Tutorial !!!!!

Started by wolf bite, October 29, 2007, 05:50:33 PM

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wolf bite

Here is a tutorial we have been working on. It is not complete yet, but for those that need to get a start in the game it does work. 
Special thanks to Taekwondokid42 for his hard work.


Welcome to Redwall Warlords. This is a game where you take over the land of other players and use it the best you can to control your own horde to someday become the Empire of all.

You are welcome to come to our forum and chat, read topics about playing and strategies, and even post questions in the Help or Strategies forums.

There are many ways to play this game.  We have teachers that advertise their free help from the ?sign in? page under the link Mentors.  You can also follow this strategy below that will get your account up and going until you find your own way of playing.

NEVER be afraid to ask someone questions about what something does, most everyone here is willing to answer as truthfully as possible, and are happy to help.


You are a warlord! Every so often, you will get turns. Depending on the speed of the game you have signed in for the turns will come at different speeds.  Everyone gets the same amount of turns.  You use the turns to manage your army. If you need more turns, just check in later and there will be more.

If you have not already picked a ?race? then Rat would be suggested, if you are something else, it will also work.

Starting to build strength:

When first starting, there are 2 things you should be doing with your turns. They are scout and construct.  (The fighting will be later when you are stonger.)

Scout: You use this button to get land. As you scout for turns, and you will gain land each turn.

Construct: You use this button to build on your land. When you click the button, you will see several buildings you can build. Each building will take 1 acre of land. The main buildings you will be concerned about now are:

Markets: These will make you money. You need money to pay your army, workers, and leaders. You can also do other things with money.

Foragers: These will give you food. You need to feed your army, workers and leaders.

You may notice that I left out some buildings. We will go over these later.

Use your turns like this:
Scout 25 turns
Construct 150 markets
Construct 200 markets
Construct 500 markets
Scout 25 turns
Construct 700 foragers
Around this time you may need to wait for more turns.

Manage Army

Now is the time to decide what kind of army you want.  There are 4 types.  Some people hire all 4 types to try to defend their land (in which case, you do not need to change the army settings).  It is suggested that you hire 1 or 2 types and concentrate more on attack power than defending.  The types of armies are:

Rats = lots come, but they also eat a lot of your food
Weasels = not strong and not recommended
Stoats = few come, but good fighters
Skiffs = very few come, but you can catch your enemy off guard with their might

At the bottom left-hand side of the page, there is a button that says "Manage Army." Click on it to manage your army.

Somewhere near the top of the page, you should see "tax rate." Raising your tax rate will bring you more money, but it could hurt you in other ways like your health.  11% is the highest you can have your tax rate while still remaining at 100% health.  Keep this at 11%.

Under it there will be a box that says "Training Settings." These numbers decide how much of each army you are getting. You can change these numbers to decide how much of each troop you want. For example, if you decided to have all Stoats, then change that to 100% and the others to 0%.  If you decided to have half Rats and half Skiffs, change them to 50% each and 0% for the others.

The rest of the settings are for more advanced players. Never touch the ?revolt? unless you really know what you are doing!

I would again like to say here that you should never be afraid to ask someone (preferable in the top 5) what something does or how something works.
Building an army:

Your army consists of soldiers and leaders. The Leaders are magic users.  The soldiers fight hand to hand combat.  You will need to scout for more land as your Markets and Foragers are making you cash and food to gain the funds to go back to the Construct page to build the following types of buildings:

Barracks: This will give you army. You can use army for defending your land or taking land from other people.

Huts: Leaders move into these buildings and their power is based on what percent full the hut is with Leaders.

When you again have at least 100 turns use your turns like this:
Scout 25 times
Construct at the same time, 1,000 Barracks and 200 Huts
Scout 25 times
Construct all your unused land into Barracks


Around this time you will be ready to make attacks.  It is recommended that you wait until you have 450 turns saved up to make a big jump into the game.  Remember, it is not how much land you have but how well you use it when you have in under your control.  The more turns you have, the more turns you can take after getting the new land built.

You will see in the top left corner that you are a few turns still in ?Protection.?  This means that people have not yet been able to attack you.  You will use those few turns up ?Scouting? until you are out of protection.

You may have visited the "scores" page. This is a list of what people are playing, how much networth they have, how much land they have, etc.

Here is where we learn how to take land from other people. This will give you much more land than scouting will. Pick someone less than 3 times your net worth that has a lot of land.  If the player has a star next to their name, then they are on line right now and will be upset if you attack them as they are using turns.  The player ?LL Scouting? is not a real player and normally has no defenses and is a good target to start with.  Next to every rank, there will be a question mark. Click on it, and you will see their info page. When you see a person?s info page, you will see some recent events. Depending on what strikes they do, you can generally get a good idea of what types off attack they lose the most and some people leave messages what is their weakest army.  There will also be a button that says "attack." Click on that.

It will bring you to the Warlord's Hut page. There will be a drop down bar that says "Attack Type." Click on it and you will see a list of all the attacks you can make.

There are 7 types of attacks.

Standard Attack: Not normally recommended. This will send all your army types against your opponents.
Surprise Attack: Not recommended. This is more advanced and used against clan members to separate them from their clan?s protection.
Enslave: Not recommended.  This steals workers and only for certain strategies.

