Let me get this straight...

Started by Resident Geek, April 03, 2007, 07:38:05 PM

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Resident Geek

I'm not sure I really understand how this works here.
If I understand correctly, the RWL download is actually just a download of Promisance that you would have to edit to make it like a Redwall Game. Or am I wrong and the RWL download is a pre-modified Promisance that you can put on your own site and use inside of a community.

One other question. I know php, html, and some xml, but I have no idea what a Cronjob is. I do know that my server supports custom Cronjobs but that does me no good as of now. Is there some primer out there to help me get underway with the Cronjob customization? The INSTALL file inside the download wasn't very helpful on this point...

Thanx in advance.  :-D

(P.S. Gotta luv SMF mr. webmaster!)

wolf bite

We have some people around here that know what you need, I am not one of them. Someone will pop up soon to help.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Resident Geek

Ok, I've searched here for a while but I haven't gotten this answered yet. You should probably put up a short section somewhere called "What is RWL and how does it work?"

Peace Alliance

I can clear up the first question. It is in fact a version of our Redwall themed game. based, of course, off the original promisance game.

Resident Geek

So I've downloaded it pre modified? Cool! Does this mean that I can put this on my own website and start a Redwall game community?

Peace Alliance

Ya, if you can figure it out.

Most people modify it a bit... since we already have a community goin on here, ahaha. But ya, thats definitely the idea

Resident Geek

Great! Thanx for the support!
Now all I need to know is how to do the Cronojobs...  :?


cron is easy enough
given you bought hosting either check your control panel to see if it mentions a cron tool or you'll have to send an email and ask them to set it up
for clarification purposes, cron is a system service that you give a command to and tell it to run the command every x amount of time. in this case its running turns.php [which hands out turns and refreshes the scores list, amoung other things] every 10 min

mysql can be a small pain though.  I need to see if the setup script works proper, 'cause when I tried it last it was near worthless.. 
'course, I was playing with mixxed files at the time (some new, some old) which didnt help matters

also, please please note that the current files availible for download are ancient.  atleast a year or two old.  loads of bugs lurking.
the staff decided to hold off on releasing the new version until most of the bugs were tracked down and new features added..  Shael is working on it now, but it could be months before its released

just be aware... 
another version of promi I highly reccomend is FAF http://frostnflame.org/ they've made it cronless and it has automatic mysql setup.  the files they have availible for download are also updated continously, so the latest bug patches and features are included

note, I think RWL is great..  but until the newest files are availible I'm unsure I'd recommend it to anyone not willing to go through it and check thoughly for bugs

And as a last note, Redwall is RWL's theme.  all troop names, building structures, etc are changable.  I'm thinking Retto left the downloadable version set to promi standard names, but I forget. 
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Resident Geek

Thanx windhound...
(Lubs the Avi!)
(C & H rox!)