Net Income Questions

Started by Earendil, March 03, 2003, 09:45:21 AM

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 I'm handling it quite well so far, but it's still magic to me.
what ALL effects you net income, and how can you calculate what will, and how much, something will effect it?

Markets - a good thing, but how good?

Tents - increases population, but how much? how many more "workers" can a tent hold compared to unused land. how many total workers do you have? and how much money does a "worker" give you?

Camps - again, no specifics on this either, only that it reduces military cost.

Barracks - no reducing income...but do barracks have a financial obligation once built? do they increase expenses?

Huts - what about huts?

Foragers - and foragers?

Guard Towers - these guys I know increase expenses a LOT, I have quite a few of them, it killed my income for a long time until I could recoup with tents and camps. any ideas on HOW much they actually effect expenses?

what about other unaccounted for increase and decrease in net income?
I watched my income over 40 or so ticks. and it would climb....I thought this was due to getting more workers...but for quite a few turns my net income actually dropped, even though I was still gaining workers. any ideas?
(note that I just punched in 40 turns to loot, I wasn't able to change anything during those 40 turns in order to make it fluctuate up and down).

now to see what can be said :)
Thanks in advance!!

Abby The Rat

 Althrough this topic should of been in the help topic, but let go.

This how it works, to the best of my knowlege.

First the amount of build land is equal to 100 networth
The amount of unbuild land is equal to 500 networth (So when you build on land you get less networth)
Then your troops affects your networth, much, I'm not sure. I'm sure that others will tell you.
Finally your food will do so, how much. Again, I'm not sure but others will tell you know.

Did I miss anything out peeps?
Not around, please ignore.

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 Although this topic should of been in the help topic, but let go.

well, I wanted it to be discussed. it's not like I need the help, or it's a newb question... I doubt anyone except the creators really has the exact answer. but we could all do some testing and find this out perhaps.

Did I miss anything out peeps?

yeah, you did miss something, my point :D
I was talking about NET INCOME, not NET WORTH. I'm talking about how much money a person makes per turn. which has to do with total profit minus total expenses.

and what I wanted to know was what all effects those two figures (profit and expenses).

for example, how many markets do I need to build in order to offset the cost of building 50 guard towers? that's the kinda question that needs answers with NUMBERS, not what the Game Guild gives us, which is "markets give you money". hardly helpful past the basic...

Thanks for your post though :)



 The only person who would know? Beatles. If he doesn't know, NO ONE does.


 It's all /very/ complex formulas...

Income: ((25 * ((1+markets)/land) * Racial Bonuses) * Tax Rate * Health * Peasants) + (Markets * 500)) / Size Bonus

(The Size Bonus goes as follows, by networth:
1-100,000: 0.524
100,001 - 500,000: 0.887
500,000 - 1,000,000: 1.145
1,000,001 - 10,000,000: 1.294
10,000,001 - 100,000,000: 1.454
100,000,001+: 1.674)

Expenses: (Rats + (Weasels * 2.5) + (Stoats * 4) + (Skiffs * 7) + (Land * 8) + (Leaders * .5)

Expenses are decreased by the Expense Bonus, which is calculated as: Original Expenses * (Race Costs Bonus - (Camps / Land)
If the Expense Bonus is greater than half of the Original Expenses, it is set to half the Original Expenses.

Also decreased from your net income each turn is your loan payment, which is calculated as: Current Loan / 200

And, when you are attacking someone, a further "War Tax" is added, which is calculated as: Your Networth / 1000 (Though I doubt this actually works, looking at the code right now.)

Barracks do cost you money - they produce more and more troops each turn, which you have to pay for.
The 'ittle otter,

Abby The Rat


I can't believe I've miss read the post.


Not around, please ignore.

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