Upcoming Developements & Fixes

Started by Peace Alliance, December 04, 2007, 12:44:28 AM

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Peace Alliance

Figured I'm going to start posting some of the upcoming developments we're planning for the game. This is so that we can better think these things through and discuss the upcoming changes before they come into effect.

(please keep in mind this topic is for discussing the changes, not voting. )

Here are a few of the upcoming changes being considered:

- Fix open attack op
For starters, 1 cast will = 1 open.
perhaps we make it harder to succeed the more you're attacked?

- News message when open attack op is cast on you

- Warlord names in the news for all leader spells

- Clan hopping restrictions
Once you're kicked out of a clan, you can't join that same clan again for 3 days.

- Lottery
lottery = (all the land in the game)*10 + (public market taxes)
tickets = lottery * 0.1


Clan hopping restrictions
Once you're kicked out of a clan, you can't join that same clan again for 3 days

ive a problem with this, clan runs involve booting people so your clannies can take you land, anyway around this?
founder of eire

first emp on the new server


Quote from: kell on December 04, 2007, 08:15:39 AM
Clan hopping restrictions
Once you're kicked out of a clan, you can't join that same clan again for 3 days

That's kinda the opposite of what I was getting at ^_^

Quotelottery = (all the land in the game)*10 + (public market taxes)

Even in the emp round, that would give you a grand total of under a billion for the lottery...
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Peace Alliance

Maybe if we simply make an option that allows you to attack clan members? the leader can check and uncheck this option.

I considered making it so when you're clanned, attacks against clanmates are lossless... But then that would make it better to attack your own clanmates then the rest of the game, and would create a strange paradox, heh... So i don't think so.


Can we make sack and capture both MUCH stronger? In my opinion, someone shouldn't be able to reach the top using just leaders and food.....

"We will win the war...it is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant

Peace Alliance

Why not?

I think they should be able to.. but of course it shouldn't be so darn easy! It's a legitimate strat, it's only lame when it becomes really easy.


it should be a stat that CAN be used to win, but it should not be the only viable strat like there is at the moment. Open atk op changes and a bit of a boost to sack would go a long way toward balance.

Back to something else - with that lottery equation, the lottery will be well under a billion unless we hae a round with millions upon millions of land. Market taxes don't amount to much.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Peace Alliance

We might want to add two 0's to that 10....

land*1000 would be like 3.2 bil on turbo right now (i just eyeballed the total land)

wolf bite

First I would like to point out that this topic was not agreed to by the staff it is simply peace's desire to get some feedback on some of his ideas. These are NOT pending implementations.  Just brain storming. It is my belief that changes need to be checked out and debugged before we announce them, otherwise there would be countless topics.

- Clan hopping restrictions
Once you're kicked out of a clan, you can't join that same clan again for 3 days.

I feel that attacking your own clansmen for their land is against the idea of having a clan and can be highly abused.  These game restrictions of how much aid can be sent to non clansmen and not attacking your own clan have a reason to be in the game.  Sure I was likely the first to have ran this strategy.  But watching the games, I see an unfair advantage in it to the lower members who have not as of yet made friends to do this with.  The top players don't need to change the program to make a bigger division in rank from those that know the game to those that do not. I do agree that if someone really wants to send unlimited aid or attack their own clan, then they should be able to do it, however they should pay the price.  I would think that a "Must stay in the clan for one day" and a "Can't rejoin the clan for one day" would be a fair restriction.

- Lottery
lottery = (all the land in the game)*10 + (public market taxes)
tickets = lottery * 0.1

The random billion a day we are giving out now is turning the game into more luck then skill.  There is maybe 700,000 land in regular right now, without counting the market being added, that would be 7 billion a day random money.  Sure for a top player, 7 billion is still a good amount, but not outrageous.  But what about a lower player that suddenly gets all that money?  It takes the skill of playing out of the game.  Think of it like a football game being played and they spin a wheel and one team gets to have 3 more players on the field.  Right now both games have a billion in the lotto. That seems like a lot. So what change something that is maybe too much now to be a lot more?

Also the addition of receiving from the public market can be abused. Lets say that has been hording all their army on the market decides to pull it off and lose 20%. They would first buy a bunchy of lottery tickets. Then pull their stuff off and get back their losses.

Let's use what you can see on Reg as an example. Shadow has 25 million rats on the market, if he pulls them back he will lose 20%, which is 5 million rats. The value of those rats times $500 each would go into the lotto, which is $2,500,000,000!!!!!  So either Shadow can save himself a 2 trillion penalty or some lucky person would receive all that cash and jump into the top ranks by luck.

The math on this stuff should really be worked out before it is left to others to do it.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Peace Alliance

Especially because 700,000 *10 is only 7,000,000

My mistake might actually be that the number is low....

The reason i'm taking into account the land, is because it's the only way to gauge on a scale how advanced the game is. If reg gets to the point where the top 10 have over 100k land, then 1 bil lottery would be useless.

And 5 mil rats would be 2.5 bil. Shadow could then buy a ticket and win the money back... or he could buy a ticket and lose the money. Thats the nature of the lottery.

I agree with you that there's the question of whether or not we do want luck to be involved with this game? They originally did (hence the gambling) but do we still?

wolf bite

Luck was never a big part of the game. Originally your odds of wining was either 1/100 or 1/1,000 ( I don't recall which) and you would only receive back the money that was in the lotto, little or no money was added by the game. It was almost never played. Sometimes 2 months would go by and have no winner.  Then it got changed to (I believe) a one out of 3 chance someone would win, then randomly pick one of the people who have lotto tickets that day to win, and the winning was increased to the game adding a billion to the jack pot.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


I would like to see a huge jackpot with a miniscule chance of winning. The whole idea of the lottery is a lifechanging event. Winning it should be incredible rare, and it should significantly boost the person who does win.

I am thinking so rare that it would actually be likely to go a whole round without a winner, but the jackpot would be on the order of several tens of billions. Even that is fairly low compared to most strats.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


If you make a lottery which has a very low chance of winning you end up getting a dead lottery, I've seen it happen at other promisance sites.

I say we nerf land gain from leader attacks. That'll solve food massers.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


leader fighters rarely use leaders to attack. I know I never do. You just mass about 100 billion and keep it on your account in case you ever need quick mercs, than go all food.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Peace Alliance

Ah, but if the attack op spell took into account OP vs DP, you'd have to keep a defense too...