Filling up your huts

Started by Shadow, August 19, 2007, 09:20:45 AM

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what is the equation for how many leaders you get per turn? from the diminishing returns id guess you gain a percentage of the remaining leaders per turn, but what percent?

if it works like this then theoretically it would take just as many turns to fill up no matter how many huts you have as long as your starting ratio is the same in both cases. is this right?
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

White Fang

I can't say with 100% assurance, but I've been running almost nothing but leaders since I first signed up, and I'd have to say that that is probably correct.


Thank you. Can anyone give me definite numbers?
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

The Lady Shael

if number of leaders is less than huts * 25, then leaders per turn = 45% of huts
if leaders is less than huts * 50, then leaders per turn = 30% of huts
leaders < huts * 90, then lpt = 15% of huts
leaders < huts * 100, then lpt = 10% of huts
leaders < huts * 175, then lpt = -5% of leaders
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


dam, i was hoping for 1 equation. this will confuse things? :-P

Thanks Shael

So, according to my (rough) calculations, it would take about 300 turns to get from 30 to 90 ratio. Can someone verify this?
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


no problem. If you start at a ratio of 30,

60 turns will give you a ratio of 48
65 turns will give you a ratio of 50.1
330 turns will give you a ratio of 89.6
332 turns will give you a ratio of 89.9
333 turns will give you a ratio of 90.5

Therefore, if you start at a ratio of 30, you go above 90 at exactly 333 turns.


i was close! my complicated mental math actually worked! lol

on the downside, i dont like the look of those numbers at all

how did you arrive at those numbers? If you used a formula that can spit out turns/ratios please post it
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

White Fang

What are you doing that you'd have to regularly go from 30 leaders/huts to 90?


not telling :roll: - not for at least 1 more round anyways
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


umm, actually, it was pretty easy head math. Just look at the percentage, and you know that 10 turns will fill up your huts by 10% of the percentage.

example: 30 ratio. spend 10 turns. Since you are getting 30%, and 10% of 30, you get 3.

therefore, after 10 turns, you have 33.

you can also do this from 32. 10 turns, then: 35.

Also, if you are planning on using spells from the generals hut thing, you only need leaders/hut.

therefore, you can build 1000 huts, spend 25 turns, and demolish 900 huts.

You will then have the ratio to cast any spell.

The thing is, some spells power is based of the number of leaders, not just the ratio.

Academy, Pressgang, Raise Defences, Prepare Raiders, Battlefield healers, ect. are unneffected by the number of leaders. Just the ratio.


we think very differently. your solution is simpler. i tend to look for a complex solution first
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


actually, I look for the complex ones too.

It's idunno who thought of the simple one. :roll:

But hey, in this case, simple is good!


Quote from: taekwondokid42 on August 19, 2007, 08:55:26 PM
actually, I look for the complex ones too.

It's idunno who thought of the simple one. :roll:

But hey, in this case, simple is good!
Huh? I thought of what? When?


lol, remember when you told me that you only needed leaders/huts to do spells. And that was how you were able to raise defences with only one hut?

And then you said that if it got destroyed, you wouldn't care, because it would only take you 2 turns get that 1 hut back to full leaders?


Mmk.? Yeah I remember the one hut thing... you can also use it for preparing raiders and some of the races special abilities. =p