Ya know what i hate?

Started by guardians of night, March 02, 2003, 08:19:35 PM

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 Hey Ad I am with you I agree if we are going to talk on here then why not be friends except for that pathetic excus of a warlord who attacked Windhound           That makes me  :angry:  
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


Quote from: guardians of nightI hate all these people who think there really cool cuz there in the top ten. I mean who cares if your in the top ten? it doesnt really make you any differnet from any1 else! your names not being broadcasted over live TV in 1000 countries? now is it? i didnt think so. So every1 can just shut up bout being the top 10! :angry:
I take it you don't ant my clan to be the top 10 anymore...oh well I'm switching anyway.  (sorry ad- winter)


 Geez, if you were emperor u'd e saying since we WEREN'T in first we were idiots..... :angry:  
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


 I really shouldn't reply to your idiotic spam, but I'm excited today because I'm FINALLY in the "scraping the top ten" zone. Rank 21, whoohoo.....


Quote from: guardians of nightI hate all these people who think there really cool cuz there in the top ten. I mean who cares if your in the top ten? it doesnt really make you any differnet from any1 else! your names not being broadcasted over live TV in 1000 countries? now is it? i didnt think so. So every1 can just shut up bout being the top 10! :angry:
To quote Stormclaw, lets refute these 1 by 1 shall we?

I hate all these people who think there really cool cuz there in the top ten. I mean who cares if your in the top ten?

Perhaps the only legitimate, if stupid, question...the answer is lots.

it doesnt really make you any differnet from any1 else!

Explain your reasoning please, it means u are different cuz ur better then most ppl below u.

your names not being broadcasted over live TV in 1000 countries? now is it?

This is even more stupid.
1.No, but neither is yours.
2. Maybe on Planet n00b where u come from there is 1000 countries, here on Earth we have 286.

i didnt think so.

I'm thinking you didnt think at all.

So every1 can just shut up bout being the top 10!

We can, but we're not going to......

Thats why ur wrong. Please make a response, I want  to be amused.
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


Quoteyour names not being broadcasted over live TV in 1000 countries?

Acually (think I spelled that wrong.  Oh well, I can't spell), it is being broadcasted across all countries that have the internet.  *shrugs*
"Death death death death death death la la la la death" -- The Woad to Wuin


 Haha, nice one John *slaps him on the back*. I wish I could "claim" this n00b.


Quote from: guardians of nighti didnt think so. So every1 can just shut up bout being the top 10! :angry:
You know what I hate?

Posts that have no spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or actual thought processes prior to posting. Rather than being merely loquacious, let us attempt some pulchritude in our postings, shall we? Elsewise, I may be forced to indulge the culprits in a few riperian entertainments later on.

To prove my point:

QuoteI hate all these people who think there really cool cuz there in the top ten.
there=place; they're=contraction form of 'they are'
cuz=not a word; because=word
there- see above
content commentary: Yeah, so you're jealous of the skill they have... and the reason why we care is...?

QuoteI mean who cares if your in the top ten?
'I mean' should be followed by a comma.
your=posessive; you're=contraction form of 'you are'
content commentary: Well, anyone who's around the top ten, or even really the top 25, cares. If you don't care about your ranking in this game, what, praytell, is the point of playing?

Quoteit doesnt really make you any differnet from any1 else!
'it' should be capitalized, as this word is the beginning of a sentence. My AP English V teacher would also add that one should never begin a clarifying statement with an indefinate article, but as this is informal writing, I'll forego that particular criticism.
'differnet' is probably some odd ISP or something- 'different' is the spelling you were looking for.
'any1': since when have arabic numerals become part of the english language? Last time I looked, 'anyone' was spelt entirely in actual letters. Someone didn't watch their Sesame Street- "1" was never the letter of the day.
content commentary: Yes, dear, it DOES make you "differnet" from everyone else, and different as well. It proves that you have skill, experience, or, if nothing else, a load of luck. Notice, for example, that it's generally the same people hovering in the top spots. Top ten is a position of honor and esteem. I hold a great deal of respect for those who hold those positions- they are indeed the finest players RWL has to offer.

