Make distribution results public?

Started by The Lady Shael, September 01, 2007, 08:33:15 PM

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Should I post the distribution results on the day of distribution?

8 (61.5%)
5 (38.5%)

Total Members Voted: 11


<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


founder of eire

first emp on the new server

The Lady Shael

Discussed with wolf, and decided that we won't post the storehouse results until the reset, along with the immortalization.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

wolf bite

Yup. would be unfair. Almost like doing a spy on everyone because everyone on the other teams would know the stats of everyone.

I will say that there has been more mail and chatting in this game than I have seen in a long time. Good job guys and gals.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

wolf bite

[Admin related double post]

I would assume that when the split happens that we will NOT give a split to members on vacation or in protection because they may not be coming back?

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


founder of eire

first emp on the new server



Yes, I think that players who login once every like 9 days and havent ever attacked or been attacked shouldnt get a part of the house..

wow yay, first post here... im submitting to peer pressure but oh well :)
Citizen of the United States of America; Patriot; Conservative; Republican; Student; Has a date to homecoming YAY; Redwall Warlords PLAYer!!

~In game this round= "Peace through Strength": (reference to Ronald Reagan)

The Lady Shael

Welcome to the forums. =) This is where all the real fun is, the game is just some entertainment on the side. xD And who might you be, in-game?
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

wolf bite

ah yes, I know you have been lurking around for a few months now I think. Good to have you on the forums. Welcome.

Years ago there was a slickslayer account on the games. then one of our louder members at the time said it was a racial slur and had a big fight.  I was on the side that it was just a name and had a clear warlord meaning and a person can not be responsible for other multiple meanings. Our loud member claimed that the word "Slick" is also meaning people from Italy.  Internet search showed little reference to it.  I think if we take almost any word and test the sounds in all the languages that we would eventually find a bad meaning. The people of our forum decided the name was fine to use.  I guess I am rambling on to ask if you are also the same person from years ago?

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


I would be one of the ones who tried to make him come here.

Yes, that would be the same guy as before.

I was in his clan, and I believe that back then my name was either the exterminator, or Darkenedmind0 (I had no idea that meant you were a gay emo, I was so young and protected)

rofl. The guy looking over my shoulder is repeating everything I type with an interesting accent (I'm at school)

Edit: Just so you know, the word "gay" has been ruled to be only used in mature conversations about homosexuality.  (leaves post unchanged with polite elbow about forum rules).   Wolf Bite


lol slick you finally registered on the forums.  lol Taek you made slickslayer play w/e both of you made me play.


Actually, I don't know who found the game originally. Back then the entire class joined up. It was just the cool thing to do. Most everybody got bored with it though, not understanding how the game works, and so they left (this includes me too, I just recently came back)


Quote from: wolf bite on September 06, 2007, 12:46:06 AM
ah yes, I know you have been lurking around for a few months now I think. Good to have you on the forums. Welcome.

Years ago there was a slickslayer account on the games. then one of our louder members at the time said it was a racial slur and had a big fight.? I was on the side that it was just a name and had a clear warlord meaning and a person can not be responsible for other multiple meanings. Our loud member claimed that the word "Slick" is also meaning people from Italy.? Internet search showed little reference to it.? I think if we take almost any word and test the sounds in all the languages that we would eventually find a bad meaning. The people of our forum decided the name was fine to use.? I guess I am rambling on to ask if you are also the same person from years ago?

Wolf Bite

Haha, Wolf Bite, that was me years ago... i played before that even with random names, but then i really started using Slickslayer on other online games (that cost money) and haha yeah i remember the guy thought it was some racial slur lol... I love italians, in fact, i am catholic like many italians lol. Also, the way i use "slick" in this way is as a word for "smooth" seeing as most video games? i play involve killing it seemed appropriate and the name has stuck with me for a long time.

haha yes, i know both Idunno and Taekwondokid in RL Real Life and i think it was our friend Tyler who found it originally because we all loved the book series soo much lol. It was like all we would ever read, our teachers hated that lol...

And being a former Forum Administrator myself I love how you run this place especially you Wolf Bite lol... just editing people's posts at random... hehe (polite elbow in the side... haha)

and yes i used to lead a clan for online games called the Slickslayers and naturally i was Slickslayersking, but now i just drop that and go with Slickslayer

PS. I also love how the admins here (Wolf Bite) are so afraid of offending someone that they warn a regular poster about misusing the politically incorrect term: "gay"  we are young and immature lol, we get to misuse that word
Citizen of the United States of America; Patriot; Conservative; Republican; Student; Has a date to homecoming YAY; Redwall Warlords PLAYer!!

~In game this round= "Peace through Strength": (reference to Ronald Reagan)

wolf bite

Thanks, I think. Hehe.

We are going a off topic, but it would be appropriate to discus here.  There are reasons for things.  Some Redwall history?.. Many years ago when we had hundreds of regular posters we had a lot of hateful people.  People that just wanted to release their anger of their own life and bully other people.  There were a ton of personal attacks against anyone and everyone.  Many of our members were preteen and chased away.  We have 3 members that felt free enough with us to discuss they have ?alternative? life styles. This made them targets.  It seems very wrong to attack someone for feeling comfortable enough to open up about their lives.  Your Admins were working full time to warn and ban people. 

Those days are over.  We find that a friendly pointing into a more polite direction keeps our members respectable to each other.  If people want to have more in-depth discussions, we have the ultra moderated forum.  There people are free to discus every opposing viewpoints.  For example, people can discuss the religious viewpoint on the homosexual issue, but not a person?s right or intelligence to have a viewpoint.

Just like when I defended your right to use the name you have picked. By the way, good to have you back and posting.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles