactics...
p.s the quote isn't copied exactly so a word or two may be missing
Edit:Just realized from looking through message interactions before I onlined shade I asked him if he was running and he didn't reply after 3mins so I attacked him
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Quote from: Shade on December 23, 2007, 01:10:44 PM
Nope, were I to be killed, and I can say this with honesty as it's happened before, I would start a clan, go to war, and obliterate anyone I thought was involved.

Saying Shadow would ditch you and was using you as a pawn was not manipulating you, at the time it seemed to be truth. Trying to get you to kill Shadow was an entirely unrelated incedent, I wanted that done in an attempt to hurt woof, and it was the thing that started the war, and thus was before you two had any contact, as he had not yet to my knowledge enlisted the armarda.

you can never be killed because you will never join a clan in the first place, so the point is moot.

the thing that started the war happened 4 rounds ago
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..