Quoteyour names not being broadcasted over live TV in 1000 countries? now is it?
'your' should be capitalized.
'names' is plural- name's is posessive.
syntactical/punctuation error: This sentence should read "Your name's not being broadcasted over live TV in 1,000 countries, now, is it?"
content commentary: Does it occur to you that there are not currently in this world 1,000 countries with live television capabilities? Also, large things happen that don't get broadcasted anyway. Winning the French presidential elections is a very large achievement, correct? Yet, American television barely covers such an event. Television is a shallow way of evaluating the world.

I won't even do the rest... *chuckle* I'll make you all mad, and it's a waste of time.

*grin* Cal's back, everyone!

Abby The Rat


She back everyone

Anything wrong with my grammer and spelling in this post?

~Seems to like cal long post on grammer...~
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: [https://discord.gg/9CkfKWD]

guardians of night

 y do you need to use spelling and grammer? i mean, really, who really looks at all that stuff. besides teachers. :ph34r:  

http://members.lycos.co.uk/rerisen is my new WWII game! Join today!

My tries at making games has finally succeded!
Nevermind, Lycos screwed up my game!


Well, I have yet to see a single-letter word in the English language besides "a" which has any true meaning whatsoever, but, reading your post phoenetically and aloud, I'll attempt a coherent answer...

*pulls out chalkboard and erasers*

What is the purpose of language, praytell?
Why, my little minions, the purpose of language is none other than to portray information. Originally, language was only oral, meaning that it was spoken and heard rather than being written and read. However, written language was established for most civilizations centuries ago. English itself, the language used on this Redwall: Warlords forum, has gone through several phases. We know these today by terms such as "Old English," "Shakespearian English," and the like. Today, however, there is a standard English by which the English-speaking nations of the world abide. This is the language which is taught to students in schools and otherwise propigated by, yes, teachers, among others.

Punctuation and capitalization have two purposes. First, they provide visually a means of discerning the meaning of a particular statement or set of statements. Secondly, when a written statement is being read aloud, they give the reader cues as to when to pause, take a breath, or raise or lower voice tone or pitch. Therefore, using said punctuation and capitalization clarifies meaning and intent in a statement, and allows the reader to partake of your ideas in comfort and without stress. It could be said, then, that to use less-than-proper spelling, capitalization, and punctuation is to be quite the rude little bugger.

Let's recap, shall we?

Why DO you need to use spelling and gammar?
- A statement may only be properly read if it is properly written.
- Calria won't go away. I shall be here, critiquing at will, and tormenting you.
- Ad is prone to random bouts of dancing.
- Those who neglect some semblance of properness in their writing are invariably also those who are considered by their peers to be of lower intellect or culture.
- I assume from your posts that you are young-ish. I can also safely assume that English is not your forte. Therefore, might I suggest that use of proper English could vastly improve your grades?
- Those who use horrid spelling etc. are considered newbs on the boards far more frequently.
- The most important reason: because I said so.

*beams and twirls*
*dances with Ad*

Abby The Rat

Quote from: guardians of nighty do you need to use spelling and grammer? i mean, really, who really looks at all that stuff. besides teachers. :ph34r:
All most everyone who can read.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: [https://discord.gg/9CkfKWD]


 Can't we all just get along!? :wub: I'm getting some ice cream.
something funny goes here

Abby The Rat

 I agree with MantisMan,

~Gets some Chocolate~
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: [https://discord.gg/9CkfKWD]


 Although I find myself in agreement with most of your points, Calria, I must point something out. The word 'I'. One letter, English language... and it has a lot of meaning indeed, methinks.
A Departed Hero...

The First Emperor, Stormclaw, called by history The Noble, Longest-Ruling of the Eight.