Stoats Overpowered?

Started by Badrang the Tyrant, July 05, 2007, 12:09:16 AM

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hm... must have been the location bonus then.. I WANT LOCATION BONUSES! lol
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Badrang the Tyrant

By default, most Promi codes have bonuses.  The first (Southsward) normally has a loyalty bonus and an indy negative.  The second (Mossflower) has no bonuses or negatives.  The third (Northlands) has a bonus to Indy.  And unless Shael took these out manually, they are still there.

The Lady Shael

The bonuses are changed through the database, and they can also be changed through the in-game admin panel. I really don't remember if the bonuses were changed or not before we switched over to the new server. I'll talk to Peace about it though and see if we can set the location bonuses back to promi default.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


awesome, thatll make things much easier :-)
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I thought it was Southsward, no bonus or negative; Mossflower +20% loyalty, -20% troop production; Northlands, -20% loyalty, +20% troop production...

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant


that argument was before the location bonuses came out
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Oh btw...I've got plenty of loyalty...If anyone would like some I'd be more than willing to sell some and I have a very good idea of what loyalty is worth so I will set a range price and from there any takers may barter...

I do intend on receiving cash first before I will ship out the loyalty ordered.

Btw, I'm talking regular server...message (#20)
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
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pippin the mighty

Im looking for loyalty as i dont wana waste turns on it, but i don't know much about buying it...


Ah I see. Well, going back to the topic, I do indeed think Stoats are overpowered in such a leader driven game. It seems to me that a 175-full hut loot makes the same as like 90-full hut gold mine (that was just my experiment as I switched from marten to stoat). Then, the stoats have a huge offensive bonus instead of -10% attack and no -10% defense. As well as the far more powerful leaders, which is extremely useful. Personally, I think stoat is better than marten. Of course that's the great thing about this game- when the 2 races are almost equal, it's just a matter of opinion.

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant


stoats are better than marten hands-down - they make roughly the same cash as marten at 2/3 the loyalty cost, as well as having far superior leader defense to protect that cash. they can also leader offensively without worrying about losses

i think academy should be removed from the game completely, or at least reduced to half power. or possibly maxxed out at 125 ratio
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Stoats are the perfect race for your regular leader player.
They have a 30% attack bonus. You want to be able to break everyone, but defending isn't important, so the 0% defense is no biggie. You want to take land, but you only need to keep it for that run.
Build is +50%, which saves you turns, and allows you to save more leaders if hit over 175.
You fill up your huts faster than any other race, and once you've done that, you can Academy to 175. It makes you near invincible to other leader players' attacks and it's easy to do in one run.

With your extra leaders, you earn more loyalty and make more food and cash than any other race, excluding Goldmine, but it's nearly as powerful.

It's absurd that Stoat was made so much better than everything else. Sure, there are other strats, but Stoat is the only viable option as a leader player.

Alazar is Back

Quote from: Orcrist on November 06, 2007, 05:17:57 PM
Ah I see. Well, going back to the topic, I do indeed think Stoats are overpowered in such a leader driven game. It seems to me that a 175-full hut loot makes the same as like 90-full hut gold mine (that was just my experiment as I switched from marten to stoat). Then, the stoats have a huge offensive bonus instead of -10% attack and no -10% defense. As well as the far more powerful leaders, which is extremely useful. Personally, I think stoat is better than marten. Of course that's the great thing about this game- when the 2 races are almost equal, it's just a matter of opinion.

Shadow is right, the best leadering race is stoat hands down!
Turbo Highest Rank:Co-Emperor with Wolf Snare, Emperor

One of the most underrated players at RWL..