Recommended is that you attack based on what types of armies you decided to hire and what types your enemy is weakest.
Guerrilla Strike: just rats
Bombardment: just weasels
Frontal Assault: just stoats
Navel Assault: just skiffs

Remember to also click the ?Send everything? box, then click ?send attack.? A message will pop up to tell you how well you did.
Using your stolen land:

Use ALL YOUR LAND.  It is the use of the land that makes you stronger!!!

After you have made a few winning attacks, it is time to build.  This not only starts using more land, but also gets your health back up to 100%.  You will not die with low health, but it does make your armies weaker and die off faster.

Not only will you need to adjust to have more foragers, markets, barracks and huts but there are other types of buildings you may want to make:

Tents = Few or none are recommended. These make more workers come to live on your land.
Camps = These will reduce your costs to keep your army. Only recommended when you are much bigger with an oversized army.
Towers = These add defense to your armies.  Depending on your personal strategy you can decide on these. If you plan on being a defensive player, build them. If you plan on using the land to better make attacks, don?t build them.

USE ALL YOUR LAND and try to end your turns at 100% Health.

Keep out of trouble:

As you spend turns, you will notice that you gain or lose money and food each turn. If you run out of food or money, your troops will begin to desert. You will need to watch out for this!!

If you see that you are running out of food or money, you will have 3 options:

1. Build more markets or foragers.
2. Sell some of your army. This is not a bad thing, because you will get it back eventually. You can sell your army by going to the "Mercenaries" button and clicking on "sell goods". From there just type in the number of items you want to sell.
3. You can also take out a lone from "Cluny's Hut." This is generally not reccomended, but you can use it as a last resort.

There are also other ways you can spend your turns that in increase your cash and food. You can ?Loot? and ?Forage.?

Loot: This will give you a lot more money, if you have markets.
Forage: This will give you a lot more food, if you have foragers.


Advanced Attacking

When you go to attack, you may notice some drop down bars, each of which says "Attack."

Attack - Regular Attack
Drive - You will get more land, but you will lose more troops. This is generally reccommended.
Chaos - You will have a better chance of winning, and you will lose less troops, but you will get less land.
Sack - You will get much less land, but you will get food and money. This usually makes people mad and is not reccommended.
Capture - You will get less land, you will have more losses, and you will take some leaders for your army.
Flank - 1 in 5 chance of a 20% bonus to attack, 4 in 5 chance of more losses. This is generally less reccommended.

You might also notice a ton of spots with a ton of numbers. Not many players use them, and I would suggest you ignore them.

Leaders are a bit tricky, so I wouldn't use them until you have been playing for a week or so.

The first thing you need is a strong leaders/huts ratio. This can be achieved by building a ton of huts, spending 50-100 turns, and then demolishing half of your huts. When you do this, you will be ready to use your leaders!

There are 2 ways you can use your leaders.
1. You can use them to benifit yourself
2. You can use them to harm someone else.

All missions require loyalty. You can gain more loyalty by building more huts or by "Earning Loyalty." Earning Loyalty is the last way to spend your turns.

Lets start by usuing them to benifit yourself. Click on the button labled "Generals Hut." Click on the dropdown bar. There will be a long list of missions you can do. Here is a description of what each do.

Raise Defences: It will make you less susceptable to leader attacks.
Feast: It will give you food.
Loot: It will give you money.
Move North: It will move your army north.
Move South: It will move your army south.
Prepare Raiders: If there is an army in a different location than you, you will need to prepare raiders before you can attack them.
Recall Raiders: If you have prepared your raiders and you are done attacking, you should recall your raiders.
Heal: It will increase your health, unless you are already at 100%.

Each race also has a special spell. To find out what that is, go here:

Note: The strength of many leader missions depends on how many leaders you have. If you want to make the missions stronger, build more huts and spend more turns.

Now lets take a look at offensive leader actions. Go to attack someone like you would normally. At the bottom you will see a place to use missions. Click on the dropdown bar and look at the missions.

Espoinage: This will allow you to look at your enemies stats.
Murder: This will destroy a portion of your enemies armies.
Poison: This will destroy a portion of your enemies food and money.
Incite Uprising: This will destroy a portion of your enemies loyalty
Sabatoge: This will destory a portion of your enemies buildings.
Attack: This will take a portion of your enemies land.
Steal: This will take a portion of your enemies money and give it to you.
Make Attack Opportunity: This will allow you to attack your enemy more.

Note: These missions are only successful if you have more leaders than your opponent. Some missions require more leaders than others, and so you may be able to successfully espoinage an opponent, but not steal from them.

Cities are buildings that take up 1000 land, but they have 1500 tents on them, and they also have 500 camps on them. In order to build them, you need a good amount of money. It will also cost a percentage of many other things you own.

Cities are good to build because it makes you very hard to kill. You cannot be killed so long as you have a city.

Taking a city: When you were looking at offencive leader missions, you may have noticed that there was an option that I did not list: "Take."

What Take does is it attempts to take a city. In order to succesfully take a city you need a larger army than your enemy, and you also need many more leaders than your enemy.
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


To see that in a little more friendly format, go here:  http://landingzone.x10hosting.com/rwlg/redwallguide.php

If you see any typo, or you notice that something is missing, or you see that something isn't working, tell me, and I will be glad to fix it. Also inform me if you think I have something in there that shouldn't be.

wolf bite

Yes, this site does have an easy to read version.

TK-Kid. The Staff really likes your site and your work. Talks are going on about incorporating it into the game by link for those under protection.  Things are just not that fast.  Lots of thinking and looking takes place before we do something so we will hopefully not need to redo it.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles