Sword of Redwall

Started by Blood Wake, March 01, 2003, 02:11:34 PM

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Cap'n Smiley

 Cool.  Do you have MSN?  I'd like to get to know you better :)

General Austin

 ACK!!!!! What's the link? This one doesn't work!!
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

 Try this.
Sword of Redwall
I signed up there last night... It has 1 turn every 2 minutes and you get 400 turns to start with..


 Pretty good job. I like the goodbeast concept.


 Good fun, but Promisance isn't a goodbeast thing. goodbeasts don't fight against each other.
I will not deleted this


 Also, the Graveyard and Hall of Shame are nice attachments, along with the note book and stuff. Fix the rest of the bugs and try to increase the loading speed, than well you got yourself a great promisance. ;)  


 I'm rank 1....Sorry menatus.

Also - I might want to convey not to join right away.  An admin logged onto my account and used my turns to attack Kilk, many times.  Then left my "warband" in distress with half my offensive points destroyed.

I came back, today.  Killed the cheating admin (He gave himself 100k acres.)  
And also destroyed Wolf Bite for betraying our agreement.  :)

And John - brag anymore about your rank 1, or if you don't shorten your signature, I'll make an account on regular RWL and kill you.

;) jk


 Let's refute these one by one, shall we?

"I'm rank 1....Sorry menatus."
Not anymore, I think.

"Also - I might want to convey not to join right away. An admin logged onto my account and used my turns to attack Kilk, many times. Then left my "warband" in distress with half my offensive points destroyed."

"I came back, today. Killed the cheating admin (He gave himself 100k acres.)
And also destroyed Wolf Bite for betraying our agreement. "

You are a liar. Just plain a liar. First, none of the admins would do that, second, you can't attack admins.

"And John - brag anymore about your rank 1, or if you don't shorten your signature, I'll make an account on regular RWL and kill you."
The heck you will, pal. You're banned.

Not 'J/K'.
A Departed Hero...

The First Emperor, Stormclaw, called by history The Noble, Longest-Ruling of the Eight.


 What is this newe redwall site and is it like redwall warlords or something?
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 Yo what is  with this I created a horde / army  or woteva and it keeps sayin no such user every time I try to login I created 2 users because the first one didnt work either  :angry:  :angry:  
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 Iss all fixed. BTW, Stormclaw, did you join either Warbnads or Duel?


 *is registered in four promisances* Ahh! So...hard...to...manage! *dies*


 Heh. This 'un hasn't started yet - I mean Duels.

The Lady Shael

 That's good, actually, because then I might be able to finish my biology project without procrastinating...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


 Tell ya what, Shael - tell us when the biology proj. is done, and that's when we'll start the turns. Call that 'honorary catering'.