Best RWL paraiody

Started by bjornredtail, March 04, 2003, 12:56:58 AM

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 Here is a list of the suggested RWL parodys. I have added 3 which I have come up with.

Casino: Warloards
Your attack has succeded.
You have captured 1025 Rooms
In the process you lost:
12 Janitors
29 Security Guards
5 Cashiers
13 Limos

In their defence The Golden Phenix has lost:
24 Janitors

Collage: Warloards
Your attack has succeded.
You have captured 1025 acers of campus and 25 sturctures.
In the process you have lost:
18 Protesters
38 Campus Police
22 Cadets
10 Shuttle Busses

In their defence Collage of the Northlands has lost:
27 Protesters
12 Campus Police

Talk Radio: Warloards
You attack has succeded.
You have captured 2025 Station Houres of bordcast time.
In the Process you have lost:
28 Callers
23 DJ's
32 Hosts
10 Remote Brodcast Vans

In their defence Clear Channel Brodcasting lost:
202 Callers
20 DJ's
39 Hosts
1 Remote Brodcast Van
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

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Visit today!


 Is "Warloards" s'posed to be a parody too? ;)  
I will not deleted this

TR Shadow

 Do I even need to say what I voted for?

 LOL.... I voted Cheese:Warlords...

Your attack has succeded.
You have captured 666 acres of land.
In the process you lost:
30,457 Parmesan Warriors
4,325 Rainbow-Colored Moldy Cheese Sticks
200 Cheeseburgers (I can't be bothered to think of any better troop types...)

In their defence Cream Cheese lost:
143,458 Parmesan Warriors

You also captured 134 Cheese Factories


 Hippie: Warlords
Your attack has succeded.
You have captured 1025 bongs.
In the process you lost:
12 Hippies
23 Activists
302 Greenpeace members
7 Mystery machines

In their defence Barber shop has lost:
328 Hippies

Your low communist rate has begun to create a neo-Woodstock.

(Sorry, Keith got carried away)


 Feminist: Warlords
Your attack has succeded.
You have captured 673 men
In the process you lost:
120 Inspiring quotes
28 Susan B. Anthony lookalikes
5 Woman owned business directories
1 Gigantic Tampon

In their defence Anti-activists has lost:

Your low testosterone rate has driven away all signs of male life.

(Keith is no longer allowed to give me stupid ideas)


 Am I mistaken, or is it "Warlords" and "College"?
Glory, Glory, Man United!

The Lady Shael

 *dies laughing reading Tania's post*

Didn't Beatles or someone attempt to make Cheese:Warlords?(CWL) Whatever happened to that?
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

 I've always wondered what happened to CWL too... It's a shame it was never finished...
How come no one can spell 'parody'?


 *ROFL at it all*

Whatever happened to Panda: Warlords?


Bubblebath: Warlords
Your attack has succeded.
You have captured 303 gallons of suds.
In the process you lost:
33 washcloths
8 plastic boats
17 aromatherapy beads
12 Big Rubber Duckies

In their defence Backscrubber has lost:
3 Big Rubber Duckies

Your lovely lavendar scent brings more bathers to your tub.

Badrang the Tyrant

 LOL...These are all funny!  But I like the regular Warlords...

General Austin

 *ROFL at everything, too*



You broke through Smelliness's defenses and captured 1500 acres of wardrobes! in the effort you lost:

154 stinky socks
23,000 clean socks
234 moldy jelly beans from under stinky socks

In their defense, Smelliness lost:

123,456,6765 Moldy Jelly beans
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

The Lady Shael

 We've forgotten a really important one:

Happy Pony Raising: Warlords
Your attack has succeded.
You have captured 483 pastures.
In the process you lost:
483 Happy Pintos
24 Happy Stallions
584 Happy Mares
3849 Over-excited Palominos

In their defence Utopia Farm has lost:
583 Over-excited Palominos

Because of your low happiness rate, your ponies are deserting!

~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

 ROFL! It would be /so/ funny if someone decided to make any of these...


 I tried to make a RWL by downloading the source in a giant ZIP file, but I don't understand php so I didn't get far.