Effective leadering

Started by Shadow, November 12, 2007, 07:21:05 PM

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Taking down a leader fighter is very difficult task without knowing the math behind it. Ths miniguide will try to explain in a little more detail how you can calculate wins based on information available publicly (no espionages). I have a feeling that this will come back to bite me in the [Behind], but here goes:

From wolf Bite's journal:
Attackers Leaders divided by the average of both land = attacking ratio

Defenders Leaders divided by defender?s land = defending ratio

A lot of this information is indirectly in wolf bite's journal, but it is slightly outdated by the addition of the stoat and academy.

This guide will focus on open attack op on an unclanned stoat using 100% huts, because that is the most difficult of all the offensive missions to succeed in. You need an 80% advantage in ratio to succeed.

When fighting leaders vs leaders, there are 4 variables to work with: you land, your opponent's land, your leaders and your opponent's leaders. You can't do much about your opponent's land - taking it away will make his defending ratio higher, which is a big no-no. Your enemy's leaders can be suicided away if necessary, but it is a waste of turns if you can do it without. So that leaves your leaders and your land as the variables you want to be messing around with.

First of all, never try to take down a leaderer after he has been broken for land. The more land he has, the lower his defending ratio, and the easier he is to break. Start off by calculating your enemy's leaders. If they are a stoat, assume their leaders = land*175. If not, you can safely assume that his leaders = land*100 If he hasn't dropped any. To open attack op on someone with 175 defense ratio, you need 175*1.8=315 attacking ratio to do it.

Now, hypothetical situation: Enemy has 50k land, 8,750,000 leaders. You have managed to scrape up 45k land, and you have academied 175 ratio. You have 7,875,000 leaders. Calculate you attacking ratio: your leaders divided by the average of both your land. 7875000/((45,000+50,000)/2) gives you an attacking ratio of 165. You need a ratio of 315, which means the average of your lands has to equal 25,000. If you are wondering, that means you have to be dead to succeed. So, not possible with the resources you currently have. This is why leader suicides become necessary. When you suicide, he loses 5% leaders per attack. His remaining leaders can be calculated using the formula y=a0.95^x, where y=his remaining leaders, a=the amount of leaders he had to start, and x=the number of times you suicide. If you decided to suicide all 21 times, Our hypothetical friend would have leaders looking like this: y=8,750,000(0.95)^21, or 2,979,914 leaders remaining. This number won't be exact since there is another variable involved, but over enough suicides it gets pretty close. You can skip most of this math and simply suicide 21 times, which always kills 66% of leaders.

So, new situation: your enemy's defending ratio is now 59.5. (in fact, if you run the math you will find that 21 suicides from 175 defending ratio will ALWAYS leave the target with a defense ratio of 59.5). To open attack op on this, you need a measly attacking ratio of 108. Back to the original equation, and your attacking ratio is 165. Instant win. Now, as long as you don't take land from him, you can do whatever you want to him without fear of maxxing him. This is overkill though. with 165 ratio, you can open attack op on 90 defending ratio, which means you don't need to suicide 21 times. To go the other way gets into logarithms which i won't get into here. With numbers that small, just use the formula y=a0.95^x until you get the desired amount of leaders, and suicide x times.

In many situations, hoever, you won't be able to get nearly as much land as your enemy. Or, maybe your enemy has been broken, and you absolutely have to take him down, for any reason. A good example of this would be the constant fun of taking down Dash on turbo. Generally, he will have close to double your land, and you can't take any of it if you want to succeed in open attack op. If this happens and you still can't achieve a break after 21 suicides, you will have to get a friendly to attack you down until your ratio is high enough to open attack op several times in a row, then get back to leader suicides once you've lost too many leaders to succeed in opening more. Calculate carefully how many leaders you expect to have, and base the number of suicides you need to do on that assumption. I'm not going to go into detail about this phase, since these are basically instructions on taking down League and I've said more than enough. Here are all the formulas you need to successfully leader people:

defending ratio: defenders leaders/defenders land
attack ratio: your leaders/((your land+enemy's land)/2)
leaders suiciding: leaders remaining=leaders at start(0.95)^number of suicides

remember order of operations :-)

If I have forgotten anything or been unclear anywhere, please let me know. It's pretty late and my mind is elsewhere.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


wow i can't believe you stop to write that all down.....the term walking math(s) book comes to mind
founder of eire

first emp on the new server


lol ill take that as a compliment>?
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Alazar is Back

Quote from: Shadow on November 13, 2007, 05:40:59 AM
lol ill take that as a compliment>?

I think he is calling you a nerd..... :-P
Turbo Highest Rank:Co-Emperor with Wolf Snare, Emperor

One of the most underrated players at RWL..


haha he plays this game too..

Being a nerd isn't as bad as it sounds. I've been part of nerc crowds and I've been part of the "cool" druggy crowd and I've been part of the jock crowd. Overall, i prefer people who can carry on an intelligent conversation.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

pippin the mighty

Im still with the "cool" druggy crowd =( although no drugs yet, just sweets and hopefully no drugs to come and the ocassonal glue sniff for , lets say weak minded


Let's stay on topic here please. I made this thread for a reason and I don't want it locked due to your spamming.

I was hoping for more helpful feedback. Did anyone who actually read through the whole thing have any comments? In case you are wondering, this is basically step by step instructions on how to do unpleasant things to League.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

pippin the mighty


An obvious note, but having a player with very few leaders suicide the one with alot of leaders is really the way to go. That way the super leader players can attack the now-weakened person. I can't write it any more explicitly than that.

"We will win the war...it is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant


It's very informative and well written, Shadow. Let's hope they don't put two and two together for another couple of weeks :wink:


Thank you. If they don't, I will eventually put together specific instructions on taking me out personally on reg  :-)
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Rough Raiders

Nice shadow, very informative... I dont really have the time to figure out all that math stuff... but good job! now we just need to get the people together to get this moving...
Official Forum Acorn Thrower
Holbs is the Master Slicer of MY Acorns with Twin Katana Swords
Leader of the TMNT Alliance

Wolf Snare

Overall, a very straightforward and reasonable walkthrough. Props to you for taking the time to write it out.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)

pippin the mighty

all the writing is coming up big on my screen =( can you help me please

wolf bite

Really well thought out, But I don't know how many people can follow that.

For those that are not good at math taking out a leader fighter. 2 people work together. The first one is in a leader set up, he buy an army and breaks some of the other enemies as he builds lots of huts.  Then his friend attacks him down to his best leader ratio of 175 per hut.  The friend then starts massively leader attacking the target. this friend does not need to be in a leader strat, just have some leaders. He keeps attacking. When he has killed off enough of his own leaders that he can't even attack, he drops some huts to fix his ratio. then keeps attacking. After about 20 or 30 times of attacking the target, the targets leaders will be low. Then the first person (who has lots of land with a great ratio, goes in and murders the guy.  If you are lucky enough to have a 3rd person that is also claned, that person can go in and take the land.

Wolf Bite
Edit: Pippin, get a bigger screen!
Of maybe check your setting on you web browser.
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles