Wanna have some fun?

Started by wolf bite, March 29, 2007, 12:48:15 PM

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wolf bite

Wanna have some fun?

Information is power.  But sometimes too much information only confuses people.  There is a way to unlock extra information when playing in the game.  This is nothing overly major, just some math calculations that some experts may use based on the information you already have.

The how to:

Go to you manage army page, there is a big space to add your Custom Fields.  Copy and past the below into that field and click Save Custom Fields.

i;Landfat Ratio;Networth/Land;commas
i;Land Scouted;Land+LandLost-LandGained;commas
i;%NW Land;(Land*500)/Networth*100;
e;%NW Land;(Land*500)/Networth*100;
e;%NW Leaders;(Wizards*2)/Networth*100;
e;%NW Peasants;(Peasants*3)/Networth*100;
e;%NW Rats;(Armtrp)/Networth*100;
e;%NW Weasels;(Lndtrp*2)/Networth*100;
e;%NW Stoats;(Flytrp*4)/Networth*100;
e;%NW Skiffs;(Seatrp*6)/Networth*100;
e;Food Consumption;(Peasants*0.01)+(Wizards*0.25)+((Armtrp*0.05)+(Lndtrp*0.03)+(Flytrp*0.02)+(Seatrp*0.01));commas
e;Offensive Points;(Armtrp*2)+(Lndtrp*2)+(Flytrp*5)+(Seatrp*6);commas
e;Defensive Points;(Armtrp)+(Lndtrp*6)+(Flytrp*3)+(Seatrp*8);commas

Now click your Main Menu and see how it has changed.  Then click on the ??? next to any player and see what that looks like.

To undo this change, all you have to do is go back to custom fields and erase the code and click Save Custom Fields.

Wolf Bite
Edit: had to take smiley option off for proper printing.
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


No, we don't like fun here. Discipline is law.


I had forgotten about the custom fields though. I used to use those a lot.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis


I do rember this feature... Particularlly the fact that it didn't cast the output correctly. Last time I used it (when BAX came out) Landfat would round from 1.5 to 2 as for some reason the game tried to cast the output as an intager. Of course not being a csc major at the time I didn't know why that was happening at the time. Havn't played recently, so I wouldn't know if it has been fixed.
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

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Alazar is Back

thanks wolf, ill have to try that out  :-)
Turbo Highest Rank:Co-Emperor with Wolf Snare, Emperor

One of the most underrated players at RWL..


Something's amiss... The OP and DP don't stack up with those listed in Army Status.
I will not deleted this



it's because wolf bite's fields dont take into account racial bonuses

for stoat, put The OP field in brackets and multiply by 1.3 and it should clear up
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