
Started by Wolf Snare, December 10, 2007, 03:52:21 AM

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Wolf Snare

I find it rather funny how Shadow is constantly bashing Shade for acquiring the allegiance of "noobs" in turbo.
Mainly, because he has been busted hiring these same "noobs" to do his own dirty work!

As you will see in the following text, Shadow offers to pay members of the Armarda a pitiful daily sum of troops to attack Shade, and otherwise do his dirtywork. I feel bad for them, they do not know any better.

However, I find this hysterical, on several different levels.

I wouldn't bother posting this if Shadow wasn't constantly out to make Shade look like a manipulative fool, but it turns out Shadow has very similar diplomacy tactics.

You tell me, is Shadow a hypocrite?

Here you see Shadow attempting to hire them. Hmm, thought that was cowardly shads?

Thu, 06 Dec 2007 18:14:46 -0700
From: Shadow II (8)
is armarda working for shade this round? If not, I have a proposal for you. Hammer him using Sack every time you get online. If armarda can keep him under 5k land every day, I will send troops to everyone who helped out.


After they responded, shadow is seen giving detailed instructions on exactly what he wishes to be carried out. Peculiar? :o

Fri, 07 Dec 2007 12:42:38 -0700
From: Shadow II ( 8)
alright, well if you max shade every day with sack, ill send you troops to help yo deal with you problem

Fri, 07 Dec 2007 13:06:52 -0700
From: Shadow II ( 8)
Alright here's the deal: for every day I log in to find Shade under 2500 land, I will send:

500,000 skiffs OR
500,000 stoats OR
1,000,000 weasels OR
1,500,000 rats

to each person who was involved. If he is under 1k land, it doubles. Tell this to all yuor clanmates


and finally, here is a confirmation message stating that Shadow was pleased with the dirtywork, and will continue to pay the noobs this minuscule payment. Don't the noobs know any better? No, no they do not. *shakes head sadly*

Sat, 08 Dec 2007 09:45:07 -0700
From Shadow II ( 8) (?)

i sent rats this time since thats what i was massing. I'll send skiffs next time cause thats what I plan to mass then. Keep hammering him no matter how low he is. Use sack.


Now, this all seems very strange, eh?
At least, strange behavior for someone who wishes to appear as a respected and fair player.
Personally, I don't think it is that big of a deal, but;

- The payments Shadow offers Armarda are ridiculous. In my eyes, this is what sets apart a bounty from simply taking advantage of a clan of noobs with lots of turns.

- Shadow has been consistently insulting Shade for allegedly doing this exact thing.

This brings me to my next questions, how long has this been really going on, and is this the first time Shadow has hired noobs to do his bidding?

Sorry Shadow, I'm not trying to ruin your reputation, but apparently you are doing exactly what you have been accusing..

If you are going to bash Shade for supposedly doing this, you better start to practice what you preach.
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busted or not i see shadow vs shade as a tit for tat war. what one does the other goes the next little bit and so forth and so on, so shadow payin pip and them was bound to happen
im not into noob hiring but it serves a purpose from time to time
founder of eire

first emp on the new server

Alazar is Back

I would suspect something of this sort from shadow, of course me and him have never really got along, he is definetly a hipocrite, he doesnt see nothing wrong with him killing someone for no reason, but he gets really mad when someone kills him....hipocrite, i think so! ;)
Turbo Highest Rank:Co-Emperor with Wolf Snare, Emperor

One of the most underrated players at RWL..


Quote from: Alazar is Back on December 10, 2007, 10:35:20 AM
I would suspect something of this sort from shadow, of course me and him have never really got along, he is definetly a hipocrite, he doesnt see nothing wrong with him killing someone for no reason, but he gets really mad when someone kills him....hipocrite, i think so! ;)

ok ihave to back him up on this one, ally you killed him outta nowhere, we weren't at war or anything and he knocked you to 1land (eire trade mark move) which really steamed you off and you stopped playin for a while after that. you had promised him a big one on one fight and when you returned he slammed you.....
is that just me or is that what happened?
founder of eire

first emp on the new server


LOL SSOOO True shadow tryed to seee if i was workin for shade then he bashed him.
When you have done soemthing right, no one will know you have done anything at all


QuoteMainly, because he has been busted hiring these same "noobs" to do his own dirty work!
It was never a secret. Think I would have approached Pippin if I cared if the word got out? Give me some credit for intelligence... Shade has known this since the beginning of the round, and I have made no efforts to hide the fact that armarda is helping me on this. Shade also threatened Firetooth with death if he continued to help me when he realized that Firetooth would not help him kill me.

