Tarsonis and Rats

Started by wolf bite, February 28, 2003, 01:26:10 AM

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 Actually, I think he /did/ reach a billion just before the old server went off.
And I bet by the end of Turbo's reset there'll be people with twice as much.
It happens on other Promisances. Just because someone's good at the game doesn't mean they're cheating.
I will not deleted this


 He's already disabled. Actually, he had over 2,000,000,000 when the old server got shut down, but he gave a billion of that to me.


 3 top 10ers disabled :o
Yay, now I'll use up some turns...
I will not deleted this


 I see you browsing, Shael...^_^

That is weird-looking.


 Actually, I topped 5 billion nw, but put most of it on market.


 However I was the one accused because I was the highest ranked
Try again

Again, you miss the point. I was sent a letter from the Admin demanding that the burden of proof was on me, and if I could not prove I was not cheating, then my player would be turned off. So I proved it, then asked for the same treatment to be given to those that have the same situation that broght attention to my clan.
That has nothing to do with time stamps.