Yes. I am fed up with Shade, so I decided to use his own tactics against him. I suppose that makes me a hypocrite in a way, but know that I waited a full 4 rounds before deciding that enough was enough. He has been doing this to me since he rejoined. This is the first round that I have used these tactics. I do not use these against any other player, as you all well know, and I do not retaliate like this without more than enough justification.

Some of my reasons:
1) Shade has been telling outright lies to my allies in an attempt to get at me. For example, he told marell that I joined woof at the start of the round with the intention of killing him and kell and that the message boards were packed with plans to take down eire. Blatant lie, as Cody, Volkov, and Ruddertail can attest to.
2)Online murders. Speaks for itself.
3)Clan hoppipng to kill me at the start of the round. Do I need more? the list goes on.

Cody, in the face of this you cannot tell me you would not be retaliating harshly, with intent to humiliate. Having former allies join me in taking down this backstabber is beating him at his own game. The difference between me and Shade is that I actually pay what I promise - I teach them strategies. Last round I taught Firetooth the solo wildcat strat I worked on several rounds ago. As far as I know, nobody else knows how to pull that one off.

Armarda does not do my dirty work. They attack him to low land so that it takes a bit longer for him to recover each run. I do this as well. The real dirty work is all me.

Yes, the troop payments are negligible to armarda, but i have also been teaching them some strategies and I have a standing offer open that if they want to learn from me at any time they have only to ask.  think that is more than fair payments for them using 40 turns a run helping me out. It's also apparent at this point that Pippin backstabbed me yet again; rest assured he will no longer be receiving anything. Firetooth, having helped me thus far, has a standing offer that if he ever needs anything he has only to ask.

I'm kind of surprised that Cody is getting involved though.

QuoteI would suspect something of this sort from shadow, of course me and him have never really got along, he is definetly a hipocrite, he doesnt see nothing wrong with him killing someone for no reason, but he gets really mad when someone kills him....hipocrite, i think so!

you killed me unprovoked first. I also didn;t retaliate after you allowed Shade to clan hop to kill me early in the round, also unprovoked. Don't push your luck. 

These grudges seem to drag out over several rounds; they do not have to. Any time Shade wants to back off and play to advance himself rather then fail to ruin me, I will stop my side of the battle. Until then, I will continue to do everything in my power to return the favor and make his round as hellish as possible. This game is rapidly losing it's enjoyment because of this pointless war, but I cannot stop fighting until Shade does, because as indy I am weak to stoat.

Snare, you said this in another topic:
QuoteIf you can beat someone at their own game, do it.
Will do. Until then, this is between me and Shade, and I would thank anyone not involved to stay out of it.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


well i for one think that..... i like shadows icon  :D
When you have done soemthing right, no one will know you have done anything at all


Want to know something? I'm not i this for money, shade has been trying to get me to kill shadow previously and work for him and I'm fed up of this.He also accused me of being shadwos pawn

I'd raher be a We win! Obsesed fan then a pawn of yours shade.  :P
To be honest the grudge should just end. Shade is tryig to manipulate me so I've been sacking him all round. Shadow has helped me and my bro and sis loads so I'm gonna try to pay them back. However do now persucate the armarda, bear and all the others are innoocent it is me who's helping shadow. I'm happy to and don't mind being called a noob
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Thank you Firetooth. Cody, care to explain your involvement in this? I don't understand all the publicity around the little feud.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Wolf Snare

Very well. To be honest with you, When I found this out, I had to post it. You yourself can openly admit that you have publicly insulted Shade several times about doing this (If not, I'll dig some specific stuff up) I simply found it funny to find you doing the very same things.
I admit, your reasons sound legitimate, but you needn't attack me for being the one to come across this. If you didn't always try to be the good guy and make shade look like the bad guy, I wouldn't have done this.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


Oh I am definitely no angel here. I am playing just about as dirty as it is possible to be, which basically means using his own tactics against him. Indeed I have insulted Shade several times on these topics. Now he gets a chance to feel what it is like to have his own tactics turned on him ^_^

Good guy/bad guy... really isn't one i suppose. I will say that I have started every recent round with no intention of fighting with him, and he has made the first move every time. I did challenge him (privately) to fight it out this round on even terms (both clanned) and you saw how that went. I have nothing more to say there.

I am getting no enjoyment out of this though. It is getting neither of us anywhere. The only reason I even care is that he tried to turn my friends against me, which is pretty much crossing a boundary that no player should. It is getting far to much a personal vendetta rather than a game.

I am not attacking you on this, your argument is legitimate, but based on incomplete information. Anything you hear from either one of us is obviously going to be biased, and so far you have only Shade's account. Are you interested in mine? Probably not, and I see no reason why anybody but me or Shade should be.

QuoteIf you are going to bash Shade for supposedly doing this, you better start to practice what you preach.
I have been since he rejoined. Now I have had enough. I daresay you would have retaliated a lot sooner.

He tells me his ego will not allow him to back down and that he will continue to harass me. So be it. [to shade]: Just don't complain to other people about it, and don't publicize it. OK?
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Gen. Volkov

Quote1) Shade has been telling outright lies to my allies in an attempt to get at me. For example, he told marell that I joined woof at the start of the round with the intention of killing him and kell and that the message boards were packed with plans to take down eire. Blatant lie, as Cody, Volkov, and Ruddertail can attest to.

This explains why Marell and Kell have never responded to me about woof. I never had any intention of hurting eire, in fact, I wanted eire to combine with woof and make a much bigger and more powerful clan. It also explains why Marell has been coming after me all round with murders and whatnot, when I haven't done anything to him.

Anyway, as the founder of woof, I can assure you that destroying eire was the last thing on my mind.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Exactly. To anybody else who has had similar tales told to them, especially if they are in some way related to me, post them here and I will clarify the situation for you. I see no reason that Shade should be allowed to ruin my reputation here through outright lies.

In this case, Cody, there is no question of who is the good guy ^_^

A little extra info for anybody who sees my side of things: Obliterator and Pippin work for Shade. Others maybe, but I am positive of Oblit and Pippin (Oblit even has a clan set up for Shade to hop with). Alazar works for him insofar as it hurts me, because that is what Alazar does. (Alazar=Jaraxle II)

In the face of all this (and as much more as you care to ask me for) is there anybody who can say that my actions are not justified? Yeesh I can't believe I am having to defend myself here. This feud should never have become public.

<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


*raises eyebrow*

Oblit works for me? News to me. Only contact I've had with him was earlier in the round when I tried to get him to betray woof, he agreed, but only so he could try to weedle info out of me to give to Volky.

I'm certainly not responsible for any of eire's actions against woof this round, I only tried to trick marrel just the other night.

There are other outright lies about me in this thread, but I don't see the point in going through them all, so I'll leave off with that.

Wolf Snare

Shadow...As I said, I made this a public matter because I am tired of you trying to come out of sticky situations smelling like a rose( situations where you are usually at fault), And all the while you take your enemies' reputation as low as you can.

Frankly, I thought the public deserved to know that you were no angel in this matter, and therefore have no right to continue spreading bad propaganda. Not just about Shade, just stop talking [poop] altogether, you would have alot more peoples respect.

Now, seeing as you have properly defended yourself, perhaps you should leave it alone and stop with your egotistical taunts.

I'd really appreciate it if me and you could get along and see things eye to eye, but I have a hard time doing so when you are talking behind my back.
Also, try to stop your tall tales that you've been spreading throughout the lower ranks, it's rather annoying; Wolf Snare hasnt gone soft, and you havent gone toe to toe with me and won